Ecclesiastes 12:13, 1599 Geneva Bible

God looks at the intentions of our hearts

God’s Law intimates that the Creator is sort of like “A Quantum Mirror”. In other words, although the Mirror itself never changes, the image it will display will be different for everybody (as everyone will see a reflection of his own character).

In other words, if a warrior were to look into the mirror, he would see “a warrior God” (a “God of Host”, so to speak); if a Peace maker looks into it, he will see a “God of Peace”; If a loving Father looks into it, he’ll see a God who is “Our Father, who is in Heaven”; If a Merciful man looks into it, He will see a Merciful God; but if a Stern man looks into it, he will see a Stern God.

As it is written: “With the merciful, thou wilt shew thyself merciful; with an upright man, thou wilt shew thyself upright; with the pure, thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward, thou wilt shew thyself froward”- Psalm 18:25-26, King James Bible. And the former could easily explain the reason why, when talking to Moses, God describes Himself as follows: “I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob…”- Exodus 3:6, King James Bible. Why did God has to say “the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob”? Why couldn’t He just say, “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”? Again, because each patriarch perceived God in a different fashion, just as if they were serving three different Gods.

But the truth of the matter is that, although each of them viewed God differently [just as it happens with Islam, Judaism, and Christianity], they all served the same God; And, although different, each view was correct, as it was a faithful reflection of their individual personalities.

So God goes beyond our individual religions, and judges the intentions of our hearts. As is written: “For יהוה does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but יהוה looks at the heart”- 1 Samuel 16:7.

Thus, Divine truth is as diverse as mankind. And the latter is the reason why Hebrew Scripture provides various examples of different [yet valid] ways to answer God’s call to mankind. For example, he who righteously judge the cause of the weak and the needy, is thereby providing a correct answer to God’s call.

As it is written: “He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well with him: was not this to know me? saith the Lord”- Jeremiah 22:16. And the same happens with he who is meek and humble. As it has been said: “For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word”- Isaiah 66:2.

Likewise, the man who turns away from wickedness is thereby providing a proper answer to God’s call unto his soul. As it has been written: “Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore [in everlasting life]”- Psalm 37:27. And so too does he who considers the poor (“Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble”- Psalm 41:1).

In fact, he who loves the stranger, also provides a correct answer to God’s call to mankind (“He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment. Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt”- Deuteronomy 10:18-19).

Finally, he who honors his father also provides a valid answer to the question of obedience to the Almighty. As is it written: «Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; “Because ye have obeyed the commandment of Jonadab your father, and kept all his precepts, and done according unto all that he hath commanded you: Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not want a man to stand before me for ever”- Jeremiah 35:18-19.

In short, our grave mistake in understanding God, is the false idea that there’s just one way to the serve Him; and only one true [and valid] response to His call for righteousness.

Ethical Monotheism... God's own Religion!

Do not sell you soul for trinkets... Beware of Jewish sponsored atheism!

Whenever a Gentile embraces Atheism, along with it’s ideological brainchildren (Feminism and LGBT ideology), he thereby becomes a “de facto” Jew. Why? Because secular Jews are the unquestionable champions of the modern atheistic movement. Reason being that Jewish leadership clearly understand that no true religious person would ever approve of their shameless arrogance, as well as their open moral degeneracy. Thus, Jews tend to display extreme contempt for the practice of any morality-based religion. In fact, they tend to treat it as a collective enemy– a hot bed of anti-Semitism [as well as a malign ideological plague] that must be destroyed and eradicated at any cost. Therefore, when it comes to promoting all things standing against religion [Satanism included], Jews won’t hesitate to go the extra mile [mocking, defaming and undermining any sort of religious morality, virtue, or value]. Besides, as Jews control all mayor aspects of secular life (banking, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, Technology, politics, media, travel,  etc), they are the ones set to gain the most from the spiritual void created by the Gentile’s newly found atheism. A void they will gladly [and profitably] promise to fulfill with ever increasing degrees of pleasure and Hedonism (money, sex, power, beauty, fame, luxury properties, expensive goods, fancy clothes, etc.)

«In general terms, the philosophy of Ethical Monotheism can be summarized as follows: “Push away [with your left hand] any Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Samaritan [or even secular] tenet [or practice] that denies, contradicts, or undermines the proverbial ‘Law of Sowing and Reaping’– the ‘rock solid’, & self-evident notion that man is bound to ‘reap’ the same ‘fruit’ that he ‘plants’  (upon his fellow creatures); But bring closer to you [with your right hand] any Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Samaritan [or even secular] tenet [or practice] that recognizes, establishes, and/or encourages the Law of ‘Sowing and Reaping’ [also known as ‘Measure for measure’, ‘Cause and effect’, ‘Action and reaction’, ‘What goes around comes around’, etc]”»

The reason why Marxist-friendly Main Stream Media keeps shoving their “victimization culture” down our throats

In order to successfully establish their dark (godless) totalitarian regime, cultural Marxists need to turn you into an angry person. How angry? Angry enough to hope for a radical change! (in other words, for the current order to be finally overthrown). But how could Cultural Marxists ever make you become so angry as to willingly abandon your democratic institutions, embracing instead the darkness and misery of a [Marxist] Totalitarian regime? Quite easy!… They’ll use the immense power of their mainstream media, in order to make you feel the fearful, hopeless, and constant victim of the current institutions. Why hopelessness and fear? Because logic dictates that it will be a matter of time, before such fear and hopelessness lead you into embracing darkness and misery. You see, as once said by old master Yoda, “Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, & hatred leads to vengeance [the latter being a hot bed of lasting darkness and suffering]”.

Bear in mind the wise old proverb that goes on to say, “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can also make you commit atrocities!”. Therefore, if Cultural Marxists can make you believe that you are the fearful, hopeless, and betrayed victim of the existing order (which is Democratic, Christian, Heterosexual, patriarchal, and Capitalist), it won’t be long until they can make you try to “victimize” the existing order (betraying it by willingly embracing the exact opposites– Marxism, atheism, Homosexuality, matriarchy, and socialism).

And the latter is the reason why mass media so vigorously promotes [and even glorifies] the culture of victimization; “the pity party” where everyone ought to feel victimized by all aspects of the current [and allegedly oppressive] establishments– where sons are hopeless victims of their parents [who refuse to let them freeload until age 40]; where teen-age daughters are hopeless victims of their parents [who refuse to pay for their sex re-assignment surgery]; where adult [single] women are the hopeless victims of an oppressive religious order that denies them the right to abort their newborn babies [or throw 

them inside a nearby dumpster]; where women are the hopeless victims of a patriarchy that demands them to be faithful to their wedding bows; etc.Sadly, what most people fail to realize is that “the fever isn’t in the blanket, but in the patient”. In other words, that regardless of the new political [or ideological] system they choose to embrace, as long as the leaders remain corrupted [worshiping money, fame, sex, and power], things won’t change for good (“Same dog, different collar!”).

In short, true and lasting change needs to start from the inside of every individual– from his [or her] firm and sincere belief in the existence of a Supreme Judge [and therefore a Supreme Judgment] in the Universe. So that, even if we presently seem to be unscathed by our selfishness, deception, immorality, injustice, cruelty, greed, and pride, sooner or later we will be forced to answer for all of the evil we did unto our fellow creatures.

May the Almighty [blessed be He] grant us the wisdom and maturity granted unto Noah!; whom, though living in the midst of a violent and totally depraved society, had the wisdom to heed God’s word, thereby saving himself, as well as his whole family. Amen.

The image displayed below conveys Words of great Wisdom; A wisdom that is in full agreement with the Scripture that goes on to say:

“Who can live in your tent, Lord? Who can dwell on your holy mountain? The person who lives free of blame, does what is right, and speaks the truth sincerely; who does no damage with their talk, does no harm to a friend, doesn’t insult a neighbor; someone who despises those who act wickedly, but who honors those who honor the Lord; someone who keeps their promise even when it hurts; someone who doesn’t lend money with interest, who won’t accept a bribe against any innocent person. Whoever does these things will never stumble”

— Psalm 15, Common English Bible  

“Acquiring wisdom is much better than gold, and acquiring understanding is better than silver. The road of those who do right turns away from evil; those who protect their path guard their lives. Pride comes before disaster, and arrogance before a fall. Better to be humble with the needy, than to divide plunder with the proud. Those with insight find prosperity; those who trust the Lord are blessed”– Proverbs 16:16-20 (Common English Bible).

For The Sake Of Your Own Well-Being Flee From All Sort Of Toxicity

Is Divine truth limited to any single religious tradition?

The combination of travel and direct exposition to major world cultures [and religions] will make a person realize that Divine Truth is like a 360 degrees Circle, as each major World religion occupies a segment of such circle (as the old proverb goes, “all great mountains point toward the Heavens!”).
And the Hebrew Scripture seems to validate the former view, when it encourages us to seek counsel from our fellow human beings: “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but IN THE MULTITUDE OF COUNSELLORS THERE IS SAFETY” (Proverbs 11:14, KJB).
In fact, not only did prophet Moses modeled the former idea [by recording within the pages of God’s Law the wisdom given to him by his non-Hebrew father in law), but even the Almighty also hinted at the same concept. Where? When He asked each Hebrew believer who wanted to be counted as part of God’s people to contribute to the Divine service. How would he contribute? By offering to God HALF A SHEKEL (“When thou takest the sum of the children of Israel after their number, then shall they give every man A RANSOM FOR HIS SOUL UNTO THE LORD… This they shall give… HALF A SHEKEL after the shekel of the sanctuary… AN HALF SHEKEL SHALL BE THE OFFERING OF THE LORD”- Exodus 30:12-13).
Why only HALF A SHEKEL? Why not ONE COMPLETE SHEKEL (“THE RICH SHALL NOT GIVE MORE, AND THE POOR SHALL NOT GIVE LESS THAN HALF A SHEKEL, when they give an offering unto the Lord, to make an atonement for your souls.- Exodus 30:15)? It was commanded so, in order to hint at the idea that, although acceptable, our contribution to God’s service (our “half shekel”), won’t be “COMPLETE” [or “WHOLE”] until we are willing to bring it together with the contribution (the half Shekel) belonging to our fellow human being.
In other words, only when my contribution to God’s service (my “half a shekel”) and the contribution of my fellow human being (his “half a shekel”) are brought together, can I consider my service to God to be “WHOLE” (or “COMPLETE”).
And the joy and blessing resulting from two completely different persons abiding together as one [in peace and harmony] is intimated in the Scripture that goes on to say: “BEHOLD, HOW GOOD AND HOW PLEASANT IT IS FOR BRETHREN TO DWELL TOGETHER IN UNITY!”.

Vana Escolaridad

Words of everlasting life: How to secure God’s favor, thereby becoming like Moses

Our master Moses (may peace and blessings be upon him) was so beloved by God, that the latter couldn’t wait for him to die, in order to let Moses experience the shining privilege of speaking “face to face” with the Almighty. As it is written: “And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend… And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses’ hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone while he talked with Him”- Exodus 33:11, & 34:29).
Would you like to enjoy such merit? Would you like the Almighty to consider you as great [and as beloved] as Moses? Well, Hebrew Scripture hints at the idea that he who gives charity [in secret], is even greater than Moses.
Why? Because in spite of his incredible merits, Moses admitted to be afraid (“For I was in dread of the anger and hot displeasure, wherewith the LORD was wroth…”- Deuteronomy 9:19, Jewish Publication Society, 1917 Edition); Whereas he who secretly gives charity [to the poor] has no anger to fear (“A gift in secret pacifieth anger…”- Proverbs 21:14, Jewish Publication Society, 1917 Edition). And the former is the reason why Hebrew Scripture goes on to say: “Happy is he that considereth the poor [granting him charity]; the LORD will deliver him in the day of evil”- Psalm 41:2.
Why is this man happy, having no fear? Because he has been promised to be “delivered” (or “saved”) in the day of evil. And what is “the day of evil”? It is the day of God’s judgment– the day when the Holy One will display his anger toward the wicked (“The great day of the LORD is near… That day is a day of wrath… And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like the blind, because they have sinned against the LORD…”- Zephaniah 1:14-17, JPS).
And why will the merciful man be “saved” in the day of Judgment? Because God’s judgment consist of letting every man “reap” the same goodness he has willingly “planted” upon his fellow creatures (“For the day of the LORD is near upon all the nations; as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee; thy dealing shall return upon thine own head”- Obadiah 1:15, JPS). Thus, he who has granted mercy will in turn be granted mercy.
And the latter security might be the reason why even the Christian gospel goes on to say: “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy [in the day of their judgment]”- Matthew 5:7, king James Version. Thus, no matter if he be a Jew or a Muslim; a Christian, or Zoroastrian, the Almighty will consider him who gives charity [in secret] to be equal [and even greater!] than prophet Moses.
May the peace and divine security granted to the merciful be also granted upon you!

What do we Believe?

We believe the following:

–That the God of Israel is only One [yet all encompassing] Supreme Being;

— That He is morally perfect;

–That He has no bias in favor [or against] any nation, any race, nor any creed;

— That He never fails to fulfill what He has already promised;

–That He judges man with perfect justice; letting everyone “reap” the same amount of goodness (or evil) he has willingly (and voluntarily) “planted” upon his fellow creature (without ever repenting from it);

–That the ultimate purpose of God’s Law isn’t for us to acquire “the right theology” [nor to perfectly fulfill each one of it’s commandments], but rather that we embrace Godly moral values [yielding “the good fruit” of honesty, justice, mercy, and humility that pleases the Holy One]– Thus, no matter if a man is a Jew, a Muslim, a Christian, or a Samaritan, as long as his lifestyle incorporates what was commanded upon the two stone tablets, Adonay [the Lord Almighty] considers him to be part of His holy people (God’s mystical Israel);

–That God doesn’t need the [literal] help of any other being;

–That although God has used many prophets and messengers (Noah, Job, Zoroaster, Jesus, Muhammad, etc) in order to call humanity back to the path of righteousness, it isn’t wrong to think of Moses as the most learned of them all;

–That God’s Law (the Decalogue) is like the heavens [bound to last until the end of time!];

–That God offers free forgiveness to all who would proceed to sincere repentance [starting to do goodness, and departing from moral corruption];

–That the tales, rites, ordinances, and statutes listed in  God’s Law (also known as “Torah”) are in fact allegorical representations of far greater moral and spiritual realities;

–That God doesn’t actually suffer from physical [or character] limitations (like lusting for our praise, our love, and our recognition– or having hands, feet, eyes, tiredness, anger, regret, doubts, vengeance, etc);

–That our souls were created [in the heavenly realm] far before we were sent into our physical World;

–That,  before coming into the present physical World (and just as it is intimated by the story of Joseph) our souls dreamed with becoming exalted rulers at the service of “the Great King”,  Rulers of what? Rulers of the evil inclinations! And  at the service of which Great King? At the service of God (the King of Kings)! Thus, we willingly chose to come into a world of evil, pain, & suffering– once we had previously selected the kind of temptations, trials and physical limitations we would like to endure [and attempt to conquer];

–That once our bodies die, our souls go back to the Heavenly realm [in order to evaluate their earthly journey], And, with the assistance of “the Watchers”, and “Holy Ones” (our spiritual parents), it is judged  whether we have achieved [or not] the desired goals [of moral and spiritual maturity]. If not, our souls are sent back into the physical world–  in order to “purge” [as if “by hellfire”] any lingering love for evil, deception, injustice, and/or moral corruption.
–That the following [public] confession of faith makes a person a follower of Ethical Monotheism, as well as part of God’s chosen servants:
«Oh יהוה (Adonai Yah), Lord God of Abraham, I bear witness that there’s no other God, King nor Savior greater than you; I bear witness that there’s no prophet greater than our master Moses; nor any Law greater than Your Ten Commandments (or Sayings); I bear witness that there’s no other Scripture greater that Moses Five Books of Torah (the Pentateuch); nor is there other people greater than the one allegorically portrayed by the ancient Hebrew People. And I bear witness that no theology is greater, more truthful, more meaningful, more fair, nor more just than “the Law of Measure for Measure” (“Sowing and Reaping”)– to reward each person with the same measure of goodness he has [freely and voluntarily] bestowed upon his needy fellow creature; and to punish him with the same measure of evil he has bestowed upon his fellow creatures [without ever repenting from it]. I thank you heavenly Father, for you have seen my broken heart, and have heard my prayer, thereby forgiving all of my sins. And I also thank you for making me as of today part of your chosen People; the Holy people allegorically portrayed by the ancient Nation of Israel. Amen

Que Gano Con Orar A Dios Small

«A man does not become religious only when he worships a supernatural deity. Why? Simply because that man could be able to achieve the same level of fanaticism if he chooses to blindly renounce to objective [and critical] thinking; As would be the case when he puts all of his energy, all the resources of his mind, and the whole submission of his will, at the service of a cause [or individual] who becomes the absolute goal [or unquestionable guide] of his thoughts and actions. And what are some examples of these? One such example might be the Hedonistic lifestyle (the blind pursue of Money, Sex, and Power). Other examples could be the Political correctness movement, Secular Humanism, Church and State separation, the struggle against Anti-semitism, Gender equality, LGBT rights, Women’s rights, Atheism, individualism, etc»

There’s more than just one path to serve the Almighty!

Though displaying widely different heights, all mountains will bring us closer to heaven. And the former might be the reason why the world’s greatest religions are always associated with mountains (mount Sinai, mount Calvary, mount Hirah, etc).
Thus, “the mountain” we choose to climb is of secondary importance… what really matters, is that we make it to it’s summit. And the former explains why our master Moses hinted at the fact that God doesn’t seem to ask, “How much is five plus five?” Why? Because He knows the latter would convey the false idea that, when it comes to answering God’s call to righteousness, there’s just one valid answer.
Instead, The Holy One asks, “How can you reach a total of Ten? (number ten being understood as God’s Ten commandments– therefore, a symbol of our obedience to God’s will). Why is God portrayed asking the latter question? Because it conveys the idea of multiple [and equally valid] answers. In other words, “Ten” can be achieved by adding seven plus three; eight plus two; nine plus one; fifteen minus five; etc.

Monoteismo Etico Cual es Su Mensaje

God’s message has little to do with religious affiliation

Ethical Monotheism teaches that Hebrew Scripture’s ultimate message has little to do with religious affiliation. Rather, it’s message is all about “Sowing and reaping”; “Cause and effect”; “Action and reaction”; “What goes around, comes around”– That if you resolve to make peace with the Creator, the Creator will resolve to make peace with you.
And from whence do we know it? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: “Therefore tell the people: This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘Return to me,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘and I will return to you,’ says the Lord Almighty”- Zechariah 1:3-4, New International version Bible.
And elsewhere, “For the day of the Lord (the day of His judgment) is near upon all the nations. As you have done, it shall be done to you; your deeds shall return on your own head”- Obadiah 1:15, English Standard Version.
And even the Gospel quotes Jesus preaching the same message of “Sowing and Reaping”, when it goes on to say: “But if you do not forgive people their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins”- Matthew 6:15, Evangelical Heritage Version.
In fact, even the apostle Paul couldn’t resist the urge to proclaim the Supremacy of “Sowing and Reaping”, when he went on to say: “Don’t be deceived: God is not mocked. For whatever a person sows he will also reap”- Galatians 6:7, Christian Standard Bible.
And also in another place: “He (God) will repay each one according to his works…There will be [evil] affliction and distress for every human being who does evil… but [good] glory, honor, and peace for everyone who does what is good…”- Romans 2:6-10, Christian Standard Bible

He who shows mercy to the poor and needy will be counted as having fulfilled God’s Law [all of it!]

Hebrew Scripture states that he who shows mercy to the poor and needy [thereby delivering the latter from pain and suffering] will himself be granted mercy [so that he too experiences deliverance from pain and suffering].
As is written: “Happy is he that considereth the poor; the Lord will deliver him in the day of evil [the day of Judgment!]”- Psalm 41:2 (Jewish Publication Society, 1917 Edition).
Thus, it can be properly said that, in the eyes of the Almighty, he who shows mercy to the poor and needy is counted as innocent [in other words, as having fulfilled all of the Law!].
Whence do we know it? We know it from the passage where God instructs the man bringing his tithes to the needy (the widows, the orphans, the strangers, and the priest) to proclaim that he has thereby obeyed ALL of God’s commandments. As is written:
«When thou hast made an end of tithing… and hast given it unto the Levite, to the stranger, to the fatherless, and to the widow… then thou shalt say before the Lord thy God: “I have put away the hallowed things out of my house, and also have given them unto the Levite, and unto the stranger, to the fatherless, and to the widow… I HAVE NOT TRANSGRESSED ANY OF THY COMMANDMENTS [NOT JUST THIS ONE CONCERNING THE TITHE, BUT NONE OF THEM!], neither have I forgotten them… I HAVE HEARKENED TO THE VOICE OF THE LORD MY GOD, I HAVE DONE ACCORDING TO ALL THAT THOU HAST COMMANDED ME [IN YOUR HOLY LAW]”»- Deut. 26:12-14 (JPS, 1917 Edition).
Curiously, the Christian writings seem to support the former interpretation, when they go on to quote Jesus (may peace and blessings be upon him) saying the following:

Synagogue Of Satan Making War Against Faithful Christian Churches Cannot Be Allowed

The Hebrew Bible is true, but not the way you’ve been told!

The Hebrew Bible is a book of prophecy, as well as moral paradigms intended to cleanse the human soul. But these paradigms are cleverly summarized as simplified statements and narratives. For example, Scripture tells us that the mouth of those who speak lies, will be shut (“… for the mouths of liars will be shut”- Psalm 63:11).
How can we accept this statement as fact, when each of us certainly knows more than one liar whose mouth no man [nor god] seems to be able to shut? Again, the former verse wasn’t intended to be taken in a literal sense; it’s intention was to convey a moral lesson- that, when a person gets used to repeating a lie concerning any particular issue, that lie holds such a strong grip upon him that, if in the future someone else tries to show him the truth, the former won’t be able to “swallow it” [just a if his mouth had been shut!].
Another example could be the fact that, according to Genesis 3:1, the serpent was the shrewdest of all creatures [so shrewd that he outsmarted Adam and Eve!]. Does this means that the Bible teaches animals can actually talk? Not at all! It just means that intelligence alone doesn’t amount to kindness; it means that knowledge has little to do with humanity; that a person can have plenty of secular, scientific, or even religious knowledge, and still be no more than [the moral equivalent of] “a talking animal”.
Actually, notice how the serpent’s claim was correct (Adam and Eve wouldn’t die if they were to eat from the forbidden fruit). But what Adam and Eve failed to grasp was that their happiness wasn’t the result of knowing the cold facts of life; it was the product of having a personal relationship with God; one in which they honor Him as their Creator, and obey Him as their father. In fact, cold facts alone would [in the end] leave them both feeling “naked” and “shamed”.
As a last example, Scripture says that Israel couldn’t defeat it’s pagan enemies, as they had “iron chariots” (“And the Lord was with Judah; and he drove out the inhabitants of the mountain, BUT COULD NOT DRIVE OUT THE INHABITANTS OF THE VALLEY, BECAUSE THEY HAD CHARIOTS OF IRON”- Judges 1:19). Does the former verse implies that Israel’s God was powerless against the advanced pagan weaponry? Not at all! It simply means that there were still some righteous men dwelling among those pagan nations [and these men would prove to be a better security against God’s impending judgment than any iron chariots could ever be!].
And from whence do we know that righteous men are compared to mighty chariots? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: «… Behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. AND ELISHA SAW IT, AND HE CRIED, “MY FATHER [ELIJAH], MY FATHER [ELIJAH], [YOU ARE LIKE] THE CHARIOT OF ISRAEL, AND THE HORSEMEN THEREOF”»- 2 Kings 2:11-12.
And from whence do we know that God will delay a nations judgment until their righteous men are gone from their midst? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: “Haste thee [oh Lot], ESCAPE THITHER; FOR I CANNOT DO ANYTHING [CONCERNING SODOM’S DESTRUCTION] TILL THOU BE COME THITHER [TO ZOAR]… The sun was risen upon the earth WHEN LOT ENTERED INTO ZOAR. THEN THE LORD RAINED UPON SODOM AND UPON GOMORRAH BRIMSTONE AND FIRE…”- Genesis 19:22-24.
Finally, Torah tells us that Israel murmured against both God and Moses (“AND THE PEOPLE SPOKE AGAINST GOD AND AGAINST MOSES…”- Numbers 21:5). And the punishment for their murmuring was that poisonous snakes started to bite them (“THEN THE LORD SENT POISONOUS SNAKES AMONG THE PEOPLE, AND THEY BIT THEM…”- Numbers 21:6).
Is this story intended to be understood in a literal sense? What does murmuring against other persons has to do with snakes? The answer to these questions is that the former narrative aims at teaching us how inescapable the law of “measure for measure” (also known as “sowing and reaping”, or “eye for an eye”) is. In other words, it tries to remind us that God will force us to “reap” the same “goodness” [or evil] we have sowed. In our case, just as the Israelites had injured Moses with “the venom” [or “gossip”] coming out of their mouths, they too eventually found themselves being injured by the venom coming out of someone else mouth (that is, the serpent’s mouth).

In the eyes of the Almighty, there are no Jews nor Gentiles; only Law abiding and non Law abiding people

If we were to be brutally honest, we would be forced to acknowledge that, in the eyes of the Most High, there are no Jews nor Gentiles; only Law observant and non Law observant people.
You see, the Holy One (blessed be He) declares no creature unfit, but receives any man who embraces God’s Law (“Torah”), and keeps His commandments (Jew, Samaritan, Christian, and Muslim alike). Whence we know it? We know it from Scripture, when it goes on to states that the high priest had the right to stand before The Holy One’s glory [at the holy of holies, during the day of atonement].
And what is the proof that even a gentile who keeps Torah is like a High priest? The Scripture that goes on to say: “With which if a man occupy himself, he shall live by them” (Lev. 18:5). Notice that the former verse does not say “A priest, a Levite, an Israelite”, but “A man”. Hence you may infer that even a non-Jew (a Christian, or a Muslim) who occupies himself with Torah is like a High priest.
Another proof for it? The verse that goes on to say, “This is the Torah of man, Oh Lord God” (2 Sam. 7:19)… Not “of priest, Levites, or Israelis”, but “of man”. Scripture also says, “Open ye gates, that the righteous Gentile… may come in (Isaiah 26:2)- Not that “priest, Levites, or Israeli may come in”, but that “the righteous Gentile who keeps the faith may come in”.
Scripture also says, “This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous shall enter it” (Psalm 118:20)”- not “priests, Levites, or Israelis shall enter it”, but “the righteous shall enter it” (Jew and Gentile alike). Scripture also says “Rejoice in the Lord, oh ye righteous” (Psalm 33:1)- not “Rejoice, oh ye priests, Levites, and Israelis”, but “Rejoice… oh ye righteous” (Jews and Gentiles alike).
Scripture also says, “Do good, oh Lord, unto the good” (Psalm 125:4)- not “to priest, Levites, and Israelis”, but “Do good, oh Lord, unto the good” (Jew and Gentile alike). Thus, Ethical Monotheism teaches that even a gentile (Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc) who keeps the Torah (it’s Ten Commandments) is like a High priest (worthy of standing before the Holy Presence!).

«In essentials, unity; In non-essentials, tolerance; In all things, the Divine love that embraces both justice, mercy, and humility»

We Are Not All In The Same Boat Small

How are our sins forgiven?

Whence we get that sincere repentance is the way to have our sins removed? We get it from the verse that goes on to say: «As far as the mizrach (east) is from the ma’arav (west), so far hath He removed peysha’einu (our transgressions) from us»- Psalm 103:12. But, where are the east and the west? And (more importantly), how far is the one from the other? The answer is that “east” and “west”, are no particular places, but rather two opposite directions which we can choose to follow. We could be heading East, but in the moment we stop, and make a 180 degree turn (in order to start traveling in the opposite direction), we would have bridged the gap (covering the distance) between East and West.
And that’s exactly how the Almighty removes (pardons) our sins, as soon as we recognize that we are heading in the wrong direction (away from God, with our constant transgression of His commandments) and decide to make a 180 degree turn, starting to walk in the opposite direction. The name we give to the latter is “sincere repentance”– and it means to have a contrite heart; to abandon evil, and start doing goodness.
This is God’s true sacrifice; not that of a human Messiah, nor that of an animal beast, but rather the sacrifice of our selfish ego (our “Yetzer ha-ra”, or “evil inclination”). And this is why Scripture says:
«For you don’t want sacrifices, or I would give them; you don’t take pleasure in burnt offerings. My sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; God, you won’t spurn a broken, chastened heart»- Psalm 51:16-17; And also says, «Hashem is near unto them whose lev (heart) is broken; and saveth such whose ruach (spirit) is contrite»-Psalm34:18;
And still in another place: «With what can I come before Adonai to bow down before God on high? Should I come before him with burnt offerings? with calves in their first year? Would Adonai take delight in thousands of rams with ten thousand rivers of olive oil? Could I give my firstborn to pay for my crimes, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?” Human being, you have already been told what is good, what Adonai (God) demands of you – no more than to act justly (with your fellow human being), love grace (doing mercy) and walk in purity (humility) with your God»- Micah 6:8.
Thus, mankind redemption doesn’t come from any human Mashiach, but rather from sincere repentance. In fact, that spirit of repentance is in itself God’s true Mashiach, as the Scripture confirms by saying: «And the Go’el (Redeemer, Mashiach) shall come to Tziyon, and unto them that make teshuva (sincere repentance) and turn from peysha (rebellion) in Ya’akov, saith Hashem»- Isaiah 59:20.
Notice that the verse doesn’t say that Mashiach will come unto those who believe in him, but rather unto those who make Teshuva (repent). Why? Because the fact is that “Teshuva” is actually “Mashiach”! The latter being confirmed by a Midrash (Sanh. 98a) that promises the Mashiach will come TODAY… “if we hear His voice, and Harden not our hearts… (in other words, if we proceed to sincere repentance)”- Psalm 95:7-8.

God's True Religion

What is Heaven and Hell?

How does Ethical Monotheism explain the Hebrew Scripture’s concept of Heaven and hell? The following parable might help us understand it: A man dies, and is shown two different rooms. In the first room, he sees tables with sumptuous food, but all the people looked emaciated, and were moaning and crying.
He saw that the people all had long spoons in their hands, but had no elbows, and thus were unable to feed themselves any of this food. The man was told that this was hell.
The man was then brought into the other room, where he saw the same tables filled with sumptuous food. Here again, the people had no elbows and had long spoons in their hands. yet these people seemed very happy, laughing and talking with each other.
The man then saw someone using his spoon to take some of the food, and then reaching across the table in order to feed the person seated at the opposite side of it. The recipient enjoyed the food, thanking the other person and returning the favor by offering a spoonful of food to that person. All of the people continued to be happy and well sated. The man was then told that this was heaven.
The message behind this simple parable is the following: Our actions will end up creating our own heaven or hell. It is true that we all have to face the same realities, but if we face them in a proud, godless and selfish fashion, we will turn them into a living hell; whereas if we choose to be just, merciful, and humble (working to bless and care for each other), we can turn the same realities into a personal heaven.

God’s Law only consists of Ten Foundational Principles

God’s Law states that the people of Israel coming out of Egypt included plenty of non-Hebrew people, as if to hint that, just as it would later happen to Rahab, to Ruth, and to Naaman (the Syrian general), all nations are called to follow Moses God. As it has been said: “And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children. AND A MIXED MULTITUDE WENT UP ALSO WITH THEM”- Exodus 12:37-38, KJB.
In addition, Scripture teaches that the Ten Commandments (or “Sayings”) are God’s covenant with the mixed multitude comprising Israel (symbol of all mankind). As it is written: “And He declared unto you HIS COVENANT, WHICH HE COMMANDED YOU TO PERFORM, EVEN TEN COMMANDMENTS; and He wrote them upon two tables of stone”- Deut. 4:13, KJB.
THESE TEN COMMANDMENTS [AND NOTHING ELSE] ARE GOD’S OWN COVENANT WITH MANKIND. As it has been said: “THESE WORDS THE LORD SPAKE UNTO ALL YOUR ASSEMBLY in the mount out of the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a great voice: AND HE ADDED NO MORE. And He wrote them in two tables of stone, and delivered them unto me”- Deut. 5:22, KJB.
But, if the Ten Commandments are God’s true Law covenant with mankind, how is it that Israel allegedly followed 613 commands? The reason for the latter is hinted in the fact that the numerical value of 613 is 10 (in other words, 6 + 1 + 3 = 10). And the latter simply means that the Ten Commandments are the very foundation of the 613 commands, while the rest is just explanation.
For example; the Law states that we cannot steal (“Thou shalt not steal”- Exodus 20:15).
But we find that, after giving the Ten Commandments, God requested the Israelis to spare the field corners for the benefit of the poor (“And when ye reap the harvest of your land, THOU SHALT NOT WHOLLY REAP THE CORNERS OF THY FIELD, neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest. And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard; THOU SHALT LEAVE THEM FOR THE POOR AND STRANGER…”- Leviticus 19:9-10).
Why would the latter be considered an “explanatory” command? Because it’s purpose is to teach us that, withholding charity from the needy, is also a form of stealing!
In short, the Ten Supreme Laws (or, “Commandments”) written upon the two stone tablets are God’s real Law (His real and complete covenant with all of mankind), as well as the very foundation of Ethical Monotheism. And all of the rest (the holy writings and teachings of Jews, Christians, Muslim, Samaritans, etc), are just detailed explanation.

«Just as it happens with most important things in life (money, sex, beauty, health, power, intelligence, etc), Religion can become a tool– We can choose to use it for evil purposes, or we can choose to use it for good purposes… Either way, the Creator respects our freedom to do as we see fit. But beware! Although we are free to reject the goodness preached by religion, we are not free to avoid the consequences of rejecting goodness»

God’s Law teaches that, if you forgive other people's faults, your own faults will also be forgiven; that if you grant mercy, mercy will be granted unto you

God’s Law states the following: “At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. And this is the manner of the release: EVERY CREDITOR THAT LENDETH OUGHT UNTO HIS NEIGHBOUR SHALL RELEASE IT; HE SHALL NOT EXACT IT OF HIS NEIGHBOUR, OR OF HIS BROTHER… … And when ye reap the harvest of your land, THOU SHALT NOT WHOLLY REAP THE CORNERS OF THY FIELD, NEITHER SHALT THOU GATHER THE GLEANINGS OF THY HARVEST. And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard; tHOU SHALT LEAVE THEM FOR THE POOR AND STRANGER…”- Deut. 15:1-2, & Leviticus 19:9-10 (King James Bible).
What moral teachings is Torah (God’s Law) trying to convey when asking us to forgive our debtors and freely give to the needy? Well, since Torah’s supreme message is that God’s judgment is executed by means of the law of “Sowing and reaping” (also known as “measure for measure”), the former commands ought to be understood as intending to teach that, if we forgive other people’s debts (or “faults”), our own faults [or “debts”] will also be forgiven [by the Creator]; that if we show mercy to those who have become weak and needy, we too will be shown mercy, once we have become weak and needy [in other words after our own death].
And the former is also taught by the Christian writings, when they go on to say: “… FORGIVE, AND YE SHALL BE FORGIVEN: GIVE, AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. FOR WITH THE SAME MEASURE THAT YE METE WITHAL IT SHALL BE MEASURED TO YOU AGAIN”- Luke 6:37-38, King James Bible

Lo importante no es ser Judío, Cristiano, Musulmán, ni Samaritano; lo importante es ser un verdadero Creyente (viviendo lo que predicamos)

Lo importante, no es ser “Hebreo”; lo importante es ser un “Creyente” Hebreo; Lo importante no es ser “Cristiano”, lo importante es ser un “Creyente” Cristiano; Lo importante no es ser “Musulmán”, lo importante es ser un “Creyente” Musulmán. El “Creyente”, es aquel que obedece los mandamientos Divinos; no es aquel que “habla” acerca de los mandamientos; no es aquel que “escribe” acerca de los mandamientos; y ni siquiera es aquel que “enseña a otros” acerca de los mandamientos. El Creyente, es aquel que recibe los mandamientos; aquel que rige su vida por los mandamientos; y aquel que los acepta personalmente como su incuestionable regla de fe y conducta. Cuando nuestro maestro Moisés describía al pueblo Santo como “Los Hijos de Israel”, estaba en realidad hablando acerca de estos “Creyentes”, que están dispersos entre todos los credos y razas del Mundo.
Moisés, era un “Creyente” Hebreo; mientras que Korah (Coré), era un “No Creyente” Hebreo. Moisés estaba ansioso por recibir (aceptar) los mandamientos de Yah (a fin de comenzar a vivir por ellos). Y ‫ יהוה‬se agradó tanto de Moisés, que le mostró que estaba a su vez ansioso por recibirle. ¿Como lo hizo? Pues permitiendo que Moisés ascendiese “vivo” a los cielos; es decir, a la gloria Divina que había descendido sobre la cumbre del Sinaí. En otras palabras, el Creador no podía esperar a que Moisés muriese, a fin de poder aceptarle en “el cielo”. En cambio, Korah (el primo de Moisés), estaba ansioso por rechazar los mandamientos, y Dios se desagradó tanto con Korah, que le mostró que estaba a su vez ansioso por rechazarle. ¿Como lo hizo? Pues permitiendo que Korah descendiese “vivo” a Gehinnom (haciendo que la tierra se lo tragase).
Es decir, el Creador no podía esperar a que Korah muriese, para hacerle experimentar el castigo (en el Hades) que conllevaba su rebelión. De esta forma, Adonai Yah enseñó a Israel la inevitabilidad de la ley de “siembra y cosecha”; les mostró que, el hombre que se obstina en la maldad, terminará cosechando el mismo mal que ha sembrado; y que, quien rechaza los mandamientos de ‫ ,יהוה‬será a su vez rechazado por ‫.יהוה
¡Es que nadie puede vivir en los dominios de un Rey, si primero no está dispuesto a obedecer las Leyes de ese Rey! No podemos vivir en la luz de este universo, sin tener que aceptar las leyes del Rey de este universo. Si no lo hacemos, tarde o tempranos terminaremos en “las tinieblas de afuera”. Este es el Hades– sinónimo de la oscuridad, la desolación, el desorden, el caos, y el sufrimiento que resultan de vivir lejos de Dios, dando la espalda al Rey del Universo, y rechazando hacer el bien que nos ha encomendado.
Pero, ¿Por que permitió Dios el sufrimiento de Korah? ¿Será acaso Adonai (bendito sea), un Dios cruel y sádico? ¡En lo absoluto! Adonai no solo dio a Korah un libre albedrío; sino que le dio todas las oportunidades posibles para proceder al arrepentimiento. Korah vio los milagros que ‫ יהוה‬hizo por Israel en Egipto; vio las plagas; vio el mar rojo dividirse, vio caer el maná, y vio salir agua de la peña. En adición, aún el mismo Moisés exhorto personalmente a Korah, a fin de que se arrepintiera. Pero, a pesar de todo esto, Korah insistió en rechazar (ignorar) la Ley de Dios, alegando que esta no era sino una invención de Moisés; una sutil forma de, por medio de la intimidación y el engaño, exaltar su propia persona, así como la de su hermano Aarón, con el único fin de obtener un poder y una prominencia que en justicia no les correspondían. Pero esto era solo una conveniente excusa, para tratar de esconder una inconveniente verdad: que Korah estaba a su vez utilizando la intimidación y el engaño, para tratar de exaltarse a si mismo; es decir, Korah anhelaba rechazar el Señorío de ‫) יהוה‬y de Moisés), a fin de poder constituirse a si mismo en la autoridad suprema (el “Poder de los poderes”, o “Elohim”) que dictaminase los valores y la ética que habrían de regir su vida, así como la de aquellos que le seguían.
¡Todos llevamos un Korah dentro de nosotros!; una “voz” que susurra en nuestro oído, diciéndonos: “¡Dios no existe!; O, ¡Los mandamientos de ‫ יהוה‬han dejado de tener relevancia!”; O, “¡A Dios en realidad no le importa si vivimos o no una vida ética, pues el bien y el mal son relativos!; O quizás nos dice: “La Torah no es sino una invención de los Hebreos, y su verdadera propósito es utilizar el miedo y la intimidación para obtener un poder y una prominencia que en realidad no les corresponden”. Pero, la realidad mas profunda, es que todo eso no es sino una conveniente excusa, que pretende enmascarar una inconveniente verdad: que nuestro rebelde corazón rehúsa someterse a la autoridad: que nuestra alma no quiere sujetarse al poder supremo (Elohim) que rige sobre todos los otros poderes del universo: ‫ יהוה‬el Creador. Es que, en el último análisis, la existencia humana gira alrededor de una sola pregunta: ¿quien será el “Elohim” (la “Autoridad suprema”, o “Dios”), que habrá de dictar los valores que regirán nuestra vida?
¿Será la opinión pública (el “political correctness”)? ¿Será la agenda LGBT? ¿Serán nuestros padres? ¿Será nuestro jefe laboral? ¿Serán los políticos? ¿Los economistas? ¿Serán las autoridades civiles? ¿Las autoridades académicas? ¿Los grupos ateos? ¿Serán nuestros impulsos animales? ¿Nuestras pasiones? ¿O lo será el Creador? Con su decisión de escoger hacer de su propia persona (y de su propia agenda personal) el poder supremo que regiría su vida, Korah escogió convertirse en un “No Creyente” Hebreo. Entonces, Dios decidió sacar “algo bueno” de la rebelde obstinación de este “No Creyente”. ¿Que hizo el Creador? Pues ponerlo de ejemplo a futuras generaciones de “No Creyentes”– enseñándoles que el hombre que rechaza los mandamientos del Creador esta con ello rechazando el señorío del Creador, y sera a su vez rechazado (pues descenderá al tormento del Hades, sin importar cual sea su ascendencia etnica, ni la posicion que ocupe en la comunidad Hebrea). En cambio, el hombre que obedece los mandamientos de ‫ ,יהוה‬está aceptando (y será a su vez aceptado) por ‫ ,יהוה‬sin importar si, al igual que sucedió en aquel momento con Moisés, su posición dentro de la comunidad Hebrea está sujeta a la critica y al cuestionamiento.

«An ancient Jewish tradition stated that the day would come when the Jews would be so disconnected from the real message of God’s Law (“Torah”), that a unlearned Israeli woman will travel from one synagogue to another, seeking for a Rabbi to answer a simple question of Torah. In fact, not only will she not be able to find a Rabbi wise enough to answer her question, but she won’t even find a Rabbi capable of understanding her question!»

Who owns God’s Law?

Ethical Monotheism teaches that the Creator never intended His Holy Law (also known by the Hebrew word “Torah”) to become a sort of “religious franchise” where those falsely perceived to be it’s legitimate owners would try to “license” its operation (deciding who could, and who couldn’t follow Torah) in exchange for “a franchise fee” (in other words, for the unconditional support for a particular Nation or Religious establishment).
And whence we know the latter? We know it from the fact that Torah wasn’t given only to the Israelites, but also to the mixed multitude [from all nations] that accompanied Israel in it’s journey out of Egypt (“And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children. AND A MIXED MULTITUDE WENT UP ALSO WITH THEM”- Exodus 12:37-38, KJB).
In addition, notice how Torah was given neither in the land of Egypt, nor in the land of Israel. Why? In order to prevent both Israelites and non-Israelites from claiming ownership of it.
And why was Torah given instead in the wilderness? In order to teach that, just as the wilderness didn’t belong to any particular person (or nation) — as anybody could get into it, and take as much sand as he wanted– so would it also be with Torah; it didn’t belong to any particular person (or nation), as anyone could get into it and take as much of it’s content as he wanted.

Click on the red button in order to view an online [pdf] Summary of Ethical Monotheism Basic Tenets

He who claims the Hebrew God is limited by any physical circumstance (therefore being in need of help) blasphemes the Creator, and won’t be granted the privilege of enjoying God’s deliverance

Hebrew Scripture tells us that once upon a time the city of Samaria was surrounded by a powerful army. And the Hebrew people living inside of it were starving to death, with no one able to do anything about it.
Then, prophet Elisha foretold that the very next day there would be so much plenty, that flour would be sold at a ridiculously low price. A captain of Israel heard Elisha’s words and, being of little faith, made a blasphemous remark [questioning God’s power in a contemptuous fashion]. As is written:
«Then the captain, the king’s right-hand man, responded to the man of God, “Look, even if the Lord were to make windows in heaven, could this really happen?” Elisha announced, “You will in fact see it with your own eyes, but [the Divine punishment upon you will be that] you won’t eat any of it”»- 2 Kings 7:2, Christian Standard Bible.
Why was the above captain so gravely mistaken? Because he arrogantly chose to ignore what is taught by the Hebrew Scripture– that God created mankind in order to give human beings the privilege of participating in God’s own designs. But Scripture also states that, from the Creator’s standpoint, any participation (or “help’) we humans might provide is an optional choice– not an absolute necessity.
Why? Simply because, being an infinite, all knowing, all present, and all powerful God, the Creator is restrained only by His own will– and not by any physical need nor limitation He might ever have to face [as nothing is too difficult for Him]. And from whence do we know it? Well, consider the following examples:

–Did God need any human being, in order to create the Universe? Not at all! (He did it all by Himself, using only His word)
–Did God need any human being, in order to destroy the world (back in the days of Noah)? Absolutely not! (He used instead a water Deluge)
–Did God need any human being, in order to stop the builders of Babel’s tower? None whatsoever! (He used instead verbal confusion)
–Did God need any human being, in order to tell Abraham to leave his native country, and come to the land of Canaan? None at all! (He spoke directly to Abraham, most likely thru dreams)
–Did God need any human being, in order to let Moses know His plans? None! (He sent an angel who spoke directly to Moses, from the midst of the burning Bush)
–Did God need any human being, in order to defeat the Egyptian army (drowning them at the Red Sea)? Nope! (He used the sea, which returned and covered them all)
–Did God need any human being, in order to let Israel know His will? Of course not! (At Mount Sinai, He spoke directly to Israel, letting them know His Ten Supreme “principles”, or “commandments”)
–Did God need any human being, in order to feed the whole nation of Israel during the 40 years spent in the wilderness? Of course not! (He gave them heavenly bread, which fell directly from heavens on a daily basis)
–Did God need any human being, in order to feed Elijah? None! (He used instead ravens that brought him bread morning and evening)
–Did God need any human king, in order to defeat the army surrounding Samaria during the days of prophet Elisha? Not at all! (He caused the Aramean camp to hear the sound of chariots, horses, and a large army, so they fled their camp)
–Did the Holy one need any human captain, in order to bring Jonah back to land (so he could go on preaching repentance to the Ninevites)? Definitely not! (He used instead a great fish)
–Did God need any human being, in order to defeat the Assyrian army surrounding Jerusalem during the days of king Hezekiah? None whatsoever! (He sent an angel, who in a single might killed 185,000 soldiers)
–Did God need any human being, in order to defend Daniel from the lions? Absolutely none! (He sent instead an angel, who shut the lions mouth)

The fact is that only a Pagan soul would be so shamelessly brazen as to know all of the above, and yet persist on the idea that God has needs and limitations He can’t overcome without the help of human beings [thereby implying that the Creator isn’t really Almighty, and that flawed, weak, and mortal human beings are in the same league with God!]. May the Creator have mercy of us all!

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The New Testament intimates that Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) was the Messiah only in a symbolic fashion (as he aimed at portraying the one true Messiah that is a life of sincere repentance, justice, humility, and obedience to God's commandments)

Hebrew Scripture is clear, when it states that the God worshipped by the ancient Israeli people was no man at all (“For He is no man…”- 1 Samuel 15:29; “God is no man…”- Numbers 23:19).
And it is also clear when it states that, while this God is inherently sinless (“… His work is perfect: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He”- Deut. 32:4), it is no less true that man is inherently flawed and sinful (“For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth [only] good, and sinneth not”- Ecclesiastes 7:20).
In addition, Scripture teaches that there’s no other Savior, nor anointed (Messiah) Redeemer, besides this God whose Hebrew name is “יהוה” (Adonai Yah, the God of Abraham). As is written: “I, I am יהוה (Adonai Yah), and there is no Savior beside me”- Isaiah 43:11 (Tree of Life Version Bible).
Finally, Scripture states that, if there is anyone worthy of being called “the Son of God”, as well as “God’s own Servant”, it is the community of believers represented by the ancient Israeli people. As it has been said: “And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, ‘Thus saith the Lord, Israel is My Son, even My Firstborn’ ”- Exodus 4:22; And also in another place, “And said unto me, Thou art My Servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified”- Isaiah 49:3.
But if the former is true, then why do the Christian gospels ascribe all of the former titles (God, sinless man, Savior, Redeemer, Messiah, Son of God, God’s Servant, etc) to the man named Jesus? Well, the answer is very simple, and is actually provided by the gospels, when they go on to say: “Jesus told the crowds all these things in parables, and he did not tell them anything without a parable”- Matthew 13:3.
In other words, since Jesus spoke only in parables, none of the claims he made were supposed to be taken in a strict literal sense, but rather in an allegorical fashion. Consider a first example: Jesus is quoted saying that John the Baptist is the promised Elijah that would come right before the Jewish Messiah (“And if ye will receive it, this is Elijah, which was for to come…”- Matthew 11:14). But the fact is that the former cannot be literally true, as John himself openly declares that he isn’t the literal Elijah (who, according to the Hebrew Bible, is a different physical person still alive somewhere in the heavens).
As is written: “And they asked him [John the Baptist], What then? Art thou Elijah? And he saith, I am Not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No”- John 1:21. Again, John states that he is not Elijah, while Jesus says that he is. Is one of them lying? No! John says he is not Elijah [in a literal sense]; while Jesus says he is Elijah [in an allegorical sense].
Consider a second example: Jesus claims to be the King of the Jews (“Now Jesus stood before the governor. And the governor asked him, saying, ‘Are you the King of the Jews?’. [And] Jesus said to him, ‘It is as you say’ ”- Matthew 27:11).
But, did Jesus really want to be the [literal] king of the Jews? Of course not! Jesus didn’t want to have anything to do with human politics. How do we know it? We know it from the fact that when the Jews tried to make him their [literal] king, Jesus fled away from them (“When Jesus therefore perceived that they [THE JEWS] would come and take him by force, TO MAKE HIM KING, he departed again into a mountain himself alone”- John 6:15).
The truth is that Jesus wasn’t talking about any physical kingdom somewhere in this world, but rather about an “out of this world” (non-physical) kingdom. As he himself said: “Jesus answered, ‘my kingdom in not from this world… my kingdom is not from here’ ”- John 18:36.
Finally, consider the following: first century Jews did expect the coming of a literal Messiah- the “branch of Jesse” (or the biological “Son of David”) mentioned by the prophet (“There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots. The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, The Spirit of Wisdom and understanding… He shall strike the Earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked”- Isaiah 11:1-4).
But, was Jesus the literally (biological) Son Of David? Of course not! Why? Two reasons; in the first place [and according to the gospel], Jesus had no biological father, as he was [allegedly] conceived by the Holy Spirit; therefore he could not have been a biological son of any of Jesse’s male descendants (keep in mind that Jews traced tribal lineage by their father’s genealogy).
Secondly, Jesus himself rejected the idea that the Messiah would be a literal son of David. Why? Again, because such requirement would disqualify him for the post of Messiah; but also because Jesus argued that Scripture never made such literal promise, since it wouldn’t make sense for a sane father to call any of his biological offspring “Lord”. As is written:
«How can the scribes say that the Messiah is the son of David? David himself says by the Holy Spirit: “The Lord declared to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet’.”… DAVID HIMSELF CALLS HIM ‘LORD’; HOW THEN CAN HE BE HIS SON?”»- Mark 12:35-37.

«Do all roads lead to God? Yes!, but only if such road is “paved” with the righteousness printed upon the two stone tablets given to Moses– A righteousness that translates into a lifestyle of moral purity, and holiness (fear of God’s judgment, repentance, forgiveness, hope, love, honesty, sincerity, justice, mercy, and humility»

God's Law, Wisdom, and Humility

Hebrew Scripture states the following: “Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him”- Proverbs 26:12. What does it mean? It means that, as a rule of thumb, a shallow minded person will tend to cover-up his ignorance by displaying an arrogant [and false] sense of knowledge and security. In other words, he will constantly deny and/or affirm in absolute, simplistic, and over-generalized terms. But the wise man is instead humble and prudent in his assessment, leaving room for the doubt, for unknown variables, and for the always present exception to the rule.
Consider the following: God’s Law suggests that the believer ought to wear a “head fringe” (or “Tefillin”, as per Deuteronomy 6:8). In addition, the believer is supposed to redeem his first born son (Pidyon haben). How? By bringing unto the priest the redemption price of 5 silver coins (Numbers 3:47, & 18:15-16).
Well, story goes that a particularly sharp disciple was sitting in the house of study, learning Torah from a poorly educated sage. While the latter was going over the Torah portion dealing with the Tefillin, the student rose up and asked: “If a Hebrew believer has two heads, on which one of them is he supposed to place his Tefillin?”… taken aback by the question (not having ever considered such possibility), the sage replied: “What kind of foolish question is that? Get out of the house of study, or consider yourself under a ban”.
In that very moment, an older sage entered the study hall and [unaware of the foregoing discussion] went on to ask, “Today, a two headed son was born to my youngest son, how much money is he supposed to give for his redemption (five shekels, or ten)?”.
Upon hearing it, the younger sage felt as if his cover had been blown, and his arrogance rebuked; therefore, he resolved to make amends. How? By recognizing the merits of his crest-fallen disciple [in other words, by sharing his teaching post with him, so that the sage would expound Torah on one Sabbath, and let the disciple take his post during the next Torah session]

How can a few secular Jews be rigging the entire World?

How is it possible for a small bunch of secular Jews to [secretly] rule upon the entire Planet? Well, the answer is quite simple: First of all, secular Jews are  incredibly rich and powerful.
Secondly, they have absolute control over global mass media [so that, by constant repetition, they can make you believe their convenient ideas, no matter how weird or absurd they might initially seem to be– global warming, White guilt, Gender ideology, feminism, critical race theory, atheism, you name it!].
Thirdly, although brazenly godless (immoral and materialistic), most people secretly respect [and even admire] Jewish prominence. And since people tend to copy that which they secretly admire, Jews are allowed to corrupt, entice and delude the gentiles into playing their godless secular game. Obviously, if the gentile is stupid enough to fall for this trap, then he deserves what the secular Jew gives him.
You see, the gentile has the potential to be far better than the Jew, but most of the time the former opts for “the easy road”. Thus, he abandons his moral advantage, and tries to play the immoral gave offered by the secular Jew– a game that he is bound to lose. Why is he bound to lose it? Because no one is better at collective immorality than the secular Jews, who at this point have it in their genes. Thus, the game result [the subjugation of the gentiles] is not only correct, but also fair.
In this sense, it can be properly said that the secular Jew is God’s punishment for the evil and greed of the gentile World. Conversely, by delivering upon it the lessons (or “punishments”) Gentile World deserves, the secular Jew earns the post of “tormenting demon”; a demon that, while doing God’s bidding of punishing the Gentile’s rebellion [against God], is bound to end up himself in hell. May God have mercy of us all!

«He who fears God ought to avoid the mindset of secular Jews. Why? Because the latter represents the modern manifestation of an ancient evil called “Amalek”. What is Amalek? It is a proud, stiff-neck, unjust, opportunistic, biased, and strife-oriented spirit, often characterized by an unbounded [and brazen] lust for gain and power. And since the former traits directly oppose the peace, fair justice, and unbiased judgment that characterizes God’s throne (“… [untainted] Righteousness and [impartial] Judgment are the habitation of His throne”- Psalm 97:2), the Holy One has sworn to wage war against Amalek’s representatives until the end of time (“… the Lord hath sworn that the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation”- Exodus 17:16)»

Does the God of Moses still consider the Israelite nation to be His Chosen people?

Hebrew Scripture states that the God who spoke to Moses (may peace and blessings be upon him) also delivered the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. Why? In order to empower them with a noble mission– to become a paradigm for the lifestyle of holiness, justice, mercy, and humility that characterize those who would faithfully serve the God of Moses. As it has been said: “… Ye shall therefore be holy, for I (the Lord) am holy… It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what the Lord doth require of thee: only to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God”- Leviticus 11:45, & Micah 6:8 (Jewish Publication Society, 1917 Edition).
Unfortunately, it wasn’t long until Aaron (Israel’s High priest) was forced to recognize that Israel was a people inclined to evil. As it has been said: «And Aaron said: “Let not the anger of my lord (Moses) wax hot; thou knowest the people, that they are set on evil”»- Exodus 32:22.
Likewise, after spending almost 40 years guiding Israel thru the wilderness, Moses was also forced to admit that Israel was indeed a rebellious people: “Ye have been rebellious against the LORD from the day that I (Moses) knew you”- Deuteronomy 9:24
In fact, even the Almighty had to do the same, acknowledging that Israel was a stiffnecked people, prone to easily turn away for the holy task they had been given («And the Lord said unto Moses: “I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people”»- Exodus 32:9)
Thus, Israel ended up departing from God’s will, so that five centuries after Moses time, the chosen people had completely abandoned their calling. And since they no longer viewed the Lord as their own God, so did the Lord no longer view them as His own people. As it has been written: «Now Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam, and to the princes of Judah, that were gathered together to Jerusalem because of Shishak, and said unto them: “Thus saith the Lord: ‘Ye have forsaken Me, therefore have I also left you…’ ”» – 2 Chronicles 12:5

In fact, Israel so vehemently renounced to it’s Divine mission, that the Lord no longer viewed them as the blessed & chosen people, but rather as the wicked people of Sodom & Gomorrah (in other words, as hostile, sick, and pagan nations).
As it has been said: “Children I have reared, and brought up, and they have rebelled against Me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib; but Israel doth not know, My people doth not consider. Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that deal corruptly; they have forsaken the Lord, they have contemned the Holy One of Israel, they are turned away backward… The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint; From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and festering sores… Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah”- Isaiah 1:2-10
Finally, though outwardly religious, Israelites became so morally degenerated that they ended up denying the existence of the God that had chosen them to be a holy people. In fact, they lost their belief in the existence of a Supreme Judge [and a Supreme Judgment] in the Universe. As it has been said: «They have belied the Lord, and said: “It is not He [who rules the Universe], neither shall evil come upon us; neither shall we see [as the result of His judgment] the sword nor famine”»- Jeremiah 5:12.
Thus, having abandoned the notion of a God who wanted them to embrace the moral lifestyle depicted by His holy Law, Israel soon lost it’s capability to distinguish between goodness and evil. And, as a result, the Israel became the opposite of what God had initially called them to be– Instead of becoming a paradigm of obedience and Holiness, they became a paradigm of wickedness and rebellion (so that what God would call “good” they would call “evil”; and what God called “evil”, they would call “good”). As it has been said: «Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that change darkness into light, and light into darkness; that change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter!… because they have rejected the Law of the Lord of hosts, and contemned the word of the Holy One of Israel. Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against His people, and He hath stretched forth His hand against them, and hath smitten them…»- Isaiah 5:20-25.
Therefore, it shouldn’t surprise us to find that God had foretold that He would eventually ceased to consider Israelites His own chosen people, abandoning them instead to their wicked ways.
As it has been said: “For I know thy rebellion, and thy stiff neck; behold, while I am yet alive with you this day, ye have been rebellious against the Lord; and how much more after my death? For I know that after my death ye will in any wise deal corruptly, and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you; and evil will befall you in the end of days; because ye will do that which is evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke Him through the work of your hands”- Deut. 31:27-29.
And it also states elsewhere: «… the Lord saw, and spurned, because of the provoking of His sons and His daughters. And He said: “I will hide My face from them, I will see what their end shall be; for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faithfulness… they have provoked Me with their vanities; and I will rouse them to jealousy with a no-people; I will provoke them with a vile nation”»- Deuteronomy 32:19-21.
In the former passage, the Hebrew term translated as “vile” is “nabal”. What is a “nabal” person? It is one displaying churlishness (rudeness of manners or temper; lacking in kindness or courtesy). As it has been said: “Now the name of the man was Nabal… but the man was churlish and evil in his doings… for as his name is, so is he: Nabal is his name, and churlishness is with him”- 1 Samuel 25:3&25.
Thus, since Israel provoked God’s anger with the churliness of their self-exaltation, it was only fair that they be likewise provoked to anger by the self exaltation of other people’s (the Pagan Greeks, the Christian Romans, the Zoroastrian Persians, the Arian Visogoths, the Muslim Arabs, the Orthodox Russians, etc.)
In short, the God of Moses no longer considers the Israelite nation to be His holy chosen people, letting instead pious persons from every nation [and creed] to willingly incarnate such lofty paradigm.
Does the former mean that the nation of Israel will never be restored? Not at all! Rather, it means that Israelites won’t repent until their wickedness places them at the brink of total annihilation. As it has been said: “I will go and return to My place [away from them], till they acknowledge their guilt, and seek My face; in their trouble they will seek Me earnestly”- Hosea 5:15.
And also in another place: “… And I [The Lord] will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Then shall ye [Israelites] again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not”- Malachi 3:17-18.
My the peace and grace of the Holy One be upon you all. Amen.

Righteous Jews are the apple of God's eye!... But beware of Marxist (Secular) Jews, as the aim of the latter is to control your gentile mind, so they can [eventually] enslave your gentile body

Before he can enslave your body, the Marxist Jew will first make sure to enslave your mind. How will he do it? Easily! By exploiting your passions. In other words, by telling you the sweet lies you would secretly want to hear- wide sweeping generalities justifying your lack of moral, cultural and religious discipline (weaknesses that the jew will exploit for his own advantage); placing before your eyes the “ideological potholes” in which he wants you to fall, so that you end up wearing “the psychological straight jacked” that will effectively paralyze you (rendering you incapable of making any meaningful difference). What are some of these convenient generalizations? Here are a few: (1) “Old is always bad, New is always good” (2) “Good and evil are relative”; (3) “Religion is for the ignorant”; (4) “Diversity is our strength!”; (5) “We have to be inclusive!”; (6) “We all are equal!”; (7) “Violence is never Justified”; (8) “You don’t choose your sexual orientation!”; (9) “Antisemitism is always wrong!”; (10) “You can’t be judgmental!”; (11) “Individuality is a sign of strength”.
Why would the Jew want to indoctrinate you with these ideas? Because if you analyze them, you’ll soon realize that they are detrimental to the Gentiles, but perfectly suited to the Jewish interests. For example, the Jew is the eternal immigrant (the eternal “outsider”), having his own distinctive culture, and being faithful first to his own Jewish people. But you are forced to be OK with that, since you’ve already agree with them, when they told you that “diversity is our strength”, and that “We are all equal”. Marxist Jews are often promoters of usury, pedophilia, and homosexuality. But you are forced to accept it, as you have agree that “Good and evil are relative”, that “You don’t choose your sexual orientation (you don’t choose who do you love)”, and that “You can’t be judgmental”. Marxist Jews openly promote atheism, but you are supposed to agree with this because “Religion is for the ignorant”.
In fact, they even want you to renounce to idea that there’s a God who expects you to repent and repay for the sins you’ve committed (or have inherited). No, you have no debt to pay to any imaginary God. The real debt you have to pay (the sin you’ve inherited from your fathers, and are guilty of yourself) is the sin against the Jews- your ancestors negligence in preventing the holocaust, as well as the antisemitism you’ve displayed whenever you complain about the disproportionate number of Jews holding high power positions in the government, the banking industry, the media, the senate, and the military.
In short, once you volunteer to swallow the sweet lies and generalities dished out to you by Jewish mainstream media, they got you in their pockets (and there’s nothing you can do about it!). How can you defeat these Jewish lies? Very simple!… Just renounce to them. How? First of all, start considering Jewish Political correctness to be no better than used toilet paper; Secondly, stop trusting mainstream media, and start judging everyone not for what he [or she says], but rather for what he does; Thirdly, start going back to your original roots (God, Guns, and Guts)- Go back to the language, the lifestyle, the family values, the work ethics, the culture, the morality, and the religion inherited from your ancestors. Stand firm upon those values, and start calling things by their proper name.
(1) Home school your own children; (2) Call homosexuality “a moral abomination”, and call their promoters “perverts and villains”. (3) Call atheistic Jews by their proper name (“Cultural Marxists”); (4) Call a Jewish controlled government by it’s true name (a “Zionist occupied government”) (5) Demand that government policy meets the needs and mindset of the local native population, not the needs of Jewish multinational corporations, nor interest groups based on Tel Aviv.

¿Se equivoca Dios?

La Escritura Hebrea (o, “Torah”) enseña que יהוה (Adonai Yah, bendito sea) lo hizo todo bueno. Pero también enseña que, luego de haber creado al hombre, Yah reconoció que “no era bueno que el hombre estuviese solo” (Gen 2:18). La realidad es que, si el hombre estaba solo, ¡el causante de ello no era otro sino El Creador! Es decir, el relato de la Creación muestra que (si nos atreviésemos a decir tal cosa) el Creador hizo “cosas buenas”, pero también hizo cosas “no tan buenas”. ¿Que hizo Yah con aquello que “no era tan bueno”? Pues que procedió a reconocerlo de inmediato (por iniciativa propia, y sin necesidad de que alguien tuviese que convencerlo). Entonces, luego de reconocer aquello que “no era tan bueno”, el Creador procedió a “rectificarlo” (a, por así decirlo, “enderezar lo torcido”). En el caso de Adam, esa “rectificación” consistió en proveer al hombre de comunión y armonía con otro ser humano (con “Hava”, o “Eva”).
Como si lo anterior no fuese ya “difícil de tragar”, la Torah enseña también que Yah (bendito sea) creo al hombre “a su imagen y semejanza” (Gen. 1:26). ¿Que significan estas palabras? Pues [entre muchas otras cosas] significa que, así como Dios hizo cosas buenas, y cosas no tan buenas, de ese mismo modo el hombre (creado a imagen y semejanza de su Dios) también puede escoger entre hacer “cosas buenas”, y hacer “cosas no tan buenas”. Y también significa que, así como el Creador pudo reconocer (y enmendar) aquello que “no era tan bueno” (proveyendo al hombre comunión y armonía con su prójimo); de ese mismo modo el hombre puede reconocer y enmendar sus errores, entablando una relación de comunión y armonía con su prójimo.
El anterior relato también nos muestra que, si bien es loable hacer “solo lo bueno”, es aún mejor cuando, luego de haber hecho lo que “no es tan bueno”, tenemos suficiente humildad como para (por iniciativa propia) reconocer nuestro error, y proceder a “enderezar” lo que hemos “torcido” (nuestra relación con el prójimo, sin importar si ese prójimo es el Creador, nuestros semejantes, o nosotros mismos).
La anterior verdad, está confirmada en el siguiente Midrash Hebreo (Berachot 34b): “En el (sublime) lugar donde está de pie el penitente (entiéndase, aquel que ha reconocido su error, y procedido a enmendarlo), no puede pararse ni siquiera el que es perfectamente justo”.
En resumen, si la Torah enseña que el hombre fue creado a imagen y semejanza de Dios, es porque el Creador (bendito sea) anhela que el hombre obre de la misma forma que obró Dios [durante el proceso de la creación del hombre]: Es decir, que escoja hacer lo bueno; y que, cuando no lo haga, tenga la humildad y la honestidad de reconocerlo, confesando su error, y procediendo a rectificarlo («El que confiesa su pecado, y se aparta, alcanzara misericordia… Por tanto, confesaré mi maldad, y me contristaré por mi pecado»- Proverbios 28:13 & Salmo 38:18). Esto es lo que al presente conocemos como «Teshuvah»; palabra Hebrea que significa “volver al camino recto” (“arrepentimiento sincero”, o “confesión y conversión”).

Hebrew Scripture states that the nation of Israel doesn’t have a monopoly, when it comes to the issue of being God’s chosen people

Torah (God’s Law) states the following: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith יהוה. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts”- Isaiah 55:8-9.
And the former means that, while human beings often choose [without any moral consideration] whom they want to bestow their benefits upon, the Holy One is far removed from such moral corruption (“they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked [no matter if he be a Hebrew, or a Gentile]”- Deuteronomy 25:1). Why is that so? Because the Almighty shows no questionable bias in favor of the wicked and rebellious.
Thus, when it comes to the issue of who is part of God’s chosen people, the Holy One decrees that he who fears and obeys Him [thereby yielding a life of meekness and humility], is a “de facto” member of it. And the latter is true, regardless of the person’ race or religion. As it is written:
“Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so יהוה, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken [by falsely claiming to be God’s holy people]… but to this man will I look [with pleasure], even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word… Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of יהוה your God, which I command you this day: And a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of יהוה your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day… Truly God is good to Israel (to which Israel is the Creator good?…), even to such as are of a clean heart”- Amos 5:14, Isaiah 66:2, Deuteronomy 11:26-28, Psalm 73:1.
On the other hand, he who is proud and rebellious against the Creator, isn’t part of God’s Holy People, regardless of his race or creed. As it is written: «He (the ethnic Israel) who yesterday was my People, has risen up as an enemy… And God said: “Call his name Lo-ammi, because you (the Israelites) are not (anymore) my people, nor I will be your God”…»- Micah 2:8, Hosea 1:9.
Finally, whence we get that the Holy One retains the option to demote [and even destroy] national Israel, whenever the latter decides to collectively rebels against Him [openly embracing an immoral lifestyle]? We get it from the Law, when it goes on to condemns [to death] the son daring to dishonor his parents («And they shall say unto the elders of his city, “This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard”. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die…»- Deuteronomy 21:20-21).
And, since ethnic Israel is called God’s own son (“Thus saith יהוה, Israel is my son, even my firstborn”- Exodus 4:22), whenever Israel blasphemes it’s heavenly Father, it becomes liable to destruction (“And ye shall be left few in number… because thou wouldest not obey the voice of יהוה  thy God. And it shall come to pass, that as יהוה rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so יהוה will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought… this people will rise up, and go a whoring… and will forsake me, and break my covenant … Then my anger shall be kindled against them in that day, and I will forsake them, and I will hide my face from them, and they shall be devoured, and many evils and troubles shall befall them…”- Deut. 28:62-63, 31:16-17).
Finally, whence we get that the Holy may not only exterminate ethnic Israelites, but even replace them altogether? We get it from Torah, when it goes on to say: «… Let me alone, that I may destroy them, and blot out their name from under heaven: and I will make of thee a nation mightier and greater than they»- Deuteronomy 9:14. And it also states elsewhere: «[Concerning the Israelite who says…] “I shall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of mine heart”… יהוה will not spare him, but then the anger of יהוה and his jealousy shall smoke against that man… and יהוה shall blot out his name… And יהוה shall separate him unto evil out of all the tribes of Israel– Deuteronomy 29:19-21, & 9:14.
May the Holy One have mercy of ethnic Israel! Amen.

¿Habla Dios a los impíos? ¿Habla a sus enemigos; los idolatras cuya teología niega el mensaje ético universal de la Ley de Dios?

La Ley divina (o “Torah”) indica que Dios habló directamente a Adam y a Hava, aún sabiendo que rehusarían arrepentirse de su desobediencia (Gen. 3:8); de igual modo, Dios habló directamente a Caín, un asesino convicto (Gen. 4:9); Dios habló (por medio del Arca) a los hombres de la generación del Diluvio, gente extremadamente violenta (Gen. 7:7-10); habló (en sueños) a Abimelec, Rey de Gerar (Gen. 20:3); habló en sueños a Labán, un maestro del fraude y el engaño (Gen. 31:24); habló, por medio de un sueño, a un pagano faraón, advirtiéndole acerca de los años de hambre que vendrían sobre Egipto (Gen. 41:25); habló (por medio de Moisés) al perverso Faraón que oprimía y esclavizaba a los Israelitas (Éxodo 5:1); habló a Balaam, un profeta gentil (Num. 22:9-12); y hasta “habló” al asna de este último profeta (Num. 22:23). ¡Es que Dios habla a todos, continuamente, y sin cesar! Dios habla a buenos y a malos; habla a creyentes, y a no creyentes; habla a Hebreos, y a habla a Gentiles. ¿Como es esto posible? Pues porque la Escritura afirma que la Creación es en sí misma un instrumento del Creador; una voz por medio de la cual oímos acerca de su gloria, y de su justicia. Como está escrito: «LOS CIELOS CUENTAN LA GLORIA DE DIOS, Y EL FIRMAMENTO ANUNCIA LA OBRA DE SUS MANOS. Un día emite palabra a otro día, Y UNA NOCHE a otra noche DECLARA SABIDURÍA… Por toda la Tierra salió su voz, Y hasta el extremo del mundo sus palabras… La Ley de Yah es perfecta, que convierte el alma; El testimonio de Yah es fiel, que hace sabio al sencillo. Los mandamientos de Yah son rectos, que alegran el corazón; El precepto de Yah es puro, que alumbra los ojos. El temor de Yah es limpio, que permanece para siempre; Los juicios de Yah son verdad, todos justos. Deseables son más que el oro, y más que mucho oro afinado; Y dulces más que miel, y que la que destila del panal. Tu siervo es además amonestado con ellos; En guardarlos hay grande galardón» (Salmo 19:1-11).
Así, el creyente Hebreo, Cristiano, o Musulmán, que afirma haber recibido un mensaje Divino, no es mayor ni menor que aquel que no hace tal afirmación. Es que, lo que determina la calidad de la fe de un ser humano, no es la aparente exclusividad que podría conferir el haber recibido un grande y misterioso mensaje de parte de Dios- es la obediencia (o desobediencia) al antiguo y universal mensaje de Dios, según expresado en la Escritura: “El fin de todo el discurso oído es este: TEME A DIOS, Y GUARDA SUS MANDAMIENTOS; PORQUE ESTO ES EL TODO DEL HOMBRE” (Eclesiastés 12:13). Es que, quien no puede obedecer a Dios en lo poco (cumpliendo el claro y simple llamado Divino a obedecer sus diez mandamientos), no puede esperar que se le comunique algo aún mas complejo y comprometedor. Es que la Escritura dice: «Si corriste con los de a pie, y te cansaron, ¿cómo contenderás con los caballos? Y si en la tierra de paz no estabas seguro, ¿cómo harás en la espesura del Jordán?» Jeremías 12:5.

The believer's personal commitment to God's Ten Supreme Laws

1) I commit myself to the belief in the Existence and Sovereignty of יהוה (also known as “The Supreme Power”, “The Infinite Being”, “The Lord God”, or simply “Adonay Yah”).
2) I commit myself with avoiding the blind worship, praise, or allegiance towards anyone (or anything) having a physical image; nor to any god besides יהוה
3) I commit myself with avoiding to pronounce in vain the Name יהוה
4) I commit myself to sanctify the day of rest (the Sabbath)
5) I commit myself to the honor and respect owed to my physical [and spiritual] Parents
6) I promise not to kill [or harm] an innocent men [or woman]
7) I commit myself to staying away from anything that could lead me to immorality; Fornication, Adultery, Homosexuality, or Bestiality
8) I commit myself to never kidnap the body [or mind] of the innocent person who is weaker [or more naive] than myself
9) I commit myself with striving to avoid deception, bearing a false witness, defame my innocent fellow man, swearing falsely, or harming my neighbor through a false piece of information.
10) I acknowledge stealing as wrong, and thus commit myself to never attempt to bring into my possession anything that lawfully belongs to another person


Being Right doesn't mean you are Righteous!

The one true religion (and why most people would rather avoid it!)

There’s only one true and Godly religion: To be just, kind, and humble. As it has been written: “Turn away from Evil! Do Good! Then you will Live in the Land Forever”- Psalm 37:27 (Common English Bible). And elsewhere says: “He has told you, human one, what is good, and what the Lord requires from you- to do justice, [to] embrace faithful love, and [to] walk humbly with your God”- Micah 6:8.
What then is the role played by normative religion (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc.)? Simply to try and be faithful messengers of God’s true religion. And all is well and good, as long as we keep in mind the unavoidable distinction that will always exist between the perfect message of true religion, and the imperfect role played by it’s appointed messengers.
Why then do evil doers refuse to accept God’s true religion? Simply because they think it would be easier for them to appease the Creator with flattering words. In other words, proclaiming how great He is; how paramount is to believe this or that other theology; or how crucial it is to make this or that other statement of faith. What’s really hard for evil doers, is to appease the Creator by doing good to their fellow human beings– something that humbles their ego (forcing them to focus on pleasing someone else besides themselves), and hurts their pride (forcing them to serve their neighbor, rather than to be served by them).
That’s why, when a man can’t humble himself to serve other people, and in addition has such a sinful past as to make it almost impossible for him to excel among his fellow believers, he’ll often come up with “a new revelation”; a fancy prophecy [or biblical interpretation] that none but himself can completely understand; a convenient theology where, “doing good”, is of secondary importance, but in which “believing”, and “understanding” his new revelation, is a matter of “life or death”. Of course, as nobody else can completely understand his new “revelation”, people eventually find themselves forced to follow him in a blind fashion- thereby making him the indisputable leader he always [secretly] wanted to be.
This phenomenon explains many of the thousands cults often started by people whom, in spite of their questionable moral background, dared proclaiming themselves God’s Messiah, God’s greatest prophet, God’s new apostle, God’s last messenger, and even a new manifestation of a previous religious figure.

Ethical Monotheism viewpoint concerning the salvation of Mankind

Hebrew Scripture states that God’s Law was initially revealed to Moses in the Hebrew tongue.
But Anyone with even a minimal knowledge of the Hebrew language knows that ancient Hebrew was a very imprecise language, as it contained no vowels, no accents, no periods, no commas, no exclamation signs, no upper case, no question marks, etc. How could Bible’s message ever be accurately preserved by means of such an imprecise language?
Can a good sword be made out of bad iron? The answer to this question is that Bible’s true message (a life of holiness, where we sow the good we wish to eventually reap) is so simple and so self evident that not even a fool can err from it [so no precise language was ever needed!].
As is written: «… and it shall be called “The way of holiness”; the unclean shall not pass over it… THE WAYFARING MEN, THOUGH FOOLS, SHALL NOT ERR THEREIN»- Isaiah 35:8.
And also in another place: “Turn from evil, and do good [to your innocent fellow human beings]; so you may live forever”- Psalm 37:27, Tree Of Life Version.
In fact, Hebrew scripture states that, as soon as God created Adam, He placed him in a garden, so he could till the land. As is written: “The Lord God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it …”- Genesis 2:15 (Christian standard Bible). But, why did Adam have to work any land? Didn’t he already have the world’s food supply at his disposal?
The reason was that, the first thing God wanted Adam to learn was that mankind’s well being would depend upon it’s recognition of the fact that, the World we humans have been introduced to, works upon the principle of “sowing and reaping” (cause and effect, action and reaction, what goes around, comes around).
As is written; “… Mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands”- Isaiah 65:22; “As you have done, it will be done to you…“- Obadiah 1:15; And also, “… As I have done, so God has repaid me”- Judges 1:7. And finally says, “… The Lord rewards each of us according to what we do”- Psalm 62:12 (C.E.V.).
The truth is that ancient men of God (Enoch, Noah, Job, Abraham, Joseph, etc) had no [Sacred] written scripture available, yet they perfectly knew God’s will for their lives, thereby earning God’s approval.
In other words, God’s will for Abraham was self evident to him (“For I know him [Abraham], that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment …”- Gen. 18:19).

The believer ought to beware of too much health, power, wealth, and intelligence, lest they turn him into a godless and immoral pagan

Too much abundance (physical health, beauty, intelligence, economical wealth, or political power) can turn a good man into a proud and arrogant being.
Why? Because he may start to believe he has no need to submit to any superior authority (let alone to a non-physical God!). Thus, the materially prosperous man is particularly prone to embrace a rebellious and degenerated lifestyle.
And, since Hebrew people were bound to be the most wealthy and powerful of all nations [and therefore the most prone to rebellion and degeneracy], the Holy One gave them a solemn warning:
… When thou shalt beget children, and children’s children, and ye shall have been long in the land, and shall deal corruptly, and make a graven image, even the form of any thing, and shall do that which is evil in the sight of the LORD thy God, to provoke Him; I CALL HEAVEN AND EARTH TO WITNESS AGAINST YOU THIS DAY, THAT YE SHALL SOON UTTERLY PERISH FROM OFF THE LAND WHEREUNTO YE GO OVER THE JORDAN TO POSSESS IT; YE SHALL NOT PROLONG YOUR DAYS UPON IT, BUT SHALL UTTERLY BE DESTROYED…
… AND THE LORD SAID UNTO MOSES: ‘Behold, thou art about to sleep with thy fathers; and THIS PEOPLE WILL RISE UP, AND GO ASTRAY AFTER THE FOREIGN GODS OF THE LAND, WHITHER THEY GO TO BE AMONG THEM, AND WILL FORSAKE ME, and break My covenant which I have made with them…

Has modern Western culture become a veiled form of practical Satanism?

The Hebrew Scripture describes the Devil using the phrase “Ha Satan” (“The One who Opposes”). Why such description? In order to teach that, whenever someone [or something] opposes God, such person [or thing] has become an evil “Ha Satan” (the Devil). It is in this sense that Western culture can be said to be practical Devil worshiping. Why? Because just as you would expect from Ha Satan, it exalts whatever the God of Abraham explicitly condemns, and condemns whatever He openly exalts.
Consider the case of death: the Hebrew God demands that we “mourn” for a deceased person; but Western culture opposes such a thing, demanding instead that we “celebrate” his life [so that, in the end, we find ourselves forced to “celebrate” the life of deceased atheists, pedophiles, and gay activists!]. In addition, consider the case of both marriage and premarital sex: the Hebrew God forbids promiscuity, encouraging opposite sex people to get married and procreate children; But Western culture opposes all these things, forcefully encouraging promiscuity, same sex marriages, and abortion. Finally, the Hebrew God tells us that, to be alone, isn’t good for our souls; but Western culture opposes this mindset, encouraging us instead to seek individuality, as well as independent living.

Jewish gay pride parades?

If there’s anything the Holy One absolutely abhors [and promises to utterly destroy] it is the public display of human pride.
As is written: “And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass: And your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits…
… And if [due to your pride] ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins….
… I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your high ways shall be desolate…
… And if ye will not be reformed by me by these things, but will walk contrary unto me; Then will I also walk contrary unto you, and will punish you yet seven times for your sins”- Leviticus 26:19-24, King James Bible.
And also says in another place, “For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low”- Isaiah 2:12, King James Bible.

Those who follow God’s moral imperative are enjoined to find the balanced (mid-way) position

Torah (God’s Law) hints at the idea that, in all things, man ought to aim at finding the wise and healthy balance (the mid way position). Thus, the prudent person avoids all sort of extreme (fundamentalist) positions, no matter if they have to do with political, economical, scientific, religious, or even secular fundamentalism. And that’s why the Tanakh portrays King David as asking the Almighty not to give him too much, nor too little, but rather a balanced amount. As it has been said:
“… Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with mine allotted bread; Lest I be full, and deny, and say: ‘Who is the LORD?’, Or lest I be poor, and steal, and profane the name of my God”- Proverbs 30:8-9 (Jewish Publication Society, 1917 Edition).
Thus, when it comes to the Divine commandments, we ought to seek a healthy balance: neither exaggerate our obedience to them [pretending to fulfill the impossible task of obeying all of the 613 laws], nor to totally disregard them. Rather, we must keep a healthy [and practical] balance, where we obey as many as we can, while giving priority to what the Almighty himself has given priority– the Ten Supreme principles printed by the Holy One upon the two stone tablets given to our master Moses. Why? because what is written upon stone, is meant to last forever.
And the same goes with whether we should do good, or whether we shouldn’t do good– we must try to abstain from all radical extremes (“Be not righteous overmuch; neither make thyself overwise; why shouldest thou destroy thyself? Be not overmuch wicked, neither be thou foolish; why shouldest thou die before thy time?”- Ecclesiastes 7:16-17, J.P.S. 1917 edition); Seek instead the balance! Do good (i.e., honor your parents) AND abstain from doing evil (i.e., from cheating your brothers and sisters).
And the fact that Adonay Yah wants the Hebrew believer to experience a balanced life, was always intimated by His Holy Law, as the latter would allow you to eat meat, yet it won’t allow you to eat ALL kind of meat (i.e., Pork)…
… It would allow you to marry, But it won’t allow you to marry ALL types of people (i.e. your sister)…
… It would allow you to work, but it won’t allow you to work ALL days of the week (i.e, Sabbath)…
… It would allow you to offer animal sacrifices, but it won’t allow you to sacrifice ALL type of animals (i.e., predators)…
… It would allow you to engage on business, but it won’t allow you to engage on ALL sort of businesses (i.e., Usury)
… It would allow you to plant your field (so you can grow food), but it won’t allow you to keep ALL of the food (as you are commanded to let the poor eat from what grows in the corners of your field)…
… It would allow you to buy property, but it won’t allow you to keep all of your property (as after 50 years you are commanded to returned the purchased property to it’s original owner).
In short, God’s Law enjoined the believer to live a balanced life, avoiding radical extremes, as well as thinking in terms of “All, or Nothing”.
May peace be upon you!

«Women leading the country? Underage boys choosing their own gender? The Hebrew Scripture intimates that when a Pagan society lacks courage and maturity, it is women and children who run the nation. As it is written: “The oppressors of my people are boys, and women rule over them. My people, those who guide you deceive you, and twist the course of your ways”- Isaiah 3:12»

Open promotion of homosexual behavior?

Open promotion of homosexual behavior? God forbid that such aberration ever be found among holy people! Why? Because all Abrahamic Scriptures state that such thing isn’t becoming of monotheistic believers [who are commanded to behave in a manly, prudent, and moderated fashion].
In fact, open promotion of Homosexual behavior can be considered to be the hallmark of the shameless and brazen man who praises the wicked, thereby abandoning God’s Law [turning away from the things that make him really human– things like respect, decency, honor, shame, and dignity].
As it has been said: “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No, THEY WERE NOT AT ALL ASHAMED, NEITHER COULD THEY BLUSH: therefore they shall fall among those that should fall: when I visit them, they shall fall, saith the LORD… The appearance of their countenance witnesses against them, and THEY DECLARE THEIR SIN AS SODOM; THEY HIDE IT NOT. Woe unto their soul! For they have rewarded evil unto themselves… THOSE THAT FORSAKE THE LAW PRAISE THE WICKED, but such as keep the Law contend with them… Say unto the righteous that it shall be well with him, for they shall eat of the fruit of their doings. WOE UNTO THE WICKED! IT SHALL BE ILL WITH HIM, FOR ACCORDING TO THE WORK OF HIS HANDS IT SHALL BE DONE UNTO HIM”- Jeremiah 8:12, Isaiah 3:9, Proverbs 28:4, Isaiah 3:10-11.

Are LGBTQ activists the functional equivalent of “Moral Cavemen”?

A joke that is quite popular among the members of a certain African tribe goes on to say the following: “In what sense are cavemen and LGBT activist alike?– In that both of them are obsessed with their “cave”!
The fact is that, although quite uncomfortable [and unsettling] for the average Western sensitivities, the former joke not only does contain certain degree of truth, but even displays some of Torah’s Divine Wisdom.
Whence we know it? We know it from the fact that God’s Law remarks that Sodom’s last survivors (Lot and his daughters), ended up living inside a cave (“But Lot went up from Zoar and dwelt on the mountain… AND DWELT IN A CAVE HE AND HIS TWO DAUGHTERS”- Genesis 19:30).
There’s more!… Just as a caveman would not be ashamed of the aberration implied in the act of “eating the flesh” of his own people (dietary cannibalism), neither were Lot’s daughters ashamed of the aberration implied in “eating” their father’s own flesh (moral cannibalism).
As it is written: “AND THEY MADE THEIR FATHER DRINK WINE [DECEITFULLY] THAT NIGHT also, and [when they had made him drunk] the younger arose, and slept with him [just as the eldest had previously done]; but he did not notice when she went to bed, nor when she got up. And the two daughters of Lot conceived by his father”- Genesis 19: 35-36.

Is the Creator pleased with modern day Jewish Religion?

Just as it happens with all other monotheistic religions, the Jewish faith is a perfectly valid path to seek the God of Abraham. Yet the latter doesn’t mean the Holy One is automatically pleased with most [let alone all] Jewish people. Why? Because God’s own religion is “results oriented” (“for them that honor me, I will honor, and they that despise me, shall be despised”- 1 Samuel 2:30, 1599 Geneva Bible). In fact, Jewish Scripture tells us that [in the past] God has been so angry with the Jewish people, that has repeatedly exiled them out of the Land, and into the slaughterhouse.
Why? Because, being “chosen” by the Almighty doesn’t automatically erase their stiff-neck [rebellious] nature. As it has been said: “I have seen this people, and behold, it is a stiff-necked people” (Deuteronomy 9:13, 1599 Geneva Bible).
Consider the following example: Hebrew Scripture tells that, as soon as prophet Jeremiah warned the Jews concerning God’s punishment for their immoral behavior, they tried to kill him («Now it came to pass, when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking all that the Lord had commanded him to speak unto all the people, that THE PRIESTS AND THE PROPHETS AND ALL THE PEOPLE LAID HOLD ON HIM, SAYING: “THOU SHALT SURELY DIE…”»- Jeremiah 26:8-9, Jewish Publication society, 1917 Edition).
Why would the Jews try to kill God’s prophet? There are no less than two possible reasons:

(1) They still were stiff-necked people
(2) They had the collective mindset of a spoiled brat

And the latter option can be understood in light of the fact that Jews were constantly called “the CHILDREN of Israel” (“And THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years- Judges 6:1, Jewish Publication society, 1917 Edition).

Why were they called “CHILDREN”? Because, just like “Children” (spoiled little brats), they lacked the wisdom [and maturity] to handle any form of constructive criticism (shutting it instead with foolish and childish claims of incipient “Antisemitism”). And whence we know that they were a crooked and perverse generation (spoiled brats)? We know it from the Jewish Scripture that goes on to say: “[God is] The Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice; a God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and right is He. IS CORRUPTION HIS? NO; HIS CHILDREN’S IS THE BLEMISH; A GENERATION CROOKED AND PERVERSE”- Deuteronomy 32:4-5, Jewish Publication Society, 1917 Edition.
In short, Judaism is a perfectly valid religion. And, in the hands of a pious crowd, Judaism can become a city of spiritual refuge (an awesome path that can offer a world of Divine wisdom, peace of spirit, and fortitude of mind). But, in the hands of a leadership with no scruples left, normative Judaism can be turned into a city of criminal, rebellious, and degenerated people. As it has been said: “How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers”- Isaiah 1:21 (King James Bible).
May the Almighty have mercy of all Jewish people!


«He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God?”- Micah 6:8 (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition); “He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, But whoever confesses and turns away from his sins will find compassion and mercy”(Proverbs 28:13, Amplified Bible); “Turn from evil and do good, so you may live forever” (Psalm 37:27, Tree of Life Version Bible); “The sacrifices God wants are a broken spirit. A broken and crushed heart, O God, you will not despise” (Psalm 51:17, Evangelical Heritage version)»

Are Jews God’s holy people? Can the nation of Israel behave in whatever fashion it prefers, without fear of God’s wrath?

Curiously, while in one place Hebrew Scripture calls Israel God’s own people (and even God’s own son, according to Exodus 4:22!), yet in another place, God states Israelis are not His people, but rather children of prostitution (Bastards!). As it has been said: «And He said: ‘Call his name Lo-ammi; for ye are not My people, and I will not be yours’… Plead with your mother, plead; for she is not My wife, neither am I her husband; and let her put away her harlotries from her face, and her adulteries from between her breasts… And I will not have compassion upon her children; for they are children of harlotry (Bastards!)»- Hosea 1:9, 2:4&6, Jewish publication Society, 1917 Edition.
What does it mean? It means that, since a son is supposed to resemble his real father, whenever Israel displays a holy lifestyle (“Speak unto all the congregation of the sons of Israel and say unto them, Ye shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy”- Leviticus 19:2, Jubilee Bible 2000) they are indeed God’s own son [and therefore His chosen people].
Conversely, when Israel chooses to [collectively] walk the path of wickedness, God no longer considers them to be His Children, but rather degenerated Gentiles (children of Sodom and Gomorrah!). As it has been said: “Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah”- Isaiah 1:10, JPS 1917 Edition.
Does the latter mean God changes His mind? Of course not! It only means God’s blessings are contingent upon our obedience, so that those who honor Him (trying to be Holy, just as He is holy) are themselves honored with the title of “Sons of God”, as well “God’s chosen people”.
But why can’t the Almighty honor Israel with the unconditional title of “God’s chosen people» (regardless of their moral lifestyle)? Because Divine justice decrees that the wicked cannot be honored. As it has been said:
“Be it far from Me: for them that honour Me I will honour, and they that despise Me shall be lightly esteemed”- 1 Samuel 2:30, JPS 1917 Edition. Thus, since the Holy land was meant to be inhabited by God’s Holy people, whenever Israel collectively embraces open immorality, it loses the right to the Land, so that God (eventually) proceeds to deliver them into the hands of their enemies (Palestinians, Persians, Arabs, Syrians, etc), thereby making room for people more worthy of them to dwell upon the Land.
As it has been said: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind (LGBT life); it is abomination…. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things; for in all these the nations are defiled, which I cast out from before you…. and the land vomited out her inhabitants. Ye therefore… shall not do any of these abominations… for all these abominations have the men of the land done… that the land vomit not you out also, when ye defile it, as it vomited out the nation that was before you”- Lev. 18:22-28, JPS 1917 Edition.
And also says in another place: «And the LORD said unto Moses: “How long will this people despise Me? and how long will they not believe in Me, for all the signs which I have wrought among them? I will smite them with the pestilence, and destroy them, and will make of thee a nation greater and mightier than they”»- Numbers 14:11-12, JPS 1917 Edition.
Finally, Moses foretold that Judah (The Jews) would depart from God’s Holy Assembly [openly embracing wickedness, and placing their trust not in God’s power, but rather in that of Jewish-friendly nations]. And that’s why Moses went on to pray as follows: “and he said: Hear, LORD, the voice of Judah, and bring him in [back] unto his people; his hands shall contend for him [and not the hands of it’s gentile friends], and Thou shalt be a help against his adversaries”- Deut. 33:7.
Currently, Israel is so far from God, that it cannot tell the difference between good and evil; between he who serves God, and he who doesn’t. But Moses prayer was in fact a prophecy– one where the Almighty promises that one day Israel will come back from darkness, and again be able “to see” (being capable of distinguish between good and evil).
As it has been said: «And they shall be Mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in the day that I do make, even Mine own treasure; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Then shall ye again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not»- Malachi 3:17-18. May the Almighty guide and bless the nation of Israel. Amen.

PornHub is Owned by an Ashkenazi Jewish Rabbi!

It’s not a big secret to anyone paying attention that SECULAR Ashkenazi Jews have run the pornography industry since its inception. In fact, they have admitted it many times.

However, it is now more obvious than ever, now that a legitimate rabbi owns the world’s largest pornography empire, which includes PornHub, which is notorious for hosting videos of child rape.
Solomon Friedman is the new owner of PornHub. He is a Jewish attorney and rabbi. His private equity firm took over Mindgeek, the umbrella company of virtually every porn site. He vowed to save PornHub from ruin and make it a better place. But how?
PornHub is used to post videos where minors are raped by adult men. There’s an endless stream of 14-year-old girls being posted against their will. Besides the obvious evils of pedophilia being posted, the site can only do evil. Whether both parties engage in consensual intercourse or not.
So what did rabbi Friedman mean by making it a place for good? Before PornHub came under fire for profiting off rape videos, anyone could post a video. Under Friedman’s watch, users are now required to be verified. Seems good right?
What Friedman doesn’t want you to know is that the people starring in the videos don’t require to be verified. Verification is just a license to continue posting rape and child porn.
Luckily, PornHub hired hundreds of in-house moderators to view the porn before it goes live. But who verifies these moderators? Imagine spending an entire workweek to ”verify” content for PornHub. What kind of person does that?
Well, I think we know the kinds of sick individuals who would welcome this line of work. Wouldn’t their job include having to watch videos of child rape during their screening process? All in a days work for these people. With the ongoing conflict in Palestine, we would like to remind people how Israelis have used pornography as a weapon of war.

God’s Law isn’t an ideological straight jacket; nor is the Creator a theological dictator enjoying a long running power trip

God’s perfect will for mankind is for it to embrace a life of justice, mercy, and humility; as correctly stated by the prophet, when he went on to say: “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?”- Micah 6:8 (King James Bible).
But, how exactly do we achieve the former? Well, we do it by imitating the actions of our Creator. You see, the Holy One never ask us to do anything, save He has done it first. And where do we find Him acting in a just, merciful, and humble fashion? We find it in no less than two separated Torah passages:

(1) In the first one, Moses interprets that a deceased man’s land is to be inherited only by his male children– The basic assumption being that the Holy Land belonged to God, who assigned it to the Israelite clans for their use (Lev. 25:23).
It was also assumed that only males could inherit it, because the clan was perpetuated through the male line.
(2) In the second passage, God commands Israel how [and when] is the Passover feast to be executed (“And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the first month of the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying, Let the children of Israel also keep the passover at his appointed season. In the fourteenth day of this month, at even, ye shall keep it in his appointed season: according to all the rites of it, and according to all the ceremonies thereof, shall ye keep it”- Numbers 9:1-3, KJB).

On each of the above, an aggrieved party goes ahead, and raises a valid issue; claiming that the interpretation given to God’s commandments wasn’t just nor merciful enough to include special cases:

(1) A father who had no male children, but only daughters (“Why should the name of our father be done away from among his family, because he hath no son? Give unto us therefore a possession among the brethren of our father”- Numbers 27:4, KJB)
(2) Those who can’t observe Passover not because they didn’t want to, but rather due to circumstances beyond their own control, like the impurity contracted while burying a deceased relative (“And there were certain men, who were defiled by the dead body of a man, that they could not keep the passover on that day: and they came before Moses and before Aaron on that day: And those men said unto him, We are defiled by the dead body of a man: wherefore are we kept back, that we may not offer an offering of the Lord in his appointed season among the children of Israel?”- Numbers 9:6-7, KJB).

In both cases, the Holy One does the unthinkable: He acknowledges that the claims raised against the person in charge of interpreting Torah [the ancient equivalent to a great modern Rabbi, like “Rashi of Troyes”, or “Moses Ben Maimon” ] were correct and valid.
There’s more! In order to show justice and mercy, God [who by definition can’t make mistakes] showed Himself to be humble enough to “amend” (or “correct”) His word; as if He had actually made a mistake! Why? so as to accommodate the just, fair, and objective demands of the aggrieved parties. How did He go about it?

(1) He allowed females to inherit from their father’s estate (thereby intimating that it is only our narrow interpretation of God’s word what prevents us from realizing we are all equal before Him, as He makes no distinction between male or female, black or white, Jew or gentile).
As is written: “The daughters of Zelophehad speak right: thou shalt surely give them a possession of an inheritance among their father’s brethren; and thou shalt cause the inheritance of their father to pass unto them”- Numbers 27:7, KJV.
(2) he gave people a chance to celebrate a second Passover, 30 days after the first one (thereby intimating that the Creator is a God of second chances!).
As is written: “If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover unto the Lord. The fourteenth day of the second month at even they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. They shall leave none of it unto the morning, nor break any bone of it: according to all the ordinances of the passover they shall keep it”- Numbers 9:10-12, KJB.

Yet the former story leave us wondering… Can the Creator ever be mistaken? Or is He rather trying to teach us a deep moral lesson?– That God’s isn’t a religious tyrant, nor is he an ideological dictator; that even though Torah was written upon stone tablets, Torah’s interpretation isn’t an ideological straight jacked– the theological equivalent of an inflexible stone [one that cannot be reshaped]?
Could the Creator be trying to tell us that, if He [whose majesty, wisdom and power is absolute] isn’t arrogantly obsessed with being blindly obeyed, blindly believed, or free from questioning, neither should we [frail, weak, and flawed] human beings ever be obsessed with being theologically [and intellectually] correct, arrogantly expecting to be blindly believed and obeyed?

Living in peace with our fellow creatures– God’s own Highway to Heaven

One of the basic tenets of Ethical Monotheism is that both man and woman were created in God’s own image (“SO GOD CREATED MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE, in the image of God created he him; MALE AND FEMALE CREATED HE THEM”- Genesis 1:27).
Thus, we hold fast to the idea that, being the reflection of God’s holy image, all human life is sacred [and must therefore be protected from unjustified suffering and harm]; and the latter remains true, no matter if such life is that of a Jew, or of a Gentile; the life of an Israeli, or of a Palestinian; the life of a grown up man, or that of a grown up woman; the life of a young healthy person, or the life of a sick and old person; the life of a smart and powerful European leader, or that of a dumb, weak and poor African commoner; the life of a newly born baby, or that of an unborn baby. As is written: “… I HAVE SET BEFORE YOU LIFE AND DEATH, blessing and cursing: THEREFORE, CHOOSE LIFE…”- Deut. 30:19.
Thus, regardless of their race or creed, the Holy One [blessed be He] wants all men to live in peace and harmony with one another, knowing that, whenever we destroy human life, we are in fact attempting against God’s own image in the World.
And the former is the reason why, the very same day Hebrew authorities had to execute a person, they would spend the day on fasting; as if to imply that, just as fasting diminishes our flesh and blood, so does the execution of a human being [even if legally justified] diminish our humanity– our God given image.
In fact, this living in peace with our fellow creatures is what bears witness that we already are “Children of God”, and therefore are destined to inherit life everlasting. Whence we know? We know it from the verse that goes on to say, “BEHOLD, HOW GOOD AND HOW PLEASANT IT IS FOR BRETHREN TO DWELL TOGETHER IN UNITY!…” – Psalm 133:1. And what comes next?, “FOR THERE THE LORD COMMANDED THE BLESSING, EVEN LIFE FOR EVERMORE”- Psalm 133:3.
Finally, the fact that living in peace with our fellow creatures make us Children of God is such a paramount truth that, even Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) seems to have asserted it, when the gospel goes on to quote him saying, “BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: FOR THEY SHALL BE CALLED THE CHILDREN OF GOD”- Matthew 5:9. May God’s peace be upon you!

The testimony of a true NDE (Near Death Experience)

My near death/OOBE experience happened around 2011. I was at home, experiencing a particularly severe asthma attack— one that refused to respond to any of the medications I happened to have at hand [Afrim, Albuterol, Vicks vaporub, etc]. Not wanting to scare my wife, I decided to go to bed, and try to “bite the bullet” alone.

Yet the lack of air became so bad that it got to a point where I simply said to myself: “Lord, I cant’ take this anymore… I’m tired of struggling with these symptoms… I’ll just stop fighting them, and let your will be done, whatever it might be (‘Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is’- Jeremiah 17:7)”. Then, my body spontaneously exhaled the little amount of air still left inside my lungs [in a sort of long and agonizing last breath]. Right after this, I saw myself coming out of my physical body, into what felt to be a sort of parallel universe, or dimension (‘For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind’- Isaiah 65:17).

Curiously, though I could see things just as if I were still inside my bedroom, I felt like if I were existing outside space/time; something similar to when you watch what is been aired from inside a flat screen (two dimensional) TV set— although you perceive things as clearly as if you were “inside” the TV, the fact is that you are not even inside the same dimension!

Another thing I experienced is that I no longer felt any human feelings nor limitation– no pain, no sickness, no fear, no thirst, no hunger, no weakness, no despair, no power struggles, no doubts, etc (‘And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away’- Revelation 21:4).

In fact, the only “feeling” I could still experience was one of peace; but not a peace like the one we experience here on Earth. Rather, the peace I felt was so absolute, that it seemed to be the size of the universe (‘Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee’- Isaiah 26:3). 

In addition, I felt like I had the energy of a trillion stars (‘And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever’- Daniel 12:3). 

Another thing I noticed is that, though I had what seemed to be a physical (limited) shape, I actually felt as if I was existing in a state that could only be describe as “a living thought”, or “pure consciousness” (‘As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness’- Psalm 17:15). 

And the former might explain the reason why, whenever I wanted to communicate with any of the beings I encountered over there, my “mind” would merge with their minds; so that, in an instant, I would know absolutely everything they had ever felt, thought, or experienced [there are no secrets in that realm!]. 

Likewise, whenever I wanted to know anything, I would simply wish to know it, and the information would come to me as easy [and as clearly] as if my mind were directly connected to the source of all knowledge in the Universe (‘For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad’- Luke 8:17). 

Another thing I experienced is that, whenever I wanted to cross into our present 3 dimensional realm, I would simply wish it to be so, and a sort of “energy portal” (or “threshold”) resembling a doorway would open-up, so I could step into it.

My near-death/out-of-body experience (NDE/OOBE) was quite long, and involved learning things so radical, that they shook my religious preconceptions to their very core. So, in order not to offend anybody, I will not include them here.

Curiously, though I consider myself to be a religious-minded individual, I must say that my NDE did not include anything you would come to expect from a person supposedly influenced by years of religious instruction.

In other words, I did not see any deceased relatives; I did not see Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, no Rabbi, no pastor, no Imam… no religious figure whatsoever… I did not hear anybody quoting [nor even mentioning] any religious text (Torah, Gospel, Qur’an, etc)… I saw no winged beings, no angels, no cherubim, no horned demons, no lake of fire, no awesome light, no tunnel, no garden of Eden, no flying thru the stars, no final judgment… Heck! I didn’t  even remotely see [or heard] God! 

And the former made me understand that I was experiencing one of the lowest possible “paradises”– one of the many heavens awaiting the common believer. Who is a common believer? It is he [or she] who fears God and sincerely wants to do His will, yet is lacking in faith and/or commitment, so that he has never done anything worthy of making him stand side-by-side with the great men of God [let alone with the holy angels!].

Still, the heaven I experienced was so incredibly amazing, that it surpassed (by many orders of magnitude) my wildest expectations. 

As a result of the former, I concluded that each near death experience is unique, as the Supreme Power of the Universe speaks to each of us in the language [and the terms] that our particular souls feel comfortable with.

For example, since the life of most males is a constant struggle (or “battle”) to provide for their households, it makes sense that most males NDE’s will include an awesome sense of Peace, as well as the vision of some sort of magnificent structure (or “building”). 

By the same token, since most women aspire to be loving and fruitful, their NDE’s will often include an incredible sense of Love, and will display some sort of incredibly beautiful garden and/or landscape. 

In short, good and noble souls will experience a good and noble afterlife– a sort of “personalized heaven”; while hateful and oppressive souls will experience a hateful and oppressive afterlife– a sort of “personalized hell” (“What the wicked dread will come on them, but what the righteous desire will be given to them”- Proverbs 10:24, Common English Bible). 

Again, not that heaven is either a literal building, or a literal garden– just the way the Almighty communicates with us– hinting at the idea that the afterlife is so infinite, that there’s enough “room” for each of us to have the personal world [or even universe!] we have always dreamed about.

As for how could I “see” other beings [having no physical body], the experience was strange, and quite difficult to explain. Why? Because it is like trying to explain the “phantom limb syndrome”– where you literally feel a severe pain in one of your extremities– something that is not supposed to happen. Why? Simply because such extremity isn’t even there! [as it has been amputated]. 

Likewise, during my NDE/OOBE I could “feel” and “see” other spirits, which looked to me just like regular people existing in physical bodies– something that was not supposed to happen. Why? Because, as we were no longer alive, I was fully aware that our physical bodies had been “amputated” [so that there were no physical bodies to sense or view!].

Curiously (and as a side note), I somehow see a parallelism of the former phenomenon. When? Whenever I hear of a person claiming to be “trapped” inside a body belonging to the opposite sex (as if there is actually one physical body being trapped inside a second body– something that should not be possible, as there’s only one body to speak about). 

Finally, I was made to understand that most of what I had seen [and experienced] was only metaphorical– shadows and symbols of far greater realities; realities so profound that it has taken me years to start to comprehend. For example, part of what I saw included the following metaphor: Since I had seen no angels, no cherubim, no prophets, etc, I expressed my desire to see “the heavenly city”. Then I was asked to wait, and in a short while what seemed to be a small bus stopped by. 

I hopped into it, and we started the journey riding up thru a mountain, following an extremely long, steep, narrow and difficult road. Eventually, we reached a very high plateau, were we kept travel for ages along what seemed to be a straight and ample road (a highway to heaven?).

Next, we reached a place where the highway was crowded by billion of human beings– so many that they resembled a living ocean of people; a crowd so large that it seemed to span the whole horizon [from east to west!]. As the bus would not reduce it’s velocity, I manifested my concerns to the bus driver, who calmly asked me to just wait and see what was about to happen.

Suddenly, the bust “hit” the crowd; but instead of hurting anyone, a sort of non-physical “portal” (or “threshold”) opened up, so that the bus found itself on the other side of it, floating over the area of a huge and majestic city.

As soon as I saw the splendor of this city, I felt compelled to praise the Almighty, saying: “Great and wonderful are your works, oh King of the Universe!”. Curiously, all other bus riders uttered the same praise, at exactly the same moment. 

Then, I looked outside the bus window, and focused upon one of the buildings, which resembled a pink hued gigantic sea shell– I could notice that they were many other beings dwelling on each one of the building levels; but, to my surprise, the building was so tall, and contained so many millions of inhabitants, that the building top seemed to disappear in the sky [as if the building kept going up forever!].

What does it all mean? In my humble opinion, it means that, though harsh and difficult, human life is an never ending process of “growth” [or, “evolution”]; First, in the physical realm, and then in the non-physical realms; that each soul is free to choose when [and how much] it wants to evolve– how much moral perfection and refinement it wants to attain. 

In addition, it means that there are an infinite number of heavens— that, if I saw no angel (nor great prophet), it was only because, though incredibly amazing, the “heaven” I was experiencing was just “the bottom of the mountain” [in other words, the heaven of average people like myself]– the footstep to an infinite number of ever increasing realms.

Thus, I have come to believe that heaven isn’t a specific place, but rather a stop we make along an infinite journey in the “upward” direction. Of course, if we want it to be so, we can stop, and abide in a “physical heaven” (experiencing a sea of human lives) for as long as we wish. But we can optionally transcend any form of human existence, in order to exist as part of “a place” (a “city” that seems to exist even beyond the non-physical realms!).

Curiously one of the many names Hebrew tradition gives to the Almighty is “Ha-Makom”, a phrase that literally means “The Place”. What Place? The infinite place which, though not existing anywhere, contains within itself all that is, was, or will ever be. 

In short, in my humble opinion, heaven is an infinite journey. A journey where? A journey toward “The Place”– toward the Infinite Being who contains inside itself all other things. Therefore, in the very moment we are courageous enough to stop, in order to objectively examine our lives, and go on to say: “Oh my God! What I did wasn’t right– If I could start it all over again, this time I would try to do it much better”, in that very moment our soul starts it’s infinite journey to heaven. 

Is Modern Judaism a valid path to the God of ancient Israel?

The Jewish faith is a perfectly valid way to serve the Almighty. Yet, aside from very rare exceptions, it isn’t far fetched to say that modern Jewish Religious establishment is to ancient Bible faith what a modern Reality show is to Reality– A textbook case of identity theft, wherein a shameless, hedonistic, lying, narcissistic, evil inclined, and psychopatic group of European peoples have craftily hijacked [by means of cultural appropriation] what used to be a holy [and respectable] religious identity.
Why would they do that? In order to use it as a convenient “shield” (or “lightning rod”), capable of protecting them from any criticism and/or rightful demand for moral accountability (In other words, by conveniently exploding the Bible verse that goes on to say, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee”- Genesis 12:3).
Thus, White (Ashkenazi) Jews will expect Gentile people to remain silent, whenever a Jew blasphemes the Almighty with his open promotion of usury, self-deception, and sexual degeneracy; Yet they will immediately claim “fowl play!” (anti-semitism!) whenever a gentile demands Ashkenazi Jews to live up to their claim of being the true representatives of God’s Holy people; As the latter demands that they abide by the Scriptures that go on to say: “Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the Lord, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken. Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious”… “But let him who should praise himself praise himself in this: ‘in understanding me and knowing me, that I am יהוה (Adonai), who do mercy, judgment and justice on earth; because these things I want [men to do], says יהוה ‘ ”- Amos 5:14-15, Jeremiah 9:24

Hacer lo Bueno: La garantía de que recibiremos el Bien que anhelamos

Un Midrash Hebreo, narra acerca de un personaje que vivió durante la era Talmúdica. Este personaje, que se especializaba en la interpretación de sueños, se llamaba Bar Hadaya. La norma de Bar Hadaya, era dar una interpretación positiva a todo aquel que le mostrase alguna generosidad (es decir, quien diese alguna ofrenda por su interpretación); pero, a aquel que era egoísta y avaro (no ofrendando nada), Bar Hadaya le daría una interpretación negativa; como para enseñar que, de acuerdo a la Ley de “Medida por Medida” (siembra y cosecha), el hombre que no se muestra generoso para con aquellos que han sido creados a imagen y semejanza del Creador, no puede esperar recibir generosidad alguna de parte del Creador.
En una ocasión, tanto Abbaye como Rava (Dos sabios Hebreos del periodo Talmúdico) tuvieron el mismo sueño. Abbaye dio un “zuz” (una pequeña moneda) a Bar Hadaya, mientras que Rava no dio nada. Los dos dijeron a Bar Hadaya: «En nuestro sueño, se nos leyó el verso que dice, “Tu buey será matado delante tus ojos, y tu no comerás de el…” (Deut. 28:31)». A Rava, Bar Hadaya dijo: «Tu mercancía bajara tanto de valor que, el desasosiego en tu corazón, te impedirá comer». En cambio dijo a Abbaye: «Tu mercancía subirá tanto de valor que, el gozo en tu corazón, hará que no necesites la comida».
En otra ocasión, los dos reportaron lo siguiente: «Oímos que se nos leyó la siguiente Escritura, “Hijos e hijas engendraras, y no serán para ti, porque irán en cautiverio…” (Deut. 28:41)». A Rava (que nunca daba nada) Bar Hadaya le dio una interpreto literal del sueño (de modo desfavorable). Pero a Abbaye le interpreto diciendo: «Tendrás muchos hijos e hijas, y tus hijas se casaran en el exterior (en lejanos países); de modo que, a tus ojos, parecerá como si hubiesen ido a la diáspora del cautiverio».
En otra ocasión, los dos reportaron: «Oímos que se nos leyó la Escritura que dice, “Tus hijos y tus hijas serán entregados a otro pueblo…” (Deut. 28:32)». A Abbaye, le interpreto diciendo: «Tendrás numerosos hijos e hijas; querrás que tus hijas se casen con tus familiares, pero tu esposa querrá que se casen con los familiares de ella, y esto te parecerá como darlas a otro pueblo». Pero, a Rava, le dijo: «Tu esposa morirá, y sus hijos e hijas vendrán a estar bajo la influencia de otra esposa».
En otra ocasión, ambos dijeron: «Se nos leyó a los dos el pasaje que dice, “Anda, y come tu pan con gozo…” (Eclesiastés 9:7)». A Abbaye le dijo: «Tu mercancía subirá de valor; y tu comerás y beberás leyendo este verso, con gozo en tu corazón». A Rava le dijo: «Tu mercancía bajara de valor; y, aunque comerás y beberás, tendrás que leer este verso, para mitigar tu desasosiego».
En otra ocasión, los dos reportaron los siguiente: «Se nos leyó a ambos el verso que dice, “Sacaras mucha semilla al campo, y recogerás poco…” (Deut. 28:38)». A Abbaye, Bar Hadaya le interpreto solo de la primera mitad del verso; Pero, a Rava, solo de la segunda mitad.
En otra ocasión, ambos reportaron: «Se nos leyó a los dos el verso que dice, “Tendrás olivos en todo tu territorio, mas no te ungirás con el aceite…” (Deut. 28:40)». A Abbaye, Bar Hadaya le interpreto solo de la primera mitad del verso. Pero, a Rava, solo de la segunda mitad.
Los dos reportaron: «Se nos leyó a ambos el verso que dice, “Y verán todos los pueblos de la Tierra que el nombre de Yah es invocado sobre ti; y tendrán miedo de ti…” (Deut. 28:10)». Bar Hadaya dijo a Abbaye: «Tu fama ira delante de ti; te convertirás en líder de la Academia (Yeshiva), y la gente te temerá». Pero, a Rava, le dijo: «serás arrestado en compañía de ladrones; y como resultado de lo que se te hará, todos tendrán temor (diciéndose a si mismos, “si el gobierno sospecha que Rava, siendo rico y poderoso, es ladrón, ¿cuanto mas no sospechará del resto de los Hebreos, que somos pobres y destituidos?”)». Al día siguiente, los ladrones entraron a la tesorería Real, y las autoridades arrestaron a Rava.
En otro momento, ambos dijeron: «Vimos la cabeza de una lechuga, descansando sobre la boca de un cubo». Bar Hadaya dijo a Abbaye: «Tu mercancía (considerada tan sabrosa como lechuga) se agotara al instante». En cambio dijo a Rava: «Tu mercancía (considerada tan amarga como lechuga) será rechazada».
Los dos reportaron: «Vimos un poco de carne, puesta sobre la boca de una jarra». A Abbaye, Bar Hadaya dijo: «Tu vino será dulce, y todos vendrán a comprar carne y vino de ti». En cambio dijo a Rava: «Tu vino se convertirá en vinagre, y todos vendrán a comprar carne, para mojarla (sazonarla) en el».
Los dos reportaron: «Vimos una jarra colgando de una palmera de dátiles». A Abbaye, Bar Hadaya dijo: «El precio de tu mercancía subirá tan alto como una palmera de dátiles». Pero a Rava dijo: «El precio de tu mercancía bajara tanto que, a los ojos de los compradores, será tan dulce como los dátiles».
Los dos reportaron: «Vimos una granada floreciendo de la boca de una jarra». A Abbaye, Bar Hadaya dijo: «Tus bienes se harán tan valiosos como las granadas». En cambio dijo a Rava: «Tus bienes se harán como una granada seca (inservible)».
Los dos reportaron: «Vimos una jarra caer dentro de un hoyo». A Abaye, Bar Hadaya dijo: «Tus bienes se pondrán en demanda (como cuando algo valioso se cae accidentalmente en un hoyo, y nos apresuramos a sacarlo)». En cambio dijo a Rava: «Tus bienes se dañaran, y (a consecuencia de ello) serán echados en un hoyo».
Los dos reportaron: «Vimos a un joven asno (“hamor”), parado sobre un bloque, y rebuznando». A Abbaye, Bar Hadaya dijo: «Te convertirás en el líder de la academia (Yeshiva), y un interprete estará a tu lado (para “rebuznar” tus enseñanzas)». En cambio dijo a Rava: «Las palabras, “el primogénito de un asno” (Éxodo 13:13) están borradas en tu tefilin (Este es uno de los cuatro pasajes contenidos en el tefilin)». Rava contestó diciendo: «Acabo de mirar mi tefilin, y esas palabras se encuentran allí». Bar Hadaya contestó: «Ciertamente la letra “Vav” (es decir, la letra “o”) en la palabra “Hamor” ha sido borrada en tu tefilin (pues el escriba la incluyo erróneamente, teniendo que mas tarde borrarla pues, en ese verso, la palabra “Hamor” se deletrea sin “Vav”)».
Mas tarde, Rava fue solo ante Bar Hadaya, y reporto: «En mi sueño, vi que caía la puerta externa de mi casa». Bar Hadaya le dijo: «Tu esposa morirá».
Entonces Rava reporto: «Soñé que se caían mis dientes traseros y delanteros». Bar Hadaya le dijo: «Tus hijos e hijas morirán»
Rava reporto: «Vi dos palomas que salían volando». Bar Hadaya le dijo: «Te divorciaras de dos esposas». Rava le dijo: «Vi el tope de dos nabos». Bar Hadaya contestó: «Recibirás dos golpes de una porra». Rava salio de allí, y se sentó todo el día en la casa de estudio (Sinagoga); entonces, se encontró con dos ciegos que discutían entre si. Cuando fue a separarlos, cada uno de ellos le dio (accidentalmente) un golpe con su porra. Cuando levantaron su porra (con la posibilidad de darle un tercer golpe), Rava exclamo: «¡Ya es suficiente! (En mi sueño, vi solamente dos)»
Finalmente, Rava fue y dio a Bar Hadaya una contribución, para luego decirle: «Vi una muralla caída». A lo cual Bar Hadaya contestó: «Adquirirás riqueza sin limite».
Luego Rava reporto: «Vi que caía la mansión de Abbaye, y que el polvo de sus escombros me cubría». Bar Hadaya contestó: «Abbaye morirá, y la presidencia que posee (de la academia) vendrá a reposar sobre ti».
Rava reporto: «Vi mi propia mansión colapsar, y que todos venían y se la llevaban, ladrillo a ladrillo». Bar Hadaya contestó: «Tus enseñanzas se dispersaran por el mundo».
Rava reporto: «Soñé que mi cabeza se abría, y que mis sesos se desparramaban». Bar Hadaya contestó: «Las plumas que llenan tu almohada la harán reventar, y se irán saliendo una a una». Rava reporto: «En mi sueño, se me leyó el Hallel de Egipto (Salmos 113-118, recitados en la víspera de Pesaj, para celebrar la salida de Egipto)». Bar Hadaya contestó: «Te sucederán milagros».
En una ocasión, mientras Rava viajaba en barco con Bar Hadaya, este último se dijo a si mismo: «¿Por que viajar con un hombre al cual habrá de suceder un milagro? (seguramente el será salvado, pero yo no). Así, mientras Bar Hadaya desembarcaba, dejo caer accidentalmente un libro. Rava encontró ese libro, y descubrió que decía lo siguiente: «Todos los sueños siguen la interpretación que sale de la boca del interprete». En ese momento, Rava grito a Bar Hadaya: «¡Miserable granuja! ¡A pesar de que todo dependía de ti, me causaste tan grande desasosiego! Aún así, todo te lo perdono, excepto lo que dijiste acerca de la hija del Rabino Hisda (esta fue la esposa de Rava, cuya muerte Bar Hadaya había pronosticado)».
La realidad es que, el responsable del sufrimiento de Rava, no fue Bar Hadaya, sino el mismo Rava; quien, a pesar de ser rico, no mostraba generosidad alguna para su prójimo. Tan pronto como Rava decide cambiar su aptitud, para comenzar a mostrar misericordia hacia su prójimo, en ese mismo instante comienza a recibir bendición. Es que, como enseña este Midrash, el bienestar del ser humano no está en la maldición (o en la bendición) que pueda prometer este o aquel otro pasaje bíblico; tampoco se encuentra en la correcta (o errada) interpretación de esta o aquella otra doctrina, o teología religiosa. Su bienestar está en que entienda que, la Justicia Divina, ha determinado de antemano que cada hombre siegue el mismo bien o mal que haya sembrado: que no se muestre misericordia a quien no haya mostrado misericordia; que no se muestre perdón, a quien no haya perdonado; que no se muestre generosidad, a quien no haya mostrado generosidad; Pero, que se muestre bondad, a todo aquel que haya mostrado bondad; que se perdone, a todo aquel que haya perdonado; que se sustente con bien a quienes sustentaron con bien a su prójimo; que se de paz, a todo aquel que haya sido pacificador.
En base a lo que hasta aquí hemos dicho, concluimos que cada hombre debe hacer a sus semejantes aquel mismo bien que anhela recibir para si; Y, después de hacerlo, podrá vivir su vida confiado, descansando sobre la certeza de que Yah (bendito sea) no fallara en hacer que, tarde o temprano, coseche ese mismo bien que ha sembrado.

“Nothing can be more dangerous than the brazen leader of a powerful multitude– The deranged madman who is shrewd [and brazen] enough to articulate perfectly logical [and thereby convincing] justifications for the immoral [and inhumane] behavior of the immense “crowd that currently follows him

God having a human image?

If we were to take at face value (in other words, in a strict literal sense) the verse where God is said to have made Adam and Eve in his own image, shouldn’t we then proceed to ask ourselves the following questions: Which then would be God’s own image? That of a male (like Adam)? That of a female (like Eve)? Or that of an Hermaphrodite?
What race would the profile of such image fit into? That of a Jew? or that of a Gentile? That of a black person? or that of a White person? What age range would such image project? That of a young person? Or that of an old person?; Would it be the image of a fat person? Or would it be that of a slim person?
Would it be a person having one single head? Or rather a person having multiple heads? Would it be a circumcised person? Or rather a non-circumcised one?
Is God’s own image finite and limited [just as it happens with all human images]? Or is it instead a non human [infinite and unlimited] one? …
Can you now see why would a wise, peaceful and non-discriminatory God like His people to avoid the notion of God having a human image? May peace be upon you!

No sea un pasivo facilitador de la corrupción moral promovida por los medios Judíos… ¡Vuélvase abiertamente religioso!

Tarde o temprano, todo hombre sabio y prudente siente la necesidad de hacerse abiertamente religioso [aun cuando este último no este completamente seguro de la existencia de un poder Supremo]. ¿Y por que siente la obligación de hacer tal cosa? Pues porque es lo suficientemente maduro como para entender que la inmensa mayoría de los Judíos [aquellos que están detrás de todos los grandes males que agobian al Mundo] son ateos, tiranos marxistas, ladrones, mentirosos, pedófilos, y corruptores morales.

Así, este hombre entiende con claridad meridiana que, su abierta religiosidad, podría contribuir a que [en su proceso de corromper al Mundo] los Judios sientan algún tipo de culpa, frustración, angustia, incomodidad, o desaliento… Y esto último sería en si mismo una grande y noble encomienda; pues contribuiría positivamente al bienestar General del Mundo.

Ilustremos el anterior principio con la anécdota de un joven Judío que solía corromper a sus compañeros Universitarios. Un día, llegó al hospedaje un nuevo inquilino– un estudiante que era abiertamente religioso. Viendo la malsana influencia que sobre el resto de los estudiantes ejercía el perverso Judío, el joven cristiano procedió a increparle diciendo: “¡Tu vas a arder en el infierno!”… Al principio, el Judío comenzó a burlarse de su compañero cristiano, alegando que sus palabras eran vanas y huecas. ¿Porque? Pues porque, según el, los Judíos no creían en el infierno.

Pero, según pasaban los días, las palabras del religioso iban calando poco a poco en la psiquis de aquel corruptor Judío (“¡Tu vas a arder en el infierno!”). Y, luego de escuchar diariamente estas mismas palabras durante cuatro meses consecutivos, el Judío se sentía tan agobiado por la insistencia [y certeza] de aquel religioso, que no tuvo otro remedio que manejar su coche durante cuatro horas corridas, a fin de llegar a la casa de un famoso y reconocido rabino Judío.

Una vez allí, el joven preguntó al famoso Rabino: “Rabino, ¿es posible que yo termine ardiendo en el infierno? [pues, de ser así, estoy dispuesto a hacer el cambio que sea necesario, a fin de evitar tan fatídico final!]”.

De este modo, vemos que, con su abierta religiosidad, el joven estudiante efectuó un cambio positivo tanto en la vida de sus compañeros gentiles, como en la de su maleado compañero Judío.

God’s stance concerning Open Homosexuality

The Law of the Lord associates the Devil with the shameless Serpent which lured Adam & Eve into rebellion. And since the male penis resembles such a serpent, it makes perfect sense for a rebellious [Devil worshiping] man to instinctively feel attracted toward the male penis; shamelessly wanting to enjoy it, and make it part of his own body [putting it inside his mouth and/or anus, just like Homosexuals do]. By the way, have you notice how so many homosexuals tend to speak stressing the “s” termination of every word [as if to imitate the “hissing” sound of a serpent]?
In addition, the Hebrew Bible hints at this same phenomenon. How? By describing the realm of the Sodomites using the Hebrew word “Sedom” while describing demons with the Hebrew word “Sedim”. You see, original Bible Hebrew contained no vowels nor punctuation marks, so that the words used to describe both “Sodom” (Sedom) and “Demons” (Sedim) were essentially one and the same [as if to imply that, wherever there are demons, there will also be Sodomites, and wherever there are Sodomites there will also be demons].
Finally, Hebrew Bible places Sodom by the edge of the Dead sea. And the latter was later found to be the lowest geographical location anywhere in the Planet [as if to imply that sodomy brings death and destruction, being the lowest point human morality can ever attain].
And the fact that the Jewish God is angry with the Jew who insists on promoting the Homosexual abomination is taught in the verse where the Creator demands it to be purged with capital punishment. As it is written: “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them”- Leviticus 20:13 (English standard version); And also says, “There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel… for even both these are abomination unto the Lord thy God”- Deuteronomy 23:17-18, King James Bible.
As for siding with homosexual activists and defending the rights of “oppressed sexual minorities”, Scripture admonishes the believer saying: “Wouldest thou help the wicked, and love them that hate the Lord? therefore for this thing the wrath of the Lord is upon thee”- 2 Chronicles 19:2, 1599 Geneva Bible.

Many centuries ago, a Jewish Rabbi named Simeon Ben Lakish said, “There are three insolent ones: Israel among the nations, the dog among beasts, and the cock among fowls (some also say the goat among small cattle, and the caper shrub among trees)”. In addition, Rabbi Meir (2nd Century C.E.) is quoted saying: Why was the Torah given to Israel? Because they are of a fiery temper. For in the school of Rabbi Ishmael it is taught, ‘At His right hand was a fiery Law unto them’ (Deut. 33:2), meaning that the Holy One said, ‘It is right that they be given a fiery Law [to restrain them]’. Some say, ‘Israel’s Laws had to be of fire, for if the Torah had not been given them, no people or tongue could withstand them’ [leading to their own extermination]. It is in this connection that Rabbi Simeon Ben Lakis said, ‘There are three creatures of a fiery (insolent) temper: among the nations, Israel; among beasts, the dog; and among fowls, the cock’. Rabbi Israel bar Redifa said in the name of Rabbi Ammi: ‘You may think that such description of Jews [as fiery and insolent] is disparaging (anti-semite). In fact, it is complimentary, as their attitude is, ‘Let me be a Jew or be crucified!’. Indeed, as Rabbi said, to this day Jews outside the Land are called ‘stiff necked people’.- Babylonian Talmud, Betzah 25B; Exod. Rabbah 42:9

Atheism? Please help us believe!

We have spent several decades trying to find honest [and enough] reasons to justify modern atheism; but, after searching for so may years, the facts have consistently showed us that modern atheism amounts to little more than “intellectual suicide” [or as a sort of “wishful thinking”]. Why? Simply because we haven’t found the slightest shred of evidence to support the idea that the Universe (as well as it’s fixed governing laws) have no Creator, but rather are the result of dumb and random evolution.
In other words, we’ve never seen any life form positively evolving before our own eyes (as one would expect to be the case if sudden and rapid evolution were actually true); never seen any random physical change that would positively improve the existing natural order (like gravity reversing itself periodically for a few seconds, allowing men to fly, or to raise heavy loads); never found any person whose immunological system would suddenly evolve, so as to make him immune to cancer and death; never found anybody growing functional wings, or growing gills (so men could breathe underwater); never met anybody acquiring the ability to hibernate during harsh winters; never found any wild beast randomly giving birth to a human being, nor a human being randomly giving birth to a wild beast; never found a mute person suddenly becoming a telepath, etc.
In fact, instead of experiencing forward evolution, it seems like mankind is experiencing a sort of “reverse evolution”. Why? Simply because most modern people aren’t even close to having as much physical, intellectual, or emotional strength as their grandfathers used to do. For example, in a typical Russian family, it isn’t surprising to find that the grandmother gave birth to 12 children; the mom gave birth to 6 children, and the grand daughter only gave birth to one or two children.
Human males also seem to be experiencing this sort of “reverse evolution”, as male sterility and homosexuality seems to be rampant. Bear in mind that, according to science, the evolutionary process depends on gene replication [having children!]. Thus, if people do not replicate any more, the evolutionary process basically stops.
Maybe the most stunning finding is the fact that no one has ever been able to tell us: “My employees have all embrace atheism, so they no longer steal from our company, nor are they as lazy [or dishonest] as before”; “My son has become an atheist, and therefore has become a more caring, peaceful, and sincere person”; “My husband is much more faithful to me now that he has embraced atheism”, etc.
Rather, what we see on a daily basis, is that atheism makes people angry, hopeless, arrogant, and self-destructive; so that they often end up embracing self destructive ideas and behaviors (Marxism, homosexuality, moral relativism, extreme selfishness, shallow mindedness, fowl language, etc).

Sea siempre Honesto, pues los Juegos Mentales no tienen cabida entre los hijos de Avraham (los creyentes Monoteistas)

En una ocasión, una mujer Hebrea vino ante Rabbi Judah I (el Patriarca), y le dijo: «¡He sido violada!». Judah le preguntó: «Pero, ¿sintió usted que la experiencia fue placentera? (es decir, si derivó placer de ello, quizás no hizo su mejor esfuerzo por oponerse, y queda por tanto prohibida a su marido). Entonces (viendo que no tenía otra opción, aparte de ser absolutamente honesta) la mujer respondió diciendo: «Suponga usted que una tercera persona sumerge su dedo en miel, y lo pone a la fuerza dentro de su boca justo en el día de la Expiación (cuando todos los creyentes deben ayunar). ¿No le causaría esto a usted primero desasosiego (por haber roto el ayuno), pero luego placer (a causa del dulce sabor de la miel)?» Oyendo la honestidad de la mujer, el Rabino Judah acepto la veracidad de lo que esta acababa de decir, declarándola permitida para su marido.

Why are secular Jews so dangerous to non Jewish societies?

Problem with most secular Jews is that they tend to be very smart, extremely brazen, incredibly cunning, and entirely devoid of any moral values. Thus, whenever they seize control of any non Jewish society [like in Western countries], they can do as much harm as a pack of hungry lions freely roaming inside a lamb’s corral. That’s why God wants this kind of Jew to suffer antisemitism, as it is basically the only way he can ever repent, desisting from his evil inclinations.

The hidden reason why secular Jewish media moguls are so fond of promoting atheism and anti-religious propaganda

Problem with most secular Jews is that they tend to be very smart, extremely brazen, incredibly cunning, and entirely devoid of any moral values. Thus, whenever they seize control of any non Jewish society [like in Western countries], they can do as much harm as a pack of hungry lions freely roaming inside a lamb’s corral. That’s why God wants this kind of Jew to suffer antisemitism, as it is basically the only way he can ever repent, desisting from his evil inclinations.Unlike what happened during the Middle ages (when secular Jews were expelled over a 100 times from Western countries), modern Jews have been able to subdue the vast majority of Western societies. But, how could those backward middle age societies succeed in an area where we moderns have failed so miserably? Well, the answer is surprisingly simple, yet astonishingly profound: It’s all about “Religion”! In other words, ancient Western societies were deeply religious, and their mindsets were shaped and molded by the teachings of the Holy Bible.
And the Bible taught them that the Jews were a separated people, whose fate was to remain confined to the land promised by God to their ancestor Abraham. As is written: “And to you and your future offspring I will give the land where you are residing—all the land of Canaan—as a permanent possession… I am the Lord your God who set you apart from the peoples… There is a people living alone; it does not consider itself among the nations”- Gen 17:8; Lev. 20:24; Num. 23:9 . In fact, ancient western believers knew quite well that if there were Jews living among them, it was only because those Jews were under a curse, as exile from their own land was God’s punishment for their wickedness. As is written:
“But if you do not obey the Lord your God by carefully following all his commands and statutes I am giving you today, all these curses will come and overtake you… The Lord will bring you and your king that you have appointed to a nation neither you nor your ancestors have known, and there… You will become an object of horror, scorn, and ridicule among all the peoples where the Lord will drive you… You will be ripped out of the land [of Canaan] you are entering to possess. Then the Lord will scatter you among all peoples from one end of the earth to the other… You will find no peace among those nations, and there will be no resting place for the sole of your foot”- Deut. 28:15, 36-37, 63-65.
Thus, knowing the Jew did not belong into Western [Gentile] societies, but was rather “an accursed wanderer”, medieval people correctly chose to treat him as a dangerous foreigner; forced to live apart, and confined to his own quarter (or “Ghetto”). Of course, it goes without saying that only a medieval idiot would have allowed the accursed Jew to hold any power position upon him; so Jews were properly excluded from any power position (government, banking, land ownership, learning institutions, etc). And the latter successfully curtailed Jewish corrosive influence upon medieval Western societies.
In short, the fact that Christianity and Islam [as well as all other religions in general] were so damaging to the Jew living during the Middle Ages [and so thoroughly effective in shielding Western societies from his corrosive influence] explains why our Jewish media moguls are so fond in their attempt to secularize the entire Western World. How do they go about it? By constantly glorifying every idea and every lifestyle that goes against God, against Religion, and against Moral and Social cohesion; the “around the clock” promotion of things like Moral relativism, Marxism, Atheism, Homosexuality, Sex re-assignment, Late term Abortion, Same Sex Marriages, pornography, Incest, Drugs abuse, Feminism, Multiculturalism, Forced Immigration, Political Correctness, etc.
So, the one thing secular Jews fear the most is the possibility of large segments of our Western populations “going back to basics”; in other words, returning to the old [but proven] Conservative/Fundamentalist religious ideas that gave rise [and shaped] our western Civilization; the simple yet strong ideas that will let us “cut to the chase”, allowing the eyes of our intellect to see through the Jewish “smoke screen” of “non judgmental equality, and inclusivism”.
The day our people finally decide to return en masse to “old time Religion” will be the last day the accursed Jewish demon will rule upon us; the day we will finally savor the same triumph our ancestors tasted, forcing the Jew back into his ghetto [or better yet, to repentance, and unto his land of origin]. May it be so speedily, and in our lifetime. Amen.

The homosexual hell of Western societies

The promotion of the open homosexual lifestyle, is living proof of the moral decay plaguing the Western world. Why? Simply because the mix of wealth and secularism that distinguishes our societies makes our citizens prone to a “care-free lifestyle”; one in which the person is led to embrace a selfish worldview, a mindset in which the ends (pleasures and luxury) justify the means (cheating, stealing, murdering, etc). But, when this “lust” for pleasures reaches it’s climax, the person ends up becoming addicted to them. And what happens to an addicted person? That he’ll always need more of that which he is addicted to. In fact, he will constantly find himself craving for “a greater high”!
For example, the man already addicted to sexual pleasures will be cynic enough to say [or do] whatever is required, in order to satisfy his lust for a new [and stronger] sexual aberration. If the person is already married, he will proceed to fornicate [in private] with another woman. But, when the latter no longer satisfies him, he’ll start engaging in private sex with multiple women. When the latter no longer satisfies him, he’ll start practicing “wife swapping”. And when the latter no longer works, he’ll seek a new high trying to have sex with his daughters, his ants, and/or his sisters. Eventually, he’ll move on to having private sex with female beasts [dogs, cows, etc]. In the end, he will reach a point where intimacy with the opposite gender no longer satisfies him. At this stage, he will start privately engaging in homosexual acts. But, when privacy finally gets boring, he will proceed to become an open homosexual and even advocate for same sex marriages]. Eventually, when he reaches “rock bottom”, he starts dressing like a woman, and craves for the ultimate aberration: to alter his God given sex [thereby becoming a transsexual].
Unfortunately, this person might reach a point where, no matter how well accepted [by society] he might be, there’s simply no new aberrations left for him to try. Thus, not being able to find “a new high”, the person becomes desperate, hopeless, and angry. And this toxic mix of frustration, and emotional restlessness, can make his life a living hell; one in which he turns increasingly depressed, aggressive, and even suicidal.

A true man of God stays out of the Sodomite business

The man who has been blessed [and delivered] by God will consistently refuse to compromise with the Sodomites. And the proof? Abraham. And from whence do we know that Abraham had been delivered? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: “He [Abraham] brought back [safely from battle] all the possessions, and also brought back his kinsman Lot and his possessions, as well as the women and the other people”- Gen. 14:16. From whence do we know that Abraham had been blessed? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: «Then Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought out bread and wine—he was a priest of El Elyon. He blessed him [Abraham] and said, “Blessed be Abram by El Elyon, Creator of Heaven and Earth”»- Gen. 14:18-19. And from whence do we get that Abraham refused to compromise with the Sodomites? We get it from the verse that goes on to say that, after Abraham had been blessed and returned victorious from battle, the king of Sodom tried to persuade him saying, “[let’s settle it for a happy medium…] Give me the people – the possessions take for yourself”- Genesis 14:21. And what follows immediately after?- «I raise my hand in oath to Adonai, El Elyon, Creator of heaven and earth. Not a thread or even a sandal strap of all that is yours will I take, so you will not say, “I’ve made Abram rich! [So he owes me a favor]”»- Gen. 14:22-23. In other words, Abraham’s reply was a resounding- “Keep me out of your Sodomite business!”.

The true man of God flees from all sort of self-deception

Hebrew Scriptures state the following: “… This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the Law of the Lord… Lying lips are abomination to the Lord… These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates”- Isaiah 30:9, Proverbs 12:22, Zechariah 8:16.
What does it mean? It means God wants His children to flee from intellectual dishonesty! Why? Because our brain can tolerate only a limited amount of falsehood. And, if we ever try to push it beyond such a limit, it will cease to work properly, no longer being able to tell the difference between fact and fiction. Curiously, Hebrew scripture points toward the fact that the worst [and greatest] of such falsehoods is to pretend that a finite [and mortal] creature can simultaneously be the infinite [and Immortal] Creator.
In other words, forcing the mind to honestly [and logically] harmonize the incredible amount of contradictions implied in pretending that what [by definition] is finite and limited can simultaneously be infinite and unlimited, is akin to throwing a wrench into our brains engine compartment.
And the former might be the reason why God’s first and [foremost] command is to believe in one single God that cannot be portrayed by any physical image (“THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME. THOU SHALT NOT MAKE UNTO THEE ANY GRAVEN IMAGE…”- Exodus 20:3-4).
And what will happen to he who refuses to abide by the former command [worshiping either a human deity, or a plurality of deities]? Well, Scripture warns that such person will [eventually] become mad, and will start to suffer from serious mental diseases (“But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments… THE LORD SHALL SMITE THEE WITH MADNESS, and blindness, and astonishment of heart”- Deut. 28:15-28).
And the former might be the reason why, as soon as king Nebuchadnezzar falsely pretended to be worthy of the honor and glory that belongs only to the Most High, he became deranged («To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages, That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye FALL DOWN AND WORSHIP THE GOLDEN IMAGE THAT NEBUCHADNEZZAR THE KING HATH SET UP… O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; “The kingdom is departed from thee. And they shall drive thee from men, and THY DWELLING SHALL BE WITH THE BEASTS OF THE FIELD: THEY SHALL MAKE THEE TO EAT GRASS AS OXEN, AND SEVEN TIMES SHALL PASS OVER THEE, until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will…”»- Daniel 3:4, & 4:31-32).

And the same also happened to king Saul, when he asked prophet Samuel to honor him with a glory he didn’t rightfully deserve (“… I have sinned: yet HONOUR ME NOW, I pray thee, BEFORE THE ELDERS OF MY PEOPLE, AND BEFORE ISRAEL… BUT THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD DEPARTED FROM SAUL, AND AN EVIL SPIRIT FROM THE LORD TROUBLED HIM”- 1 Samuel 15:30, & 16:14). Curiously, as the holy gospel quotes Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) making [indirect] claims of Divinity, it is not surprising to find that he is also [indirectly] described as being mad. As is written: “And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, HE IS BESIDE HIMSELF”- Mark 3:21. But then, how should the believer proceed, in order to keep a good state of mind and soul? Well, he’ll do well embracing all that is honest, wise, just, merciful, humble, peaceful, and holy [no matter if the latter be found among Jews, Samaritans, Zoroastrians, Christians, Muslims, etc]. Conversely, he ought to reject all that is false, shady, contradictory, unjust, cruel, arrogant, tyrannical, and immoral [no matter if the latter be found among Jews, Samaritans, Zoroastrians, Christians, Muslims, etc].
May God’s peace be upon you all!

You cannot build a Holy Land for the Israeli children on the mass graves of the Palestinian children!

“Behold, I will press you in your place, as a cart presseth that is full of sheaves. And flight shall perish from the swift; and the strong shall not strengthen his force; neither shall the mighty deliver himself; neither shall he stand that handleth the bow; and he that is swift of foot shall not deliver himself… and he that is courageous among the mighty shall flee away naked in that day, saith יהוה (Adonay Yah)”- Amos 2:13-16

Israelis standing up for  gay rights? Moses Law prevents true  Hebrew believers  from standing on the side of the Sodomites!!

God’s Law teaches that, the name of Gomorrah’s king was “Birsha” (Genesis 14:2). Why does the Holy scripture cares to give us this particular detail? It does so in order to teach us a moral lesson. You see, ancient Hebrew language didn’t include any vowel. Thus, the Hebrew word we normally translate as “Birsha” could also be validly translated as “Be-Rasha” (a Hebrew phrase meaning “with a Villain”, or “in a Villain”). In addition, Torah states that the name of Sodom’s king was “Bera” (ibid), a name that could also be validly translated as “Be-ra”. But “Be-ra” was a Hebrew phrase meaning “with evil” or “in evil”. In other words, Torah wanted to forewarn us that, the best among the Sodomites (i.e. their kings) are no more than wicked and evil villains. Interestingly, speaking about the wicked, the Hebrew scripture says the following: “How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked, or stand in the pathway with sinners…”- Psalm 1:1”. Thus, Torah teaches that no true Hebrew can stand with the Sodomites (gay and same sex mariage activists); he cannot take their advice, nor can he accept from them any personal benefit (money, endorsement, publicity, etc). And from whence do we know that, those who claim to be children of Avraham cannot let themselves be bribed by the goods of the Sodomites? We now it from our father Avraham, who refused to receive anything from the Sodomite king Bera. As it is written: «And the king of Sodom said to Abram, Give me the persons and keep the goods for yourself. But Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up my hand and sworn to the Lord, God Most High, the Possessor and Maker of heaven and earth, That I would not take a thread or a shoelace or anything that is yours…”- Genesis 14:21-23, Amplified Bible

The strange way in which God encourages anti-semitism, in order to bring correction upon the Jewish people

Jewish tradition states that, for eighteen years a divine voice kept reverberating in Nebuchadnezzar’s palace, saying, “Go up and destroy the House of your Master, whose children [Israel] do not listen to Him”.
Nebuchadnezzar was initially afraid, fearing such anti-semitism would bring him a curse. Yet, in the end, he decided to comply, and went on to do God’s bidding. Thus, he sent his general (Nebuzaradan), in order to destroy Jerusalem.
Concerning the latter, Rava said: Nebuchadnezzar sent to Nebuzaradan three hundred mules laden with iron axes that cut iron. All of them were incapacitated in the attempt to breach one gate of Jerusalem, as it is stated: “And now they pound its carved work together with hatchet and with hammers” (Psalm 74:6).
Nebuzaradan sought to return to Babylonia and said: I am afraid. I want to ensure that they will not do to me just as they did to Sennacherib, whose downfall was in Jerusalem.
A Divine Voice emerged and said: Leaper, son of a leaper; Nebuzaradan, take the leap, as the time has arrived for the Temple to be destroyed and the Sanctuary to burn. One ax remained for him to use. He went and struck the gate with the dull end of the ax and it opened, as it is stated:
“He became known as the wielder of axes upward in a thicket of trees” (Psalms 74:5). At the appropriate time the gate was breached as though the ax were cutting trees.
He was proceeding and killing until he reached the Sanctuary. When he reached the Sanctuary, he ignited a fire in it. The Sanctuary rose, seeking to enter Heaven so that it would not burn. 
They trod upon it from Heaven, and returned it to its place, as it is stated: “The Lord has trodden the virgin, the daughter of Judah, as in a winepress” (Lamentations 1:15).
Nebuzaradan became haughty, taking pride in his conquest. A Divine Voice emerged and said to him: Your haughtiness is unwarranted, as you killed a nation that was already dead, you burned a Sanctuary that was already burned, and you ground flour that was already ground, as it is stated with regard to Babylonia: “Take millstones and grind flour; uncover your locks, tuck up the train, uncover the leg, pass over rivers” (Isaiah 47:2). 
It was not stated: Grind wheat, but “grind flour”, indicating that all the destruction had already been wrought by God himself [and the role played by the anti-Semites was insignificant].

“God seeketh that which is pursued [the morally upright person who is unjustly oppressed]” (Eccles. 3:15)

The Holy One always demands satisfaction from pursuers for the blood of the pursued. You can see that this is so, for Abel was pursued by Cain, and the Holy One chose Abel, as may be inferred from, “The Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering” (Gen. 4:4).
Noah was pursued by his generation, and the Holy One chose none but Noah, as He Himself said, “For thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation” (Gen. 7:1).
Abraham was pursued by Nimrod, and the Holy One chose Abraham, as Scripture says, “Thou art the Lord, the God who didst choose Abraham” (Neh. 9:7).
Isaac was pursued by the Philistines, and the Holy One chose Isaac, as inferred from the Philistines’ saying, “We saw plainly that the Lord was with thee” (Gen. 26:28). Jacob was pursued by Esau, and the Holy One chose Jacob, as Scripture says, “For the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto Himself” (Psalm 135:4).
Joseph was pursued by his brothers, and the Holy One chose Joseph, as inferred from, “He appointed it in Joseph for a testimony”- Psalm 81:6 (NOTE: In the Hebrew, the exceptional spelling “Yehoseph” is taken to mean that God inserted the letter he, one of the letters of His name, to show that He had chosen Joseph [Yosef]).
Moses was pursued by Pharaoh, and the Holy One chose Moses, as the verse indicates, “Had not Moses His chosen stood before Him” (Psalm 106:23).
Saul was pursued by the Philistines, and the Holy One chose Saul, as is said, “See ye him whom the Lord has chosen” (1 Sam. 10:24).
David was pursued by Saul, and the Holy One chose David, as the verse indicates, “He chose David also His servant” (Psalm 78:70).

Who is a true and complete believer?

No one is a complete [and fulfilled] Hebrew believer, until he can “bow down” before יהוה (the God of Abraham, blessed be He), leaving his selfish and self-centered ego at the feet of the Almighty–
He won’t be the Almighty’s faithful servant, until he [or she] can open-up his heart, and sincerely ask the Holy One:
“Master of the Universe, please forgive my former rebellious lifestyle. I no longer wish to live for the sake of pleasing my own ego [satisfying each and everyone of my whims and desires]…
… Instead, I want to be your humble servant, letting you be my Lord, King, and Redeemer. Please help me, for though I am weak and flawed, I sincerely wish that your will [and not mine] be done in my life…
… Help me obey your commandments, so that, thru my obedience to them, I may praise your name until the day when you finally let me reach your Heavenly Canaan. Amen”.


Has the Nation of Israel abandoned the Hebrew faith? Have the Jews become “Children of Haman”, instead of “Children of Israel”?

Hebrew Scripture narrates the story of a Pagan prince who, after being offended by a commoner, not only wanted to punish the latter, but also wanted to eradicate his children, his grandchildren, as well as his whole people. Who was this prince? Haman… Who was the offending commoner? Mordecai… And what people did Haman want to destroy? The Jewish people.
Yet, being the pagan offspring of a pagan king (1 Samuel 15:8, & Esther 3:1), Haman didn’t know God’s Law forbade such “collective punishment”, as the Almighty had commanded Hebrew people to abide by the principle of “sowing and reaping” (a.k.a., “an eye for an eye”). As it is said: “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe”- Exodus 21:25 (KJV).
Thus, if a Canaanite (or “Philistine”) were to knock-out the tooth of an innocent Israelite (or “Jew”), only the tooth of such Philistine (Palestinian) could be knocked out, while the teeth of his relatives would have to be respected.
In addition, God’s Law prevented Hebrew people from holding the children of their enemies accountable for the sins of their parents (“The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin”- Deuteronomy 24:16).
Thus, although Mordecai dared to transgress against Haman, that wasn’t an automatic justification to murder Mordecai’s extended family (as God despises such pagan and immoral behavior).
Thus, when ancient Jews had a chance to avenge themselves, they didn’t dare to go beyond the bounds prescribed by God’s Law (dispossessing the innocent relatives of their slain enemies).
As it has been said: “For the Jews that were in Shushan gathered themselves together on the fourteenth day also of the month Adar, and slew three hundred men at Shushan; but on the prey they laid not their hand. But the other Jews that were in the king’s provinces gathered themselves together, and stood for their lives, and had rest from their enemies, and slew of their foes seventy and five thousand, but they laid not their hands on the prey”- Esther 9:15-16 (KJV).
And it is also written elsewhere: «And it came to pass, as soon as the kingdom was confirmed in his hand, that he slew his servants which had slain the king his father. But the children of the murderers he slew not: according unto that which is written in the book of the Law of Moses, wherein the Lord commanded, saying, “The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, nor the children be put to death for the fathers; but every man shall be put to death for his own sin”- 2 Kings 14:5-6 (KJV).
Thus, whenever modern Israel implements a policy where, for each killed Israelite, 10 Palestinians are annihilated [by the Israeli army], we witness an Israel that no longer follows the basic tenets of the ancient Hebrew faith. Likewise, when Israel bulldozes the houses of suspected terrorists [thereby destroying their children’s inheritance], and engages in collective punishment, we witness an Israel that has embraced Haman’s [pagan] morality.
In fact, Israel’s abandonment of Hebrew religion is so thorough, that the sate of Israel formally demands that all of it’s citizens (females and transsexuals included) serve in the army– something completely forbidden by God’s Law, as well as by ancient Hebrew religion.
Whence we get the idea that neither females nor transsexuals are to serve in the army? We get it from the verse that goes on to say: “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God”- Deuteronomy 22:5.
And since male and female clothing were so similar [back in Moses time], Jewish sages interpreted the former as meaning that a woman was not to “wear a warriors attire” (serving in the army); neither was to do so he who was effeminated (or, “weakhearted”).
As it has been said– “…What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren’s heart faint as well as his heart”- Deuteronomy 20:8).
And the former is confirmed by Jewish Talmud, when it goes on to say: «Rabbi Eliezer ben Ya’akov says: From where is it derived that a woman may not go out with weapons to war? The verse states: “A woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man, and a man shall not put on a woman’s garment”, (Deuteronomy 22:5) which indicates that a man may not adorn himself with the cosmetics and ornaments of a woman, and similarly a woman may not go out with weapons to war, as those are for the use of males»– Babylonian Talmud, Nazir 59a.

The man who, after witnessing the moral depravity of his fellow Hebrew believer, decides to remain silent, will be held responsible for the blood of the latter

When it comes to the issue of rebuking public sexual depravity, Hebrew Scripture is crystal clear, when it goes on to say the following: «And if a man lie with mankind (same sex intercourse), as with womankind, BOTH OF THEM HAVE COMMITTED ABOMINATION: THEY SHALL SURELY BE PUT TO DEATH; their blood shall be upon them… WHEN I SAY UNTO THE WICKED: “O WICKED MAN, THOU SHALT SURELY DIE”, AND THOU DOST NOT SPEAK TO WARN THE WICKED FROM HIS WAY; that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but HIS BLOOD WILL I REQUIRE AT THY HAND. Nevertheless, IF THOU WARN THE WICKED OF HIS WAY TO TURN FROM IT, and he turn not from his way; he shall die in his iniquity, but THOU HAST DELIVERED THY SOUL»- Leviticus 20:13, & Ezekiel 33:8-9 (Jewish Publication Society, 1917 Edition)»

«We don’t see things as they truly [and rightfully] are. Instead, we perceive them thru the faulty [and tainted] “mirror” of our exaggerated pride, our own sense of superiority, our bias against races and ideologies different from ours, our self-serving moral relativism, and our selfish [and often deranged] personal whims»

Bible’s Israel was just a paradigm!

Many people wrongly believe that the Hebrews mentioned in the Bible are a particular ethnic group arbitrarily elected by God in order to become His chosen people [having special privileges as well as special responsibilities]. How do we now that Bible’s Israel was instead a paradigm for God’s true people [those who are humble and merciful]? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: “God is indeed good to Israel, to the pure in heart”- Psalm 73:1. Whom does the verse identify as being Israel? The pure in heart [those who are humble and merciful]!
How else do we know that Israel is composed of anyone willing to serve the God of Abraham [having mercy of their suffering fellow human beings], regardless of his race? We know if from the verse that goes on to say: “No Ammonite or Moabite may enter the Lord’s assembly; none of their descendants, even to the tenth generation, may ever enter the Lord’s assembly”- Deut. 23:3. Why were Moabites prevented from entering Israel’s assembly? It was due to their lack of mercy, as is written: “This is because they did not meet you with food and water on the journey after you came out of Egypt”- Deut. 23:4.
But the fact is that we later find a Moabite (Ruth) not only entering Israel’s assembly, but even becoming the ancestor of Israel greatest king (David). How do we explain that a forbidden Moabite is allowed to enter Israel’s Congregation, thereby becoming an Israelite? We explain it by remembering that the Moabite was just a symbol for a person lacking mercy and humility, while the Israelite represented the person having a pure heart filled with mercy and humility.
Thus, the very moment Ruth decided to show mercy to her foreign [and recently] widowed mother in law [remaing by her side, in order to provide for her well being and safety], she stopped representing a Moabite, and started to become a living representation of God’s true Israel (“Everything you have done for your mother-in-law since your husband’s death has been fully reported to me: how you left your father and mother and your native land, and how you came to a people you didn’t previously know. May the Lord reward you for what you have done, and may you receive a full reward from the Lord God of Israel…”- Ruth 2:11-12).

Why do so many people (including prominent Jews!) hate the Jews?

The reason why so many modern people hate the Jews is the very same reason why ancient Jews used to hate other Jews. You see, religious and non-religious Jews have always existed, and these two groups have always struggled [and hated] one another. Thus, ancient Jewish people were divided into two different [and opposing] camps– The pious [southern] kingdom of Judah, and the wicked [northern] kingdom of Israel.
And southern Jews lived in an constant state of war against the northern Jews. Why? Because the northern kingdom had abandoned God’s Law [thereby turning away from godly morality], while the southern kingdom would hold fast to it.
Likewise, By by the start of the Christian era, we find that the observant Jewish leaders would display a high degree of animosity towards non-observant Jews. In fact, the Jewish Talmud refers to the latter using such pejoratives like “Am Ha Aretz”, and “Apikoros”.
What is “Am ha Aretz”? Well, it is a Hebrew expression that literally means “the people of the Land”. In other words, the uncouth, vulgar, ignorant, and boorish person whose life isn’t ruled by the moral principles depicted by God’s Law.
And what is “Apikoros”? It is a Greek term denoting he who, by his abominable conduct, denies the fundamental principle of religion (the existence of A Judge and a Judgment in the universe).
Therefore, whenever a self-proclaimed Jew denies the existence of God, embracing the immoral lifestyle that characterizes those who deny the existence of a Judge and a Judgment in the universe, such Jew makes himself liable to the hate [and scorn] of both Jews and gentiles alike.
In fact, even God himself despises such a Jew. As it has been stated:
As for the wicked [among the Jews], God says– “How dare you recite my statutes or speak about my covenant with your lips! You hate instruction and toss my words behind you. When you see a thief, you befriend him, and you keep company with adulterers. You give your mouth free reign for evil, and your tongue devises deceit. You sit and speak against your brother; you slander your own mother’s son. These things you did, and I kept silent, because you assumed that I was like you. But now I am going to rebuke you, and I will set forth my case before your very own eyes. Consider this, you who have forgotten God— Otherwise, I will tear you in pieces and there will be no deliverer”- Psalm 50:16-22 (International Standard Version).
But, why should we focus upon the Jews? Isn’t it true that similar people exist among the Christianity and Muslim ranks? Of course they do… But neither Christians nor Muslims claim to be God’s [only] chosen people, nor to be so exceptionally great that Heaven and Earth were actually created for their sake.
As it has been said– «The verse, “But now thus said the Lord: Jacob created thee, Israel formed thee” (Isa. 43:1) means, so said Rabbi Phinehas in the name of Rabbi Reuven, that the Holy One said to His world: My World, My world, who created you? Who formed you? Jacob created you, Israel formed you. Rabbi Berekhia [hastened to explained]: Heaven and Earth were created only for the sake of Israel, for it is aid, “On account of the beginning God created” (Gen. 1:1), here by “the beginning” is meant Israel, of which Scripture says, “Israel is the Lord’s hallowed portion, the beginning of His harvest” (Jer. 2:3)»– Lev. R. 36:3; Yalkut, Isa., §452

No oprimas al debil, al pobre, al desvalido, ni a la persona que es mas justa, misericordiosa, o humilde que tu

“Cuando naciere el becerro, el cordero, o la cabra…” – Lev. 22:27. El Santo de Israel dijo: “El becerro es perseguido por el león, la cabra por el leopardo, y la oveja por el lobo- no me ofrezcan a mi ninguno de los perseguidores, solo de los perseguidos”- (Lev. R. 27:5). Dijo el Rabino Abbahu: “el hombre debe siempre esforzarse por ser de los perseguidos, y no de los perseguidores, pues aunque entre las aves ninguna es mas perseguida que la tórtola y la paloma, solo estas fueron declaradas adecuadas para el altar”

«No estamos en este mundo para cumplir las expectativas de otras personas; ni las otras personas están para cumplir nuestras expectativas. Nuestra misión en este mundo, es hacer lo bueno; sea esto o no la expectativa de quienes nos rodean»

What is Scripture’s stance on ethnic, religious, and political discrimination?

If you spend enough time studying the Hebrew Scripture, you will eventually discover that, in the eyes of the Creator [blessed be He], there are no Jews, no Christians, no Muslims, and no Samaritans; there is no Black person, and no White person; there is no American, no Chinese, no Russian, and no Arab; there are no Republicans, nor are there any Democrats.
In the eyes of Moses’ God, there’s only people who fear the Creator [striving to live the life of holiness, justice, mercy, and humility enshrined by God’s commandments], and people who don’t yet fear Him, [and therefore oppose the life of holiness enshrined by God’s commandments].
Those who openly fear God, deserve or praise, our admiration, and our support [no matter if they are Arabs, or Jews; Russians, or Americans; Blacks, or Whites; Democrats, or Republicans]. But those who openly oppose God [refusing to obey God’s commandments, and encouraging others to do the same] deserve neither our praise, our admiration, nor our support [no matter if they are Arabs, or Jews; Russians, or Americans; Blacks, or Whites; Democrats, or Republicans]. As it is written:
“God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. If he turn not, he will whet his sword; he hath bent his bow, and made it ready. He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death…”- Psalm 7:11-13, KJV. And also says in another place: “They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them”- Proverbs 28:4, KJV.
In fact, even when the wicked prays to God, until his heart is willing to follow the path of holiness outlined by God’s Law, his prayer is considered to be an abomination. As is written: “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the Law, even his prayer shall be abomination”- Proverbs 28:3, KJV

God’s Law teaches that a cruel Jew is a false Jew (a “Jew in name only”, or a “JINO”)

The foundational idea behind God’s Law (Torah) is that the Holy One wants all mankind to be engaged in “sowing goodness”. How? By showing kindness [and generosity] toward our needy fellow creatures.
Thus, a true believer is not only prevented from practicing usury; but he is also enjoined to let hungry people (the foreigner, the widow, the orphan, etc) feed from the produce growing in the corners of his fields; he is enjoined to let slaves go free (after six years of service); he is enjoined to pardon all outstanding debts; he is commanded to returned any purchased property after 50 years of use; he is enjoined to let his fields lie fallow every seven years, etc.
Therefore, no real [or sincere] Hebrew believer can hoard land, produce, resources, slaves, money, properties, or power, as the latter is not only a direct rebellion against the very spirit of God’s Law, but also a veiled form of idolatry.
And the former is attested by an ancient Jewish traditions that goes on to say– «Our masters taught: “As for those who hoard produce, lend money on interest, diminish measures, and raise prices, Scripture quotes such people as saying: ‘When will the new moon be gone, that we may sell grain? And the Sabbath, that we may set forth corn? Making the ephah small, and the shekel great, and falsifying the balances of deceit’ ” (Amos 8:5).
And what follows directly? “The Lord has sworn by the pride of Jacob: ‘Surely I will never forget any of their works’ ” (Amos 8:7)» (Babylonian Talmud, Bava Batra 90b). And it is also stated elsewhere– We have been taught the Rabbi Joshua Ben Korhah said:
«He who shuts his eye to an appeal for alms is deemed to be the same as a worshiper of idols. For in one place it is written, “Beware that there be not a base thought in your heart… so that you are mean to your needy kinsman and give him nothing” (Deuteronomy 15:9); and elsewhere, “Certain base fellows are gone out from the midst of thee and have subverted the inhabitants of their town, saying, ‘Come, let us worship other gods’ ” (Deuteronomy 13:14). Even as the sin in the second instance is idolatry, so the sin in the first instance is idolatry» (Babylonian Talmud, Bava Batra 10a).

Who is great in the eyes of God?

Our dear brothers and sisters, Ethical Monotheism postulates that what makes a man “great” is God’s presence in his life; Conversely, what makes him “small” is God’s absence of it. And with whom does the Divine presence abide? With the Jews? With the Christians? With the Muslims? With the Samaritans? With those who believe in the Messiah? With those who keep the Sabbath?
No!…. The Creator dwells with those who are humble and broken-hearted, regardless of their race or creed. As it is written: «For thus saith the High and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; “I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit…”- Isaiah 57:15 (KJV).
And who are the ones destined to inherit the heavenly Canaan? The Jews? the Christians? the Muslims? No! It is reserved instead for the meek, and the humble (no matter their race or creed). As it is written: “But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace”- Psalm 37:11 (KJV).
And the former might explain the reason why God is presented as providing deliverance to the humble men of old (Enoch, Noah, Job, etc) even though we are nowhere told that they followed Judaism, Samaritanism, Christianity or Islam. May peace be upon you!

«Science [and for that sake, any sort of public information] is often craftily biased by powerful external interests. Thus, if your acceptance [or rejection] of any public information poses a risk of stumbling, make sure that you stumble “on the safe side”; in other words, that your decision let’s you fail in favor of your own moral and personal integrity [on the side of truthfulness, dignity, honor, integrity, justice, mercy, and humility]; and not in favor of the hidden agenda of any social, economical, political, or religious establishment»

Ethical Monotheists version of, “He who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted”

The story goes that, for three consecutive years, there was a dispute between the Jewish school of Shammai and the Jewish school of Hillel. The one said, “The Law is according to our interpretation”, while the other said, “No!, the Law is according to our interpretation”.
Then a Divine voice came forth, and it was heard proclaiming: “The edicts of both schools are the word of the living God, but the Law is according to the school of Hillel”.
But, if the edicts of both schools were the word of the living God, what merit did Hillel’s school have, in order for the Law to be established according to their interpretations? The answer is that, in addition to have good theology, Hillel’s disciples were kind and humble (in other words, their truth didn’t make them arrogant).
Thus, Hillel taught not only his own interpretations, but also those of Shammai. In fact, whenever instructing his disciples, Hillel would first teach them Shammai’s interpretations, and only after it would he proceed to teach them his own views concerning the subject. Not only that, but Hillel would let his followers intermarry Shammai’s disciples, even though he knew that would diminish his own numbers.
And the former goes to prove that, the man who makes himself small (not exalting himself above others) will be made great by the Creator; But, the one who magnifies himself, will be diminished by the Creator. How do we imitate the aptitude of the Hillel school? Easy! If you are a Hebrew believer, make a habit of [from time to time] pointing out how nice and uplifting are some of the songs composed by our Christian brothers. Likewise, point out how united and humble can Muslim believers often be. If you are instead a Christian believer, you might commend the chaste attire of the female Muslim believers, or how wise and deep are some of the old Jewish legends. Conversely, if you are Muslim you could mention how similar to yours is Hebrew monotheism, or how similar to yours was the commitment of the early Christians, who were willing to die for their faith. By doing the former, you will earn merit and please your Creator; not only by speaking truth, but better yet by become a living example of the meekness and humility such truth is supposed to forge into our lives.

Who is really powerful?

The most powerful of all, is he who [with his kindness], can turn into friends those whom, until that moment, had been his enemies. Who is an example of this? The prophet Elisha, who turned into friends the enemy soldiers (Syrians) who had gone out to entrap him (2nd Kings 6:8-23)

What is God’s Law (Torah) ultimate purpose?

Torah’s ultimate aim isn’t that we become proud and arrogant, boasting about how awesome our Hebrew theology is, or how weak [and poor] it’s non-Hebrew counterpart might seem to be. Rather, Torah’s goal is for mankind to understand that, what God really wants from us, is that we commit ourselves with a life of goodness– with the pursuit of mercy, fair judgment, righteousness, and humility. Why? Because these are the things that please the Almighty, therefore bringing blessings upon our lives. As it has been said,
“And thou shalt do that which is right and good in the sight of the LORD; that it may be well with thee… Thus saith the LORD: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches; But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth, and knoweth Me, that I am the LORD who exercise mercy, justice, and righteousness, in the earth; for in these things I delight, saith the LORD…
… It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what the LORD doth require of thee: only to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God…
… Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him, and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thy healing shall spring forth speedily; and thy righteousness shall go before thee, the glory of the LORD shall be thy rearward. Then shalt thou call, and the LORD will answer; thou shalt cry, and He will say: ‘Here I am’. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking wickedness; And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in darkness, and thy gloom be as the noon-day; And the LORD will guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make strong thy bones; and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not…
… Wash you, make you clean, put away the evil of your doings from before Mine eyes, cease to do evil; Learn to do well; seek justice, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land”- Deuteronomy 6:18, Jeremiah 9:22-23, Micah 6:8, Isaiah 58:7-11, Isaiah 1:16-19 (Jewish Publication Society, 1917 Edition).

«Whether he be a Jew, or a Gentile, no man can consider himself to be wise until he learns to appreciate the worth of constructive criticism. As it has been said: “Don’t correct the impudent, or they will hate you; CORRECT THE WISE, AND THEY WILL LOVE YOU”- Proverbs 9:8 (Common English Bible)»

Goodness saves from death

On one occasion, a Hebrew sage and a Persian astrologer were together, sitting in the same place. Then, they saw that some people were going out to the meadow (to look for firewood). At that moment, the Persian astrologer pointed his finger at one of them, and said: “That man leaves here, but he will not return, for he will be bitten by a snake, and he will die”.
Hearing this, the Hebrew sage replied: “If he is a man of virtue, he will go out and come back”. While they were still sitting there, the man who had left returned. Then the Persian astrologer, getting up, removed the bundle of wood that the man was carrying, and there he discovered a snake, which had been cut into two pieces.
The Hebrew sage then asked the man: “What goodness have you done?” (which has allowed you to “cut” the evil decree issued by the stars against you). The man replied: “Those of us who go for firewood usually contribute a portion of the bread that we collectively eat. But today, one of ours had no bread to contribute. Thus (so that he wouldn’t feel ashamed) I decided to collect each one’s bread; and, when I got to this man, I threw into the basket a piece of bread that I pretended to take from his hands ”.
After hearing his words, the Hebrew sage said to the man: “You have done a thing worthy of a good Samaritan!”. From that day forward, the Hebrew sage began to explain the verse that says: “…justice (mercy) delivers from death” (Prov. 10:2) as meaning that works of mercy not only deliver from unnatural death, but from any form of death (even supernatural ones!)

What is your baseline for reality?

Each man is free to decide what will he [or she] use as his personal baseline for reality; Religion, science, politics, economical forces, social movements, gender classifications, racial identity, emotions, out of body experiences, etc.
But as for those who have chosen to follow the religious philosophy known as “Ethical Monotheism”, their baseline for reality is to be found in the Divine natural order– In the common sense idea that, in the final analysis, nothing [and nobody] escapes from the Law of “Cause, and effect”; “Action, and reaction; “Sowing, and reaping”; “What goes around, comes around”, etc.
And the logical implication of the former tenet is that, the things we would not like to “reap” into our own lives (to be abused, to be unjustly treated, to be hated, cheated, victimized by opportunists, etc) are the same things we must try to never “sow” into the life of our fellow creatures. Likewise, the things we would like to “reap” into our lives (love, encouragement, humble respect, consideration, fair and just treatment, honesty, good and wise advise, etc), are the very things we should strive to “sow” into our fellow creatures.

«Jerusalem was destroyed because men of integrity were no longer found there, as is said: “Roam the streets of Jerusalem, search it’s squares, look about and take note: You will not find a man –not a one– who acts justly, who seeks integrity, that I may pardon her”- Jeremiah 5:1 (Babylonian Talmud, Shab. 119b)… Jerusalem was destroyed because it’s inhabitants did not reprove one another, as is said: “Her princes are become like harts that find no pasture”- Lamentations 1:6. Like harts, each of whose head is beside the tail of the one before it, so did Israel of that generation keep their faces looking toward the ground and not reprove one another (Ibid)»

What are Ethical Monotheists supposed to do with Yeshua (Jesus of Nazareth, may peace and
blessings be upon him)

Though not a branch of the Christian faith, Ethical Monotheism recognizes Jesus moral teachings to be a valid path toward obtaining God’s favor. But if so, then why isn’t Ethical Monotheism part of the Christian religion? Well, the answer to that question has to do with the fact that Ethical Monotheism views salvation as the natural result of a life that honors his Creator. How do they go about it? They simply commit themselves with performing the goodness commanded by God’s Ten Supreme Laws (or “Commandments”).
In other words, by willingly turning the former Laws into our own moral compass, we make sure that our lives slowly acquire the justice, mercy, and humility that characterize our heavenly Father; so that, in the process, we end up becoming “Sons of God”. As is written: «Ye are the children of the Lord your God… I have said, “Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High…”»- Deut. 14:1, Psalm 82:6, King James Bible.
And just as Scripture states that, upon his death, David was sent to rest with his fathers (“So David slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David”- 1 Kings 2:10), so will [upon their death] God’s children be sent to rest with their Heavenly Father.
And whence we get the Holy One never expected God fearing Israelites to attain absolute moral perfection? We get it from the fact that, though they never achieved such perfection, the former verses refer to them as “gods”, “children of the Lord”, and “children of the most High”. In fact, the Creator Himself goes on to describe them as “Holy people”.
As is written: “For thou art an Holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth”- Deut. 7:6
But what about Jesus of Nazareth (Yeshua, may peace and blessings be upon him)? Didn’t he attain absolute moral perfection? Well, not really. In fact, Scripture foretold no man would ever reach such moral perfection. As is written: “For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not”- Ecclesiastes 7:20.
And the former might explain the reason why Yeshua is depicted in the gospel as a flawed human being. In what sense? In that he would demand people to display a moral perfection he himself lacked. Consider the following examples:

(1) Yeshua commanded not to resist he who smites you, but rather offer the other cheek: “But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also”- Matthew 5:39. yet when Jesus himself was smitten, he resisted the aggressor, refusing to offer him the other cheek (thereby showing that theory is great, but the law of sowing and reaping always prevail): “… one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying, Answerest thou the high priest so? Jesus answered him, If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: but if well, why smitest thou me?” – John 18:22-23

(2) Yeshua claims to have greater wisdom than Solomon (“The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here”- Luke 11:31). In addition, he claims to have no fear of death (“And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do”- Luke 12:4). Finally, Yeshua claims to have no sin (“Which of you convinceth me of sin?…”- John 8:46).
And the former implies only Yeshua had the right to judge and rebuke the sin of other people, as only his judgment is safe (“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son… I judge no man. And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me”- John 5:22, & 8:15-16).
Thus, being the fearless, wise, morally perfect, and divinely appointed Judge, we would expect Yeshua to be bold enough to confront the sin of powerful kings and rulers. Yet when Herod breaks God’s Law [taking his brother’s wife], it is John the Baptist [and not Yeshua!] who has the moral greatness and courage to rebuke the king, risking his own life.

(3) Not only couldn’t Yeshua judge the issues of kings and rulers, but the gospel pictures him being unable to judge even trivial matters pertaining to common people. As is written: «And one of the company said unto him, “Master, speak to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me”. And he [Yeshua] said unto him, Man, who made me a judge or a divider over you?”- Luke 12:14

Thus, we can allegorically say that, though Jesus moral teachings are “Kasher” (ritually fit for believer’s consumption), his actual life example “smells bad”. Curiously, Jesus himself suggests the path we ought to follow when handling such contradictions (“… For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again”- Luke 6:38). As is written: “All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not”- Matthew 23:3 (“sowing and reaping”, “eye for an eye”, “action, and reaction”… The fair and just answer to contradictory request is a contradictory reply)

Did God ever expect us to be perfectly obedient to His Divine Law? Are we left with no other option but to accept the [alleged] atoning sacrifice done by the Nazarene?

Although the Christian faith is a noble and valid path to approach the Holy One [blessed be He], Ethical Monotheism hold fast to God’s Law, when it teaches that nobody can die, in order to atone for the sins of someone else (“… every man shall be put to death for his own sin… every one shall die for his own iniquity…”- Deut. 24:16 & Jeremiah 31:30, K.J.B.).
Why is this so? Because Torah (God’s Law) demands personal accountability. And that’s why it goes on to say: “… and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it”- Numbers 35:33. Thus, if the Gospel comes down the road, pretending to deny what the Law has already stated (“… that Christ died for our sins…”- 1 Corinthians 15:3), then the bitter dispute between Torah believers and Gospel believers is finally settled, and there’s nothing else to discuss.
Why? Because the truth revealed by God’s Law is final and irrevocable, as the Law cannot be altered, nor abrogated (“Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it…”- Deut. 4:2). And the Gospel seems to confirms this viewpoint, when it quotes Jesus (may peace and blessings be upon him) saying the following: “… and the Scripture (God’s Law) cannot be broken”- John 10:35.
Besides, though Christian theology claims that unless our works are absolutely perfect, the Creator will pay us with evil; Yet God’s Law depicts a completely different God; One who is so merciful that doesn’t reward us according to our works. Instead, He’s portrayed as a loving Father– One who delights in showing mercy and compassion to His weak, ignorant, and often rebellious children.
As is written: “Like as a father pitieth his children, so יהוה (the Lord) pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust… He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him… Who is a God like unto thee that pardons iniquity, and passes over the rebellion with the remnant of his heritage? He did not retain his anger for ever because he delights in mercy”- Psalm 103:13-14, Psalm 103:10-11, & Micah 7:18.
Finally, Scripture is crystal clear, when it goes on to teach that if a sinner vows repentance [in order to start anew, doing the goodness that pleases the Creator], not only will he receive the promise of life [everlasting], but will also be given “a clean slate”, since his former iniquities will never be remembered again. As is written: “But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live”- Ezekiel 18:21-22.

«Faith in an Israelite Messiah (past or future) can be a good thing. But beware of turning it into an
idol! Remember that, no matter if it be the nation of Israel, the Israelite religion, or an Israelite
individual, Scripture denotes Israel using the Hebrew word, “Yishrael”; a word that sounds
ominously similar to the Hebrew phrase, “Ish-ra-el” (whose meaning is none other than, “Man is an
evil god!”»

Click upon the red button, in order to view a free copy of the complete document describing Ethical Monotheism relevant teachings

Sowing and Reaping: He who claims to be a child of God, while openly embracing an immoral lifestyle, thereby blasphemes the name of his Creator

God’s Law prescribes capital punishment for any Israelite daring to [publicly] blaspheme the God of Israel. As is written: “So the Israelitish woman’s son blasphemed the Name of the Lord, and cursed… Then the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Bring the blasphemer without the host, and let all that heard him, put their hands upon his head, and let all the Congregation stone him… Whosoever curseth his God, shall bear his sin. And he that blasphemeth the Name of the Lord, shall be put to death:… as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land: when he blasphemeth the Name of the Lord, let him be slain”- Leviticus 24:11-16 (1599 Geneva Bible)
Thus, the Law hints at the idea that God’s own religion doesn’t consist of having “the right theology”; rather, it has to do with having “the right morality” (Micah 6: 8, & Psalm 37:27). And this is why public immorality is the sin God won’t tolerate. In fact, He abhors immorality so much, that took personal care warning us against it. How? By writing upon the two stone tablets the following words (with His own “fingers”!): “Do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not lie, do not insult your parents… etc”.
So, the Israelite who willingly chooses to openly disobey the God of the Hebrews [living a life of outright immorality], will sooner or later be punished, suffering the Divine curse. Why the Divine curse? Because Scripture teaches man is destined to “eat” the fruit of his hands; that is to say, each person will have to “reap” the same evil [or goodness] he has sown. And, since [with his immoral behavior] this man has induced others to curse the Creator, it is fair that he be forced to reap the same curse he has planted.
You see, when a man claims to be part of God’s Holy people (Israel), and then goes on and openly practices the homosexual lifestyle, the public feel entitled to curse the God of the Israel, saying: “This man claims to be part of God’s People, but he openly practices the Homosexual lifestyle.
Could it be that he is imitating his God, who also is an open Homosexual?; When a man claims to be a Hebrew believer, while openly embracing theft and fraud, the enemies of Israel are justified in cursing the God of the Hebrews, saying: “This one claims to be a Hebrew believer, yet he is a thief and practices fraud. If the God of the Hebrews doesn’t mind, perhaps it is because He himself is also a thief and a fraud ”;
When a Hebrew believer goes and lies publicly and shamelessly, the wicked ones curse the God of Israel, saying: “This guy claims to be part of God’s holy People, but he is a lying and shameless sophist. From whom did he learn it? Could it be that he learned it from his own God, who is as shameless as he is, and therefore has no problem with such low life morality?;
When a believer claims to be part of God’s Holy People, and then goes on to murder another human being, the wicked ones are empowered to curse the God of Israel, saying: “This guy claims to be part of the People of God, but he is a murderer. Is it because his God is also a murderer?
Thus, the Hebrew believer who acts immorally, will be condemned to reap the same curse with which he caused the wicked to blaspheme the God of Israel.
And this is what happened to King David [after abruptly finishing the life of Uriah, an innocent son of God]. Since this action of David caused the wicked to curse the God of Israel, God brought the same curse upon David. How? By letting him experience how the life of his innocent son was also abruptly extinguished.
As it is written: “But because, with this matter (extinguishing the life of an innocent human being), you made the enemies of יהוה blaspheme, the [innocent] son that was born to you, he will surely die” (2 Samuel 12:14).
And the former is the reason why the Hebrew faith isn’t always the best path for everyone to follow, as the Creator demands that we embrace the life of moral purity resulting from the obedience to His commandments.
As is written: “Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue: And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the Lord, and do them ; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring: That ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your God”- Numbers 15:38-40, King James Bible.

«Ancient Hebrew faith was worthy and noble, as it consisted of “the worship and glorification of Israel’s holy God”. But as for modern (Rabbinical) Judaism, it’s worthiness is to be questioned. Why? Because, though theoretically impressive, we often find that [in practice] the latter is reduced to “the worship and glorification of Israel” (a similar formulation, yet with the “holy God” part of it now deprecated, so that a upright and moral lifestyle is no longer demanded– thereby reducing the whole formula to a subtle form of ethnocentrism)»

The conveniently forgotten holocaust: Why is China using Fentanyl, in order to destroy Jewish controlled USA?

Ashkenazi Jews constantly bring to mind the death of “6 million Jews” as “crimes against humanity”. If that is the case, what should the deaths of tens of millions of brown and yellow Asians be called? The genocide perpetrated against the Chinese people by a powerful Jewish clan is never mentioned!
You see, long before WWII, the Jews engaged in genocide in China. After the 99 year British lease on Hong Kong expired, hundreds of newspaper stories and TV reports covered the event but not one revealed how England first gained control of Hong Kong!
The truth lies buried in the family line of a racist Jew named David Sassoon, “The Rothschilds of The Far East”, and their monopoly over the opium trade. Britain won Hong Kong by launching the Opium Wars to give the Sassoons exclusive rights to drug an entire nation!
David Sassoon was born in Baghdad, Iraq, in 1792. His father, Saleh Sassoon, was a wealthy banker and the treasurer to Ahmet Pasha, the governor of Baghdad. (Thus making him the “court Jew” – a highly influential position.) In 1829 Ahmet was overthrown due to corruption and the Sassoon family fled to Bombay, India. This was the strategic trade route to interior India and the gateway to the Far East.
In a brief time the British government granted Sassoon «monopoly rights» to all manufacture of cotton goods, silk and most important of all – Opium – then the most addictive drug in the world! The Jewish Encyclopedia of 1905, states that Sassoon expanded his opium trade into China and Japan. He placed his eight sons in charge of the various major opium exchanges in China.
According to the 1944 Jewish Encyclopedia: “He employed only Jews in his business, and wherever he sent them he built synagogues and schools for them. He imported whole families of fellow Jews, and put them to work”. Sassoon’s sons were busy pushing this mind-destroying drug in Canton, China. Between 1830 – 1831 they trafficked 18,956 chests of opium earning millions of dollars.
Part of the profits went to Queen Victoria and the British government. In the year 1836 the trade increased to over 30,000 chests and drug addiction in coastal cities became endemic. In 1839, the Manchu Emperor ordered that it be stopped. He named the Commissioner of Canton, Lin Tse-hsu, to lead a campaign against opium. Lin seized 2,000 chests of Sassoon opium and threw it into the river.
An outraged David Sassoon demanded that Great Britain retaliate. Thus, the Opium Wars began with the British Army fighting as mercenaries of the Sassoons. They attacked cities and blockaded ports. The Chinese Army, decimated by 10 years of rampant opium addiction, proved no match for the British Army.
The war ended in 1839 with the signing of “The Treaty of Nanking”. This included provisions especially designed to guarantee the Sassoons the right to enslave an entire population with opium. The “peace treaty” included these provisions:

1) Full legalization of the opium trade in China,
2) compensation from the opium stockpiles confiscated by Lin of 2 million pounds,
3) territorial sovereignty for the British Crown over several designated offshore islands.

Sassoon used the British Army to drug an entire nation. British Prime Minister Palmerston wrote Crown Commissioner Captain Charles Elliot that the treaty didn’t go far enough. He said it should have been rejected out of hand because: “After all, our naval power is so strong that we can tell the Emperor what we mean to hold rather than what he would cede. We must demand the admission of opium into interior China as an article of lawful commerce and increase the indemnity payments and British access to several additional Chinese ports”.
Thus, China not only had to pay Sassoon the cost of his dumped opium but reimburse England an unheard sum of 21 million pounds for the cost of the war! This gave the Sassoons monopoly rights to distribute opium in port cities. However, even this was not good enough and Sassoon demanded the right to sell opium throughout the Chinese nation.
The Manchus resisted and the British Army again attacked in the “Second” Opium War fought from 1858 – 1860. Palmerston declared that all of interior China must be open for uninterrupted opium traffic. The British suffered a defeat at the Taku Forts in June 1859 when sailors, ordered to seize the forts, were run aground in the mud-choked harbor. Several hundred were killed or captured.
An enraged Palmerston said: “We shall teach such a lesson to these perfidious hordes that the name of Europe will hereafter be a passport of fear”. In October, the British besieged Peking. When the city fell, British commander Lord Elgin, ordered the temples and other sacred shrines in the city sacked and burned to the ground as a show of Britain’s absolute contempt for the Chinese.
In the new “Peace Treaty” of Oct.25, 1860, the British were assigned rights to vastly expanded opium trade covering seven-eights of China, which brought in over 20 million pounds in 1864 alone. In that year, the Sassoons imported 58,681 chests of opium and by 1880 it had skyrocketed to 105,508 chests making the Sassoons the richest Jews in the world. England was given the Hong Kong peninsula as a colony and large sections of Amoy, Canton, Foochow, Ningpo and Shanghai.
The Sassoons were now licensing opium dens in each British occupied area with large fees being collected by their Jewish agents. Sassoon would not allow any other race to engage in “the Jews’ business”. However, the British government would not allow any opium to be imported into Europe! Sassoon “Monopoly Rights” Wrecked Lancashire – England’s Textile Industry – Made Roosevelt Wealthy Sir Albert Sassoon, the eldest of David Sassoon’s sons took over the family “business” empire.
He constructed huge textile mills in Bombay to pay slave labor wages. This expansion continued after World War One and ended up putting mills in Lancashire, England out of business with thousands losing their jobs. This did not stop Queen Victoria from having Albert knighted in 1872.
Solomon Sassoon moved to Hong Kong and ran the family business there until his death in 1894. Later, the entire family moved to England because with modern communications they could operate their financial empire from their luxurious estates in London. They socialized with royalty and Edward Albert. Sassoon married Aline Caroline de Rothschild in 1887 which linked their fortune with that of the Rothschilds.
The Queen also had Edward knighted. All 14 of the grandsons of David Sassoon were made officers during World War One and thus most were able to avoid combat. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s fortune was inherited from his maternal grandfather Warren Delano.
In 1830 he was a senior partner of Russell & Company. It was their merchant fleet which carried Sassoon’s opium to China and returned with tea. Warren Delano moved to Newburgh, N.Y. In 1851 his daughter Sara Married a well born neighbor, James Roosevelt – the father of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
He always knew the origin of the family fortune but refused to discuss it. The Sassoon opium trade brought death and destruction to millions and still plagues Asia to this day. Their company was totally operated by Jews ONLY! The corrupt British monarchy honored them with privilege and knighthood – to the disgrace of the Crown!
To this day the Sassoons are in the history books as “great developers” of India but the source of their vast wealth is never mentioned!

Culto de Adoración alterno (para Hispano-parlantes), según la tradición del Monoteísmo Ético

El siguiente servicio, que se lee en alta voz y de forma antifonal, contiene el fundamento moral e ideológico de la Sagrada Fe del Samaritanismo Reformado. NOTA: Las primeras dos citas se leen de forma grupal, estando todos de pie con el rostro vuelto hacia la tierra de Canaán.

– «Shema Yisrael, Adonai Elojeinu, Adonai ejad. Baruj shem kevod maljuto le olam va ed. Ve-ahavta lereaja kamoja, ani Adonai»
– «Oye, Israel, יהוה (Adonai Yah) nuestro Dios יהוה (Adonai Yah) uno es. Y amarás a יהוה (Yah) con todo tu corazón, y toda tu alma, y con todas tus fuerzas. Y estas palabras que yo te mando hoy estarán sobre tu corazón; y las repetirás a tus hijos, y hablarás de ellas estando en tu casa, y andando por el camino, y al acostarte, y cuando te levantes»- Deut. 6:4-7
– «Reconoced que יהוה (Adonai Yah) es Dios; Él nos hizo, y no nosotros a nosotros mismos; Pueblo suyo somos, y ovejas de su prado»– Salmo 100:3
– «No aborrecerás a tu hermano en tu corazón; razonarás con tu prójimo, para que no participes de su pecado. No te vengarás, ni guardarás rencor… sino que amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo »- Lev. 19:17-18
– «Bienaventurado el que piensa en el pobre; En el día malo, lo librará Yah»- Salmo 41:1
– «Porque cercano está el día de Yah sobre todas las naciones; como tú hiciste se hará contigo»- Abdías 1:15
– «… El Juez de toda la tierra, ¿No ha de hacer lo que es justo?»- Génesis 18:25
– «¡Lejos este de Dios la impiedad, y del Omnipotente la iniquidad! Porque Él pagará al hombre según su obra, y le retribuirá conforme a su camino. Si, por cierto, Dios no hará injusticia, y el Omnipotente no pervertirá el derecho»- Job 34:10-12
– «Porque tú [oh Dios] pagas a cada uno conforme a su obra»- Salmo 62:12
– «El que mira por tu alma, Él lo conocerá, y dará al hombre según sus obras»- Proverbios 24:12
– «… Mis escogidos disfrutarán la obra de sus manos»- Isaías 65:22
– «… Yo les pagaré conforme a sus hechos, y conforme a la obra de sus manos»- Jeremías 25:14
– «No a nosotros, oh יהוה (Adonai Yah), no a nosotros, sino a tu nombre da gloria, por tu misericordia y tu verdad»– Salmo 115:1
– «Porque así dijo el Alto y Sublime, El que habita la Eternidad, y cuyo nombre es “el Santo”: yo habito en la altura y la santidad, y con el quebrantado y humilde de espíritu»- Isaías 57:15
– «… יהוה (Yah) exalta a los humildes, y humilla a los impíos hasta la tierra»- Salmo 147:6
«Por que יהוה (Yah) es excelso, y atiende al humilde, mas al altivo mira de lejos»- Salmo 138:4
– «Mas alábese en esto el que se hubiere de alabar: en entenderme y conocerme, que yo soy יהוה (Adonai Yah), que hago misericordia, juicio, y justicia en la Tierra; porque estas cosas quiero [que los hombres también hagan], dice Adonai Yah»- Jeremías 9:24
– «… Así dice יהוה (Yah), Rey de Israel… “Yo soy el primero [porque no tengo padre], y yo soy el postrero [porque no tengo hijo], y fuera de mí, no hay Dios [porque no tengo hermano]»- Isaías 44:6 – «Ved ahora que Yo, Yo soy, y no hay dioses conmigo (es decir, no hay nadie que comparta conmigo la deidad)…» – Deut. 32:39
– «… No confíes en los príncipes, ni en [ningún] hijo de hombre, porque no hay en el salvación»– Salmo 146:3
– «… Yo יהוה (Yah), y fuera de mí, no hay quien salve»- Isaías 43:11
– «Porque yo יהוה (Adonai Yah), Dios tuyo, el Santo de Israel, soy tu Salvador…» – Isaías 43:3
– ¿Con que me presentare ante יהוה (Yah), y adorare al Altísimo?… ¿Daré mi primogénito por mi rebelión, el fruto de mis entrañas por el pecado de mi alma?” (Miqueas 6:6-7)
– «Oh hombre, Él te ha declarado lo que es bueno. Y, ¿que pide el Señor de ti? Solamente hacer Justicia, y amar misericordia, y humillarte ante tu Dios” (Miqueas 6:8)
– «Y Él os anunció su Pacto, el cual os mandó poner por obra; los Diez Mandamientos, y los escribió en dos tablas de piedra» -Deut. 4:13
– «¿Hasta cuándo no querréis guardar mis mandamientos y mis Leyes?»- Éxodo 16:28
– «Provocaron la ira de Dios con sus obras, y se desarrolló la mortandad entre ellos. Entonces se levantó Finees, e hizo [obra de] Juicio, y se detuvo la plaga; Y le fue contado por Justicia, de generación en generación para siempre»- Salmos 106:29-31
– «Si se humillare mi Pueblo, sobre el cual mi nombre es invocado, y oraren, y buscaren mi rostro, y se convirtieren de sus malos caminos; entonces yo oiré desde los cielos, y perdonaré sus pecados, y sanaré su Tierra»- 2 Crónicas 7:14
– «Los sacrificios de Dios son el espíritu quebrantado, al corazón contrito y Humillado no despreciarás, tu oh Señor»- Salmo 51:17
– «Cercano está el Señor a los quebrantados de corazón; y salva a los contritos de espíritu»- Salmo 34:18
– «El que confiesa su pecado, y se aparta, alcanzara misericordia»- Proverbios 28:13
– «Por tanto, confesaré mi maldad, y me contristaré por mi pecado»- Salmo 38:18
– «Nunca se apartará de tu boca este libro de la Ley, sino que de día y de noche meditarás en él, para que guardes y hagas conforme a todo lo que en él está escrito; porque entonces harás prosperar tu camino, y todo te saldrá bien» – Josué 1:8
– «No añadiréis a la palabra que yo os mando, ni disminuiréis de ella, para que guardéis los mandamientos de יהוה (Yah) vuestro Dios, que yo os ordeno»- Deut. 4:2
– «Guarda mis mandamientos, y vivirás…»- Proverbios 7:2
– «Los mandamientos de יהוה (Yah) son rectos…. en guardarlos hay grande galardón»– Salmo 119:8-11
– «Apártate del mal, y haz el bien, y vivirás para siempre»- Salmo 37:27
– «Teme a Dios, y guarda sus mandamientos; porque esto es el todo del hombre; Porque Dios traerá toda obra a juicio, juntamente con toda cosa encubierta, sea buena, o sea mala”- Eclesiastés 12:13-14
– «El temor de Dios es aborrecer el mal; la soberbia y la arrogancia, el mal camino, y la boca perversa…»- Proverbios 8:13
– «… יהוה (Yah) tu Dios es Dios, Dios fiel, que guarda el pacto y la misericordia a los que le aman y guardan sus mandamientos…»- Deut. 7:9
– «Espera en יהוה, y guarda su camino, Y él te exaltará para heredar la tierra; Cuando sean destruidos los pecadores, lo verás»-Salmo 37:34
– «Hazme entender [oh Dios] el camino de tus mandamientos…»– Salmo 119:27
– «El camino de los rectos, se aparta del mal…»– Proverbios 16:17
– «No entres por la vereda de los impíos, ni vayas por el camino de los malos»– Proverbios 4:14
– «Misericordioso y clemente es יהוה; lento para la ira, y grande en misericordia. No contenderá para siempre, ni para siempre guardará el enojo. No ha hecho con nosotros conforme a nuestras iniquidades, ni nos ha pagado conforme a nuestros pecados.
– Porque como la altura de los cielos sobre la tierra, engrandeció su misericordia sobre los que le temen. Cuanto está lejos el oriente del occidente, hizo alejar de nosotros nuestras rebeliones.
– Como el padre se compadece de los hijos, se compadece יהוה de los que le temen. Porque él conoce nuestra condición; se acuerda de que somos polvo.
– El hombre, como la hierba son sus días; florece como la flor del campo, Que pasó el viento por ella, y pereció, y su lugar no la conocerá más.
– Mas la misericordia de יהוה es desde la eternidad y hasta la eternidad sobre los que le temen, y su justicia sobre los hijos de los hijos; sobre los que guardan su pacto, y los que se acuerdan de sus mandamientos para ponerlos por obra»- Salmo 103:8-18
– «Alabad a יהוה (Yah), porque Él es bueno; porque para siempre es su misericordia» -Salmo 118:1
– «Las obras de sus manos son verdad y juicio; fieles son todos sus mandamientos, afirmados eternamente y para siempre, Hechos en verdad y en rectitud.
– Redención ha enviado a Su Pueblo; para siempre ha ordenado Su Pacto (los Diez Mandamientos); Santo y temible es su nombre.
– El principio de la sabiduría, es el temor de יהוה (Yah); buen entendimiento tienen todos los que practican Sus (Diez) Mandamientos; Su loor permanece para siempre» -Salmo 111:7-10.
– «Los mandamientos de Yah son rectos, que alegran el corazón»– Salmo 19:8
– «Si tu Ley no hubiese sido mi delicia, ya en mi aflicción hubiera perecido. Nunca jamás me olvidaré de tus mandamientos, Porque con ellos me has vivificado»- Salmo 119:92-93.
– «… Invoqué en mi angustia a Yah, y él me oyó; Desde el seno del Seol clamé, y mi voz oíste. Me echaste a lo profundo, en medio de los mares, Y me rodeó la corriente; Todas tus ondas y tus olas pasaron sobre mí.
– Entonces dije: Desechado soy de delante de tus ojos; Mas aún veré tu santo Templo. Las aguas me rodearon hasta el alma, rodeóme el abismo; el alga se enredó a mi cabeza.
– Descendí a los cimientos de los montes; la Tierra echó sus cerrojos sobre mí para siempre; mas tú sacaste mi vida de la sepultura, oh Adonai Dios mío.
– Cuando mi alma desfallecía en mí, me acordé de Yah, y mi oración llegó hasta ti en tu santo Templo. Los que siguen vanidades ilusorias, Su misericordia abandonan.
– Mas yo con voz de alabanza te ofreceré sacrificios; Pagaré lo que prometí. La salvación es de Yah [¡Aleluya!]»– Jonás 2:2-9
– «Aunque la higuera no florezca, ni en las vides haya frutos, aunque falte el producto del olivo, y los labrados no den mantenimiento, y las ovejas sean quitadas de la majada, y no haya vacas en los corrales; con todo, yo me alegraré en Yah, y me gozaré en el Dios de mi Salvación.
– Yah el Señor es mi fortaleza, el cual hace mis pies como de ciervas, Y en mis alturas me hace andar»- Habacuc 3:17-19.
– «Yo dije: “A la mitad de mis días iré a las puertas del Seol; privado soy del resto de mis años. Dije: No veré a Yah, a Yah en la tierra de los vivientes; ya no veré más hombre con los moradores del mundo…
– Como un león molió todos mis huesos… Como la grulla y como la golondrina me quejaba; gemía como la paloma; alzaba en alto mis ojos. Yah, violencia padezco; fortaléceme.
– ¿Qué diré? El que me lo dijo, él mismo lo ha hecho. Andaré humildemente todos mis años, a causa de aquella amargura de mi alma.
– Oh Señor, por todas estas cosas los hombres vivirán, y en todas ellas está la vida de mi espíritu; pues tú me restablecerás, y harás que viva.
– He aquí, amargura grande me sobrevino en la paz, mas a ti agradó librar mi vida del hoyo de corrupción; porque echaste tras tus espaldas todos mis pecados»- Isaías 38:10-17
– «Esta es la bendición con la cual bendijo Moisés varón de Dios a los hijos de Israel, antes que muriese… cuando Moisés nos ordenó una Ley, como heredad a la congregación de Jacob.
– Y fue rey en Jesurún… Y esta bendición profirió para Judá. Dijo así: “Oye, oh יהוה (Yah), la voz de Judá, y llévalo a su pueblo; sus manos le basten, y tú seas su ayuda contra sus enemigos…
– No hay como el Dios de Jesurún, quien cabalga sobre los cielos para tu ayuda, y sobre las nubes con su grandeza. El Eterno Dios es tu refugio, y acá abajo los brazos eternos… Bienaventurado tú, oh Israel. ¿Quién como tú, Pueblo salvo por יהוה (Yah), Escudo de tu socorro, Y espada de tu triunfo? Así que tus enemigos serán humillados, Y tú hollarás sobre sus alturas”»- Deut. 33:1,4,7,26,29

"Mere knowledge causes people to become puffed up and vain (in other words, to bear themselves loftily, and be proud); but love and humility (affection, goodwill, and benevolence) edifies and builds up [encouraging us to outgrow our selfish and self-centered mindset, thereby becoming real human beings]"

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you”- Exodus 20:12

If you cannot come to terms with the cold facts dictate by your genetics, and the objective [and immutable] reality imposed upon you by your biological sex, then there’s no fault in you getting professional advise and/or psychological help. But, for your own sake, please stop putting your parents to public shame with your open homosexual behavior

Who is a Son of The World to Come?

No person will be granted a permanent share in the World to come, unless such person sincerely strives to be honest, meek, and humble– showing shame and remorse for the pride and brazen deception implied in a life of open rebelliousness (a lifestyle of self-exaltation, injustice, and immorality)

Do you feel harassed by Secular Jews and their godless Marxist ideology? If so, don't curse the darkness; Rather, turn on a light!

If you consider yourself a God fearing person, beware not to fall into the trap of enlarging Jewish mischief to the point of making secular Jews seem like evil and invincible gods (as the latter would not only works to their advantage, but would amount to superstitious idolatry).
Besides, it will make you look fearful, weak, and hopeless [things unbecoming to anyone claiming to stand on the side of truth and justice; or claiming to know there’s a supreme God, who will eventually punish the wicked, and reward the righteous]. Thus, if you want to defeat evil, do it with goodness.
In other words, if you want to defeat the Gay agenda, don’t promote any business owned by openly gay people (Facebook, Apple, L’Oreal, etc); If you want to defeat banker’s usury, do not take loans from any bank; if you want to defeat public school indoctrination, choose to home school your children;
if you want to defeat the Jewish media brainwashing, don’t buy the newspaper, and put your TV in the trash can; If you want to defeat atheism, make a routine of praying at home with your family, and always go out wearing a religious symbol (a cross, a crescent moon, a menorah, etc);
If you want to defeat tyranny, make sure you get a rifle (or a shotgun) with which you can protect your family (as well as yourself); If you want to defeat Monsanto GMO meat poisoning, buy only non GMO products, raise your own chickens, fast one or two days a week, or become a vegetarian.
Above all, strive to obey God’s ten commandments, as this will give you such a moral uplift, such peace of mind, and such an interior strength, that Jewish evil [or for that sake, any other sort of evil] will seem like amounting to little more than nothing

Why was Adam asked to till the garden?

Hebrew Scripture states that God’s Law was initially revealed to Moses in the Hebrew tongue.
But Anyone with even a minimal knowledge of the Hebrew language knows that ancient Hebrew was a very imprecise language, as it contained no vowels, no accents, no periods, no commas, no exclamation signs, no upper case, no question marks, etc. How could Bible’s message ever be accurately preserved by means of such an imprecise language?
Can a good sword be made out of bad iron? The answer to this question is that Bible’s true message (a life of holiness, where we sow the good we wish to eventually reap) is so simple and so self evident that not even a fool can err from it [so no precise language was ever needed!].
As is written: «… and it shall be called “The way of holiness”; the unclean shall not pass over it… THE WAYFARING MEN, THOUGH FOOLS, SHALL NOT ERR THEREIN»- Isaiah 35:8.
And also in another place: “Turn from evil, and do good [to your innocent fellow human beings]; so you may live forever”- Psalm 37:27, Tree Of Life Version.
In fact, Hebrew scripture states that, as soon as God created Adam, He placed him in a garden, so he could till the land. As is written: “The Lord God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it …”- Genesis 2:15 (Christian standard Bible). But, why did Adam have to work any land? Didn’t he already have the world’s food supply at his disposal?
The reason was that, the first thing God wanted Adam to learn was that mankind’s well being would depend upon it’s recognition of the fact that, the World we humans have been introduced to, works upon the principle of “sowing and reaping” (cause and effect, action and reaction, what goes around, comes around).
As is written; “… Mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands”- Isaiah 65:22; “As you have done, it will be done to you…“- Obadiah 1:15; And also, “… As I have done, so God has repaid me”- Judges 1:7. And finally says, “… The Lord rewards each of us according to what we do”- Psalm 62:12 (C.E.V.).
The truth is that ancient men of God (Enoch, Noah, Job, Abraham, Joseph, etc) had no [Sacred] written scripture available, yet they perfectly knew God’s will for their lives, thereby earning God’s approval.
In other words, God’s will for Abraham was self evident to him (“For I know him [Abraham], that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment …”- Gen. 18:19).

And this will was none but to fear God, living a life of righteousness in which we sow upon our fellow human beings the goodness we wish to reap for ourselves.
It was only after mankind had lost it’s capability to understand God’s wisdom imprinted in the divine book of Nature (the law of “sowing and reaping”) that the Creator had to start giving mankind an endless amount of written scriptures (Torah, prophets, Psalms, Proverbs, Gospel, Talmud, Quran, Sunnah, etc).
In short, God’s creation (nature) is His supreme revelation; God’s own unchangeable Word, eternally written in the Heavens. As it has been said: “Lord, YOUR WORD IS FOREVER; IT IS FIRMLY FIXED IN HEAVEN”- Psalm 119:89;
and, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and THE EXPANSE PROCLAIMS THE WORK OF HIS HANDS”- Psalm 19:1; and finally says, “When I observe your Heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you set in place, what is a human being that you remember him, a son of man that you look after him?”- Psalm 8:3-4.
This Divine revelation is freely available to anyone who would wish to consider it. And any written scripture [or doctrine] that confirm the Divine revelation imprinted in Nature (the law of “sowing and reaping”) comes from God; while any scripture [or doctrine] that denies it does not come from God.
But what about the Jewish redeeming Messiah? Don’t we all have to believe in the true messiah, in order to be saved?? Well, the answer is “Yes, and No”. You see, Hebrew Bible hints at the idea that repentance itself is the true redeeming Messiah; so that, as soon as someone turns you away from wickedness, your redeemer has arrived.
As is written: “And the Redeemer shall come to Zion [to whom will the Redeemer come?]… unto them that turn [away] from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord”- Isaiah 59:20 (King James version).
In other words, the moment either Moses, Jesus, Muhammad or any other person [or thing] successfully turns you away from wickedness, in that moment such a person [or thing] becomes your personal Messiah
And how do we know that Sincere repentance is in itself the Redeeming Messiah? We know it because, without repentance, there is no salvation from death; as Jesus himself confirmed, when he went on to say: “I tell you, No! But unless you repent, you too will all perish”- Luke 13:3


True religion has little to do with theology. Why? Because God has different plans for different peoples. In other words, if you study God’s Law, you will find that the Creator never asked Hebrew people to make converts; nor is there any record of Moses ever asking the Israelites to go overseas and try to turn other peoples into Hebrew believers. Why? Maybe because the religion God wants for each particular man, is the one that will make such man  [and not someone else] feel the freedom of mind, the Hope, the Peace of heart, and the clear conscience that he so desperately needs. For some people, such religion will be Judaism; For others, it will be Christianity, Islam, Samaritanism, etc. Truth be told, the name, size, location, or age of the creed we finally choose to follow doesn’t really matter. What really matters is that we feel secured that it represents God’s particular way of providing for our intellectual, emotional, and spiritual needs, so we can serve Him with a glad, pure, and sincere heart– without the burden of any ethnic, cultural or linguistic hindrance


Non-judgment Inclusiveness? Do not be so utterly deceived! Evil companionship (communion, association, & conversation with it) will always end up corrupting [and depraving] good manners, as well as morals and character

“A shameless, insolent, godless, and mediocre society is just one step behind barbarism, and only two away from genocide, and criminal totalitarianism”

Hebrew Scripture foretold that God's judgment upon secular Israel (symbol of modern Western world), would come at the hands of “Teman” (Modern Yemen, symbol of the Islamic World)

Jewish-controlled Western media constantly bombards us with the idea that there’s no God. And, by taking God out of the picture, they try to frame us into believing that “good and evil” are relative; that morality is a social construct we must adjust, in order to include [and even exalt] lifestyles that would otherwise be considered aberrant behavior (fraud, adultery, drug addiction, prostitution, homosexuality, cross dressing, incest, pedophilia, zoophilia, etc).
But the fact is that, in the long run, this constant push towards evil only serves to exacerbate the Muslim ire [and hatred] against the Western world. And, as most media outlets are in the hands of secular Ashkenazi Jews, it’s almost sure that not only will Islam conquer the West, but will also bring about another holocaust.
And why would God allow this new holocaust to happen? He’ll do it in order to fulfill the verse that goes on to say: “The Lord will enter into judgment with the elders of His people, and the princes thereof …”- Isaiah 3:14. Granted that the princes (the rich and powerful Ashkenazi seculars) sinned; but why would the elders (the religious Ashkenazi) be also judged (or punished)? Because they saw the public sin of the princess, and decided to remain silent.
And why would God allow Islam to prevail upon the West? Because the Holy One promised to come [in judgment] from a territory associated with Ishmael [the common ancestor of Arab Muslims]. As it is written: “GOD CAME FROM TEMAN, and the Holy One from mount Paran”- Habakkuk 3:3. Whence we get that “God’s coming” implies judgment? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: “… FOR HE [THE LORD] IS COMING TO JUDGE THE EARTH. HE WILL JUDGE THE WORLD RIGHTEOUSLY AND THE PEOPLES FAIRLY”- Psalm 98:8-9.
And whence we know that God is coming from among the Ishmaelites (Islam)? We know it from the verse that associates Ishmael with mount Paran. As it is written: “And he (Ishmael) dwelt in the wilderness of Paran…”- Genesis 21:2. In fact, the place prophet Habakkuk names as “Teman”, corresponds to modern day Yemen [a completely Muslim nation!].
Finally, Hebrew Scripture states that the ancient Sodomite confederacy was defeated by an inferior enemy, when the armies of the former fell into a place full of tar pits (“There were many holes filled with tar in the Valley of Siddim. When the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah and their armies ran away, some of the soldiers fell into these holes, but the others ran away to the mountains”- Genesis 14:10, Easy To Read Version).
And the latter is just a veiled prophecy: one foretelling that a day would come when a far greater confederacy of “Sodomite-friendly kings” (the collective West) would be defeated at a place filled with “tar pits”– the Middle east, which is a place filled with “tar” (or, “oil”) pits.


All Mountains point towards the Heavens!

Social Justice? Gender ideology? Feminism? Gay Rights? Woke culture?… Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it might be time to pause and reflect. Why? Because Ideological autonomy is the Hallmark of distinctiveness, freedom, and power. And maybe that’s why [being ideologically unique] the ancient Israeli nation was not to be “counted” among the nations (having, in a manner of speaking, a completely different mindset). As it has been said: “… Yes, a people that will dwell alone, and not think itself one of the nations”– Numbers 23:9 (Complete Jewish Bible)

The following short video contains the audio of a typical Ethical Monotheists worship service. While the audio plays, the video displays short sentences summarizing the practical wisdom of our faith (Service audio starts at 4 minutes and 9 seconds)

Our Core (common sense) Beliefs
  • (1) Though seemingly infinite, the Universe is rational and coherent [obeying purely logical mathematical laws]. Therefore, it must be [at least] the indirect manifestation of an infinitely Superior mind (often described as “the Creator”, “the Supreme Power”, “the Supreme Judge”, or “the Supreme God”)

  • (2) All great truth undergoes no less than three stages of development: First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident

  • (3) The Supreme Judge [The Powerful mind that holds together the existing order and balance of the Universe] is free from all prejudices, and is perfectly honest, fair, merciful, and humble [not keeping to Himself the reward owed to anybody, but rather paying each man with the same amount of goodness, or evil, he has freely and voluntarily “planted” during his earthly lifetime]

  • (4) It is good to be good, as it’ll bring you a good life; a life of respect, honor, dignity, wisdom, peace, and satisfaction [the sort of life most people secretly admire and look up to!]

  • (5) Be intellectually honest! If you need to compare your religion with that of your competitors, be fair and honest about it– Don’t play the deceptive mind game of comparing your religious best with their religious worst; rather, compare your best with their best, and your worst with their worst. And, in case your competitor excels you in any practice [or belief], be humble enough to admit it, trying to make it part of your own experience [As Moses did with the advise given to him by his father in Law]  

  • (6) Life isn’t “All, or Nothing” [as, “too much West, turns out to be East!”]; therefore, simply try to do your best and most sincere effort to depart from evil, being instead fair, truthful, kind, honest, and humble [avoiding all radical extremes, and constantly striving to find the healthy balanced (or “midway”) position].

  • (7) Things don’t have to be perfect, in order for them to be functional

  • (8) Your biological parents could have aborted you, but instead decided to let you be born. Therefore, show them respect & appreciation [choosing a worthy and noble lifestyle] so that they never repent of having brought you into the World.

  • (9) Life’s fundamental Law is “sowing and reaping”, “cause and effect”, “action and reaction”, “what goes around, comes around”.

  • (10) A good Tree, can be known by it’s good Fruits. Likewise, a good man can be known by his good words, his good thoughts, his good actions, and his good aptitudes

  • (11) Show us what you brag about, and we will show you what you lack

  • (12) Like a golden earring on the snout of a pig, is the man who boasts of his merits [in other words, of his noble ethnic, social, educational, political, scientific, or religious background], while brazenly wallowing in the mud of deception, vulgarity, insolence, and immorality

  • (13) The immutable order displayed by Nature is the best [and most divinely inspired] book of wisdom, morality, and proper behavior.

  • (14) Don’t blindly trust the words of any desk expert. Rather, trust the facts that you can personally see, experience, and corroborate

  • (15) A wise and sound-minded man tries to adjust his theories to the facts, and not the facts to his theories

  • (16) Do not try to repair that which isn’t damaged!

  • (17) Do not “sell the Sun”, in order to purchase a light bulb [do not sell your treasured principles and family values, in order to get petty social, political, or religious approval]

  • (18) Avoid being the victim of childish illusions. The neighbor’s grass will always look greener than ours [just as other races, cultures, economies, religions, political systems, moral values, and socio-economic ideologies will always seem to be better than ours]

  • (19) Pay little attention to the fancy words, claims, and/or narratives uttered by famous and important people; focus instead on people’s actions and performance

  • (20) A truth will remain true, even if no one believes it; and a lie will remain a lie, even if everyone believes it

  • (21) If you don’t live to help the World [the neighbor who is in real need of your assistance], then your life is of no help to the World

  • (22) All great Mountains point toward the Heavens; just as all great religious traditions will point toward lofty (Divinely inspired) moral values

  • (23) In the end, the cruel, haughty, and self-centered man is abandoned by everybody

  • (24) People don’t care how much we know, until they know how much we care.

  • (25) Starting to believe your own lies, is the surest way to sell your soul to Evil. Why? Because once you’ve reach such stage, there’s no sort of wickedness [nor moral aberration], that you cannot easily rationalize [and thereby justify]

  • (26) Don’t blindly trust any person who practices self-praise

  • (27) Trust him who seeks truth [with a humble heart]; but question the man who arrogantly brags about finding it [claiming to be truth’s sole possessor]

  • (28) Beware of whose words [and ideas] you choose to embrace, for he who can compels you to believe absurdities, can also compels you to commit atrocities

  • (29) We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are. In other words, unless you can afford to be brutally honest [and absolutely objective], the way you perceive any issue will be a direct reflection of who you truly are.

  • (30) The Universe teaches us that “the tree can be known by it’s fruit”. In other words, The true nature of any idea (or concept) can be ascertained by it’s resulting yield. Thus, if my religious ideas turn me into an unjust, cruel, arrogant, shameless, and immoral liar, then my religious ideas are worthless. By the same token, if my atheistic ideas turn me into an unjust, cruel, arrogant, shameless, and immoral liar, then my atheistic ideas are equally worthless

  • (31) God created “darkness”, so that it could be conquered by “light”; He created “disorder”, so that it could be conquered by “order”; He created “a disordered mixture of things”, so they could be conquered by “an ordered division of things”; He created “Evil”, so that it could be conquered by “Goodness”; He created “Death”, so it could be conquered by “Life”; He created “Transgression and Disobedience”, so that they could be conquered by “Repentance and Obedience”; He created physical [and moral] “Nakedness”, so that it could be conquered by [the proper] moral [and physical] “Attires”; He created “Failure”, so it could be conquered by “Triumph”; He created “Ignorance”, so it could be conquered by “Wisdom”; He created “Division”, so it could be conquered by “Unity”; He created “Hate”, so it could be conquered by “Love”; He created “Injustice”, in order for it to be conquered by “Justice”; He created “Wicked immorality”, in order for it to be conquered by “Godly moral values”; He created a sad, painful, imperfect, and limited existence (our current physical World), in order to replace it with a glorious, joyful, perfect, and infinite non-physical existence [the World to Come]

  • (32) Intellectual suicide is the prelude of Physical suicide

  • (33) The Creator wants our honesty and sincerity; not our lip service, nor flattering words

  • (34) If you speak to God, God will speak to you; and if you pardon the faults and transgressions [committed against you by other people], your own faults and transgressions will also be pardoned

  • (35) Be at war with your vices, but at peace with your neighbors

  • (36) No pain? No gain!

  • (37) If there is a will, there is a way

  • (38) Birds of the same feather, fly together

  • (39) Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks

  • (40) You can’t keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair

  • (41) The fool doesn’t know what he says, but the Wise doesn’t say what he knows 

  • (42) Children are born with very good religion, as they are humble, and honest

  • (43) There is no peace for the stubborn pervert, as his conscience won’t let him rest until he lets go of the moral degeneracy currently robbing his humanity    

  • (44) We are not expected to be morally perfect; but neither are we allowed to desist from striving for moral perfection

  • (45) Why should we do good? Because the Creator is sort of like a Mirror. In what sense? In that “the image” He will choose to show us will be a reflection of our own moral and spiritual image (“With the merciful Thou [God] wilt shew yourself merciful; with an upright man Thous wilt shew yourself upright; with the pure thou wilt shew yourself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew yourself froward”- Psalm 18:25-26, KJB)

  • (46) If you practice repentance and obedience, peace of mind you’ll soon experience

  • (47) The kingdom of God can be found wherever God is obeyed and glorified by a lifestyle of justice, mercy and humility

  • (48) Too much physical, intellectual, political, or economical power can corrupt even the best of all individuals [making him feel to be above the Law]; Thus, no man can ever be permitted to achieve absolute power, as it will surely bring absolute corruption

  • (49) It is wrong to pretend to have enough moral standing to criticize the speck clouding our neighbor’s eye, while conveniently ignoring the plank clouding our own

  • (50) No human being is God (who not only is free limitations, and errors in judgment, but also perfectly just, merciful and humble). Thus, we must all be mature enough recognize our flaws and limitations. How? Accepting constructive criticism, and learning to use phrases like: “I was wrong”, “I’m sorry”, and “Please forgive me”

  • (51) Beware of flatterers, for a shrewd pervert won’t get you by force, but rather by flattery and seduction. Therefore, hate he who constantly flatters you, but love he who rebukes you [in order to keep you from going astray]

  • (52) The Devil is in the details! Therefore, beware of sweeping [yet shallow] generalizations, and don’t be “anti” any group (White/Blacks, Democrats/Communists, Believers/Unbelievers, Jews/Palestinians, etc). Rather, stand by the side of the righteous people from among each group, while opposing the wicked people from among each group. As it has been said: “Lord.. Who may live on your Holy mountain? The one… who does what is righteous.. who despises a vile person [regardless of his race or creed], but honors those who fear the Lord”– Psalm 15:1-4, New International Version Bible

  • (53) Beware of your conflicting interests, as a man should not act as a judge in a case involving someone he loves (Moses, Zoroaster, Jesus, Muhammad, Joseph Smith, Martin Luther, Vladimir Putin, etc.) or someone he hates (Adolf Hitler, Joe Biden, Bibi Netanyahu, Volodymyr Zelensky, etc), for he is not likely to find fault with someone he loves, nor find merit in someone he hates

  • (54) Not many millionaires in the heavens you will hear, for the glory they’ve already enjoyed over here

  • (55) Wicked people flee [feeling persecuted] when no one is chasing them; But the godly people are bold as lions– In other words, Wickedness will render you fearful [and therefore weak], whereas integrity will make you feel confident [and therefore strong]

  • (56) Not all that shines is gold

  • (57) Trust in the Creator, and do not rely upon your own insight [or limited understanding]. Remember that, when Jesus was tempted by Satan, he didn’t reason with the latter– instead, he replied by quoting God’s word concerning each particular issue

  • (58) Shall we indeed accept only good from God, and not also accept adversity and disaster? God is in control of all things! So, do what has been commanded to you (obey God’s Ten Supreme Laws) and let the rest in the wise and merciful hands of the Almighty

  • (59) Hope for the best, but get ready for the worst

  • (60) Better safe than sorry!

  • (61) Common sense is the least common of all senses

  • (62) Do not try to “perfume” the scum [of moral depravity]; rather, clean it up using “the Soap” of righteousness. As it has been said: “How can a young man keep his behavior pure? By guarding it in accordance with your Word. I have sought you with all of my heart; do not let me drift away from your [Ten] Commands”- Psalm 119:9-10, International Standard Version

  • (63) Cast out the gossiper and scorner. Thus, the strife will end, And the quarrel and the insult will cease

  • (64) Cease to hear any teaching [or ideology] that could deviate you from the Divine moral imperative [in order to please the vain ego of secular ruling powers]

  • (65) Even a callous and arrogant fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; When he closes his lips, he is regarded as sensible (prudent, discreet) and a man of understanding

  • (66) When a growing tree starts to get crooked, nothing like a rod to make it strait again (“A child’s heart has a tendency to do wrong, but the rod of discipline removes it far away from him”- Proverbs 22:15, International Standard Version)

  • (67) When “the head” is sick, the whole body aches

  • (68) “Ladders” are properly cleaned, only when the cleaning starts by the Top

  • (69) There is no softer pillow than a clear conscience (as integrity is one of the essential character traits that make humans more than just “talking animals”)

  • (70) The arrogant man will end up becoming enslaved by his pride (as he will prefer to suffer the consequence of his bad ideas and decisions, rather than to admit his failures in judgment) 

  • (71) Only a  fool dares to say there’s no God. Why? Because, The man who, after observing nature’s rigorous compliance with precise mathematical laws, proceeds to say, “This nature is no proof that there’s a Supreme intelligence (or God) behind it!”, disconnects so much from reality that, in the end, he’ll come to observe his own genitalia and proceed to say, “These male genitals are no proof that there’s a man behind them!

  • (72) Misery loves companionship. So, beware whose advise you choose to follow [in other words, make sure to find out who benefits the most out of such advise]

  • (73) No person, no society, and no nation can endure for long without upright moral values. Whence we know it? We know it from the fact that even criminal cartels expect their distributors be faithful [and honest] with the drug money entrusted to them

  • (74) Too much “fire” in the heart, will fill the head with “smoke”

  • (75) If the young ones say to you: “Let’s rebuild the Temple!” (the “temple” of globalization, egalitarianism, women’s rights, gender equality, moral relativism, etc)’, don’t listen to them. But if the elders say to you, “Let’s Destroy the Temple”, then pay heed to them. Why? Because [being inexperienced] “the building” of the young ones often leads to destruction, while “the Destruction” of the elders often leads to a better construction

  • (76) Using social (political) activism in order to “improve” a sick society? The fever isn’t in the blanket, but rather in the patient! (You can’t make a good sword out of bad iron!)

  • (77) Play it safe! Never embrace any moral [or ethical] principle that dares to deny, undermine, or contradict the Divine natural order [or isn’t directly or indirectly taught by Moses five books of the Law]

  • (78) By means of Creation, the Supreme Power of The Universe provided humanity with clear wisdom and guidance. Thus, we find that the fundamental truths of nature always boil down to simple axioms (Sowing, and reaping; Cause, and effect; Action, and reaction; What goes around, comes around; The tree is known by it’s fruit; All mountains point toward the heavens; To much West, is East; A little bit of water can be refreshing, while too much of it can be harmful, etc). Yet, the goal of atheists, tyrants, opportunistic people, moral relativists, and other anti-nature egalitarians is to over complicate what is clear and simple, in hopes of gaslight you out of objective reality

  • (79) Self praise? Sure foolishness! Why? Because no one can expect to be considered an unbiased judge of himself. Besides, when someone praises himself excessively, people perceive him as attempting to gain their attention (in order to manipulate them and/or impose his opinions)

  • (80) The skunk doesn’t feel his own stench

  • (81) The pig always gravitate towards the mud

  • (82) Don’t waste your time wrestling (struggling) with a pig. You’ll get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

  • (83) Just because some people are fueled by drama, doesn’t mean we have to attend their performance

  • (84) If your actions don’t live up to your words, you have nothing to say

  • (85) In the land of the mad, the fool becomes a celebrated king

  • (86) You cannot wear a crown [of leadership], unless your head is in the right place [don’t be like an ostrich, and get your head out of the hole!]

  • (87) Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind

  • (88) Modern Hebrew religion features great ideas (theology); Modern Christian religion features great words (songs of praise); Modern Muslim religion features great actions (fasting, chastity, humility, and endurance in the face of extreme suffering)

  • (89) Social Justice? Gender ideology? Feminism? Gay Rights? Woke culture?… Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it might be time to pause and reflect. Why? Because Ideological autonomy is the Hallmark of distinctiveness, freedom, and power. And maybe that’s why [being ideologically unique] ancient Israel was not to be “counted” among the nations (having, in a manner of speaking, a different mindset). As it has been said: “… Yes, a people that will dwell alone, and not think itself one of the nations”– Numbers 23:9 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Teclee sobre el boton rojo, a fin de ver y/o descargar una copia gratuita (en formato pdf) de la completa Enciclopedia Del Judeoislanismo

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”- Isaiah 5:20, American Standard Version

A nation with no regard for God’s moral Law (in other words, for God’s Ten Commandments) will have no solid baseline for morality. And, in the end, such nation will get so lost in it’s flawed human reasoning that will no longer be able to tell apart right from wrong; up from down, nor wisdom from foolishness. In fact, it might go as far as having it’s intelligent people banned from speaking, so as not to offend it’s retarded population. Likewise, it might prevent open moral behavior, so as not to offend it’s immoral citizens

A Worm Jew??

Rebuking the Jewish community of ancient times, Hebrew Scripture states the following: “Do not fear, YOU WORM JACOB, YOU MEN OF ISRAEL…”– Isaiah 41:14 (Amplified Bible). Why were rebellious Jews compared to WORMS? Because, as soon as they turned away from God, they would immediately start to feed upon [moral] corruption, [social] decay, and all other sort of filth and degeneracy [just as you would expect from any worm!]

Where does the concept of Hell (the Hebrew “Gehinnom”) come from?

In ancient times, there was a valley near Jerusalem whose Hebrew name was “Gey ben Hinnom”, or “The valley (or hollow) of the sons of Hinnom”. This place is mentioned for the first time in the book of Joshua, when the limits of the tribe of Judah are described (Joshua 15:8). According to 2nd Kings 23:10, and Jeremiah 7:31, those who did not know the God of Israel practiced in this valley one of the deepest forms of immorality. Why? Because they would burn their own children in fire, as a sacrifice to the idol god named “Molech”. 

And the latter was the reason why, in the ancient Hebrew mindset, “Gey ben Hinnom” (abbreviated as, “Gehinnom”) came to be considered an accursed place, and therefore a symbol of the abode of those who are under the Divine curse. 

The fact that Gehinnom was a valley (or “pit”) of death, came to symbolize the grave; and, the fire and the curse of Gehinnom, symbolized the punishment that [after descending to the grave] awaits those who are deserving of God’s wrath. 

Who are understood to be deserving of God’s wrath? Those who sell themselves to kill, to steal, to lie, to defame the innocent, to commit adultery, to fornicate, to embrace immorality, to dishonor their parents, to covet what doesn’t belong to them, to oppress their neighbor, to demand usury, to exalt themselves, to be cruel, haughty, or proud; in short, any man who refuses to keep the Divine moral code porteayed by God’s (ten) commandments. 

As it has been said: “Cursed is he who does not confirm the words of this Law, to fulfill them. And all the people say: “Amen” »-Deut. 27:26. But someone might ask, “don’t we all go down to the grave (Gehinnom)?”; Aren’t we all heading to the same place? In fact, if sacrificing their children condemns the wicked to Gehinnom, should not Avraham (peace be upon him) go down to Gehinnom as well [for having tried to sacrifice his son Isaac]? The answer is “yes”; Avraham (as well as al of his spiritual children) will also be in Gehinnom. 

But, just as being addicted to heroin, isn’t the same as being addicted to our wives and children, In the same way being a resident of Gehinnom [while being “a son of Avraham”] isn’t the same as being a resident of Gehinnom [while being a “son of Korah”]. 

Why? Because the former will abide in joy and peace, resting in the bosom of their father Avraham; while the latter will be in the company of Korah, suffering torment and agony. Thus, though all will “descend” to the valley of Hinnom (the tomb), some will go down to the torment [which they freely chose in life, by following the path of the wicked]; while others will go down to the blessing [which they freely and voluntarily chose by following the path of those who fear God and keep his commandments]. 

This has always been the position of Avraham’s Hebrew faith, as well as of all who (in the past) have preached it. When Samuel told Saul (whom God had already abandoned) that he would “be with him” the next day (1 Samuel 28:19), what he meant was that Saul would also go to Gehinnom, where he would see Samuel resting in the bosom of Avraham; but Saul would observe all this, from the side of the unjust who are in torment. Let us remember that, just as the sinners voluntarily sacrificed his children in the accursed valley of Gehinnom, in the same way, Saul would sacrifice his children; taking them to a place (a battle) that had been cursed by Adonai [the battle that would take place the next day against the Philistines]; a place where he knew there would only be death and destruction. Following this same line of thought, the Scripture says that Adonai burned the inhabitants of Sodom with fire; as intimating that, just as in this life the Sodomites were punished with fire, in the same way they will also be punished after descending to Gehinnom (the grave). Why will they be punished? Well, because, just as the idolaters killed their children in the valley of the children of Hinnom (“Gey ben Hinnom”), in order to satisfy the perverse god Moloch; In the same way the Sodomites had descended into the valley of immorality that is the “Gay” lifestyle, in order to sacrifice their children to the wicked god of lust. Which children? Well, the children they would have fathered had they not chosen the gay lifestyle. As the Hebrew Scripture says: “…what have you done? The voice of THE BLOODS of your brother cries out to me from the earth»- Genesis 4:10. What BLOODS does the Creator refer to? Well, to the souls that could no longer come into the world, through the descendants of Abel! As would any teacher of Ethical Monotheism, Jesus of Nazareth (peace be upon him) taught this very thing. It is that, in his account of the poor and sick Lazarus (Luke 16: 19-31), Jesus mentions that the merciless rich man opened his eyes in Gehinnom, to find himself in torment. Instead, poor pious Lazarus opened them to find himself in Avraham’s peace and rest. They both ended up in Gehinnom; and both were so close to each other, that they could see and talk to one another.

Hebrew Scripture states that there's a time for everything and everyone [including the Jews!]-- a time to love them, and a time to hate them; a time to be at peace with them, and a time to be at war with them

Hebrew Scripture states that everything has it’s own time. As it has been said: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven… A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace”- Ecclesiastes 3:1,&8 (King James Version).
Thus, Scripture teaches that there is a time to love the Jews (“YEA, I HAVE LOVED THEE with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee”- Jeremiah 31:3, King James Version), and a time to hate them (“When GOD HEARD THIS, he was wroth, AND GREATLY ABHORRED ISRAEL”- Psalm 78:59, King James Version).
Likewise, there’s a time to be at peace with the Jews (“… we [the Jews] have sought the Lord our God. WE HAVE SOUGHT HIM, AND HE HAS GIVEN US PEACE ON EVERY SIDE…”- 2 Chronicles 14:7, English Standard Version), and there’s a time to be at war with them (“But THEY [THE JEWS] REBELLED and grieved His Holy Spirit; THEREFORE HE [GOD] TURNED TO BE THEIR ENEMY, AND HIMSELF FOUGHT AGAINST THEM”- Isaiah 63:10, English Standard Version)

How can we know if the religion we currently follow pleases the Creator?

In what sense are most modern versions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam “pagan”? Well, in that “they strain out the mosquito, but swallow the camel”. As it is written: “Woe to you…because you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and leave the most important…. justice, mercy and faith… Blind guides, who strain out the gnat and swallow the camel!”- Matthew 23:23-24. 

In other words, my religion is pagan if it’s emphasis is not upon what matters most to the Creator (that we live the ethical and moral lifestyle that pleases Him), but rather upon what He considers to be of secondary importance (to have “the right theology”, although this doesn’t translate into a life of love and holiness). 

And why does God want us to live an ethical and moral lifestyle [a life of justice and mercy]? Well, because if there’s something the Eternal wants us to glory upon, it isn’t knowing what the identity of the Messiah is, nor in knowing which religious organization has the most precise theology; it is instead to understand that the Most High wants us to embrace a life of justice, mercy, and humility. 

As it is written: “But let him who should praise himself praise himself in this: in understanding me and knowing me, that I am יהוה (Adonai), who do mercy, judgment and justice on earth; because these things I want [men to do], says יהוה ”- Jeremiah 9:24. 

And as it is also said in another place: “O man, He has declared to you what is good, and what does יהוה ask of you? Only to do justice, and to love [to do] mercy, and to humble yourself before your God”- Micah 6:8. 

And finally says, “He judged [with mercy and justice] the cause of the afflicted and needy, and then he was well. Isn’t this knowing me? says יהוה”- Jeremiah 22:16. 

And that the purpose of God’s Law is that we live the ethical and moral lifestyle that arises from our love of God and our neighbor, is also taught in the Christian writings, when they go on to say: «… What is the great commandment in the Law? Jesus told him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind”. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is similar: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the prophets”- Matthew 22:36-40…. 

… “And if I had prophecy, and understood all [theological] mysteries…and I have no love, I am nothing”- 1 Corinthians 13:2… 

… “For: You shall not commit adultery, you shall not kill, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness, you shall not covet, and any other commandment, in this sentence is summed up: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’. Love does not harm the neighbor; therefore, the fulfillment of the Law is love”- Romans 13:9-10… 

… “If you know that He is righteous, know also that everyone who does justice is born of Him”- 1 John 2:29… “In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifested: everyone who does not do justice, and who does not love his brother, is not of God… We know that we have passed from death to life, in that we love the brothers. He who does not love his brother remains in death”- 1 John 3:10 & 14. 

Click the right button in order to watch "The Efficient marriage"-- A great lecture [in Spanish] by Argentinian pastor Salvador Dellutri

The reason why, when it comes to Jewish people, anti-semitism is their greatest blessing!

“Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north, saith the LORD, and I will send unto NEBUCHADREZZAR the king of Babylon, MY SERVANT, and will bring them against this land …”- Jeremiah 25:9 (Jewish Publication Society, 1917 Edition)

King Nebuchadrezzar was the greatest anti-Semite of all times [as he killed and enslaved millions of Jews], yet Jewish Scripture calls him “God’s Servant”.
Why? Because God’s dealings with Israel are different from that of any other nation. As it has been said: “… Lo, it is A PEOPLE THAT SHALL DWELL ALONE, and SHALL NOT BE RECKONED AMONG THE NATIONS”- Numbers 23:9, JPS). And the latter means that, though Gentile nations are easily persuaded to repent, it isn’t so with Israel.
Why? Because Jews are stiffnecked people. As it is written: «And the Lord said unto Moses: “I HAVE SEEN THIS PEOPLE, AND, BEHOLD, IT IS A STIFFNECKED PEOPLE»- Exodus 32:9, JPS). Therefore, though persecution and discrimination are bad for the Gentile nations of the World, they are good for Israel.
Why? Because suffering, persecution, and punishment are God’s way of bringing Jews back to sincere repentance [thereby achieving everlasting life!].
In fact, the former is such an undeniable truth that Jewish tradition foretells that Israel receives it’s greatest blessings only after experiencing suffering, punishment, and chastisement.
As it is been written,
«It is taught that Rabbi Simeon Ben Yohai said: TheHoly One Gave Israel three precious gifts, each of them thru sufferings: 1) Torah, 2) the Land of Israel, and 3) The world to Come.
The proof for Torah?… “Happy is the man whom thou chastenest, O Lord, for thus thou teachest him thy Torah “ (Psalm 94:12)…
The proof for the Land of Israel?… “As a man chastenesth his son, so the Lord thy God chasteneth thee” (Deuteronomy 8:5), followed by: “The Lord thy God bringeth thee into the good Land [the Land of Israel]” (Deut. 8:7) …
And the proof for the World to come?… “The commandment is a lamp, and the teaching is light, and reproofs of Suffering are the way to Life [-to-come]” (Proverbs 6:23)»
– Babylonian Talmud (Berakhot 5a) & En Yaakov
In short, it can be properly said that when a Gentile [rightfully] discriminates against a [morally degenerated] Jew, the former becomes a little version of Nebuchadrezzar– a Servant of God [for the redemption of Jewish people].

Gaza war? Click upon the right button, and watch the one video ruling powers really don't want you to see...

Click the right button, in order to watch the one Muslim story that summarizes the noble Islamic faith

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